Why punish good players with bad teamates?

I have multiple accounts where my SR varies for some reason between 1900 to 2700. The accounts that are below high gold are like this because of people throwing games or playing a role they never play. My question is this as any role if I am carrying the team with multiple gold medals and trying for the win. Why do I get punished for my teammates by losing SR. I have lost hundreds of SR due to no communication from my teammate’s, toxic players and throwers. With very high gold medals even if it was that I lost less SR I would still feel like my work was worth the effort, however, I lose 25-35 SR on a loss even if I did well. On a win I only get 20 so if im not mistaken the system goes for a 50-50 ratio for wins and loses right. So what this means is that the system is made to slowly bring your SR down overall? I have tried everything talking to my teammates letting them use heros they like reporting toxic players and throwers. Nothing is working not even your new 2-2-2 there are people queueing as a role they have never played and dying constantly. Basically throwing games due to no experience as a ____ role.


It’s a team game. It wouldn’t make much sense to reward losing.


Why punish people who stay in the game when someone else leaves it?

Best system ever. Mutual suffering. Really, ask all the fans, there is no possible better way (even though other games deal with this far better, everywhere)


Then don’t all you have to do is take less SR from the people actually trying on the team.

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Stop blaming other people, its a waste of your time.


Thats what performance based SR is for. If you perform better than other players at your skill level you will gain more SR on wins and lose less on losses, this will eventually make you climb IF you are performing better than others at that level. if not… then you will stay there, simple as that. I had that mentality of “oh its always my team, I should be higher on the ladder” and was stuck on low bronze for more than a year. Then I looked at myself, realized I was performing at that level and started looking to improve my gameplay, I stopped caring if each game was a win or a loss and focused on getting better, looking for mistakes and bad plays I was making. And just like that I wasn’t stuck anymore, I’m sitting in gold right now and I’ve been close to plat several times on the last couple seasons and I think I should be able to hit plat soon because I try to keep improving my game instead of blaming my team for it. More people should start looking at the game this way, if you are truly better you will climb.

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Yh i honestly have no idea why this is still a thing or was even a thing to begin with 99% of the time a 5v6 game is unwinable so why give a sr loss to people based off someone else.


There are a few times, I remember one in particular, where a 5v6 was won. The problem is that in the tiny, tiny amount of games that it happens in, it’s still a poor excuse for that 5v6 is just a waste of time.

The problem is, of course, the design of the game is for full teams, and unlike other games when you are down a member, you have next to no chance of winning. Yes, if this were Fornite, your squad of 3 can still outgun a 4 man squad. But Overwatch is pointless with 1 member down.

The design is poor for dealing with this, and it has been poor from day 1. At this point, I just don’t think Blizzard really cares enough to fix it, though. The sad truth is we all put up with the trash way it is dealt with, or we would have left the game by now.

I’m just more put off by the whole rock-headed excuse making by fans of ‘it’s the best it can be’. That’s incorrect.

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to masked language as it is in violation of the Code of Conduct.


They don’t give enough PBSR, that’s the MAIN problem with this game.


Game is garbage matchmaking. If you are good you are automatically placed with garbage teammates because they want to make “even” matches. It’s broken, I am 100% stuck in my rank because of garbage tier teammates, I am close to uninstalling because it’s so bad. Waste of time and my skill these trash teams that don’t listen or communicate.


Nope. Matchmaker tries to find 12 people with the same MMR. No forced losses… No trying to bring you down. If you think your teammates are all garbage, then you should probably get someone to review your vods.

Check the myths:

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Vurg is right.

Everyone makes mistakes. Your team mates make mistakes and you make mistakes. More importantly, your enemy make mistakes.

If you notice your team mate’s mistakes that’s good, you can at least identify mistakes. If you don’t notice your own mistakes then it’s a problem. You can’t improve if you don’t know what to fix. If you don’t notice the enemy mistakes that’s a huge problem. It means you don’t know how to beat your enemy. If you don’t know how to beat your enemy, who are at pretty much the same MMR/SR as you and your team, why should you be climbing?


The problem with ‘performance’-based SR is that you can fall just as much as you gain anyway.

If you have a rough game where the enemy Widow is just demolishing your team, and you get steam-rolled in 4 minutes…then you try to defend and again that Widow is just doing work, wouldnt that mean the game says “oh you must be trash based on that game performance, so you lose 75 SR”?

We’ve all had bad games before.


Yeah we all believe you…

Your teammates are all within a range of your SR or else it doesn’t match you. No matter how garbage you think your teammates are, you could probably watch the replay and see your errors, as well as how the enemy team capitalized on the mistakes made by all 6 of you. That’s the best way to improve, but even at grandmaster you’re still going to feel like lost games are with trash teammates…

…because your attitude sucks.


Unless youre support where you are dragged down by dogcrap teammates more than a tank or dps. Here comes Jex with some stupid crap again

I’m sorry buddy, but when your teammates drag you down the whole time and the only thing you get are losses, then he won’t look at himself and think “oh yeah, maybe its me thats causing the losses” when all he probably does is carrying his team like some adventurer on drugs. You can only do so much for your team before you get overwhelmed. And you don’t lose less because you do well, after some time the game decides to troll you and you lose in 2 games what you won over 4 or 5. That is nowhere near fair.

Please stop acting like the SR/MMR system is any fair, its not, its needing fixes since back in Season 4 and 5.


Soccer is also a team game but if a team consists of 10 garbage players and 1 great player guess what, better teams still come to take over the great player so he can actually play with others that are on the same level as him.

spoiler: you are matched with people of similar skill level

Why do they not know what grouping or trickling is then?

Have a lower MMR so you get placed with better teammates and win, easy peasy