Why punish good players with bad teamates?

Well then how was I not dragged down through almost 3 ranks now, while playing almost exclusively support and occasionally flexing to tank?
How did I manage to climb from <500 to 2400+? By your logic I should still be on bronze, maybe silver with some luck.

Too many alt and smurf accounts exists to take away punishment for leavers. Two players could queue—one on their main, one on their alt—and if a game is going badly, the alt can leave. The main won’t lose SR, and the alt doesn’t care because it’s an alt account.

Why punish good players with bad teamates?

To keep players on ‘the hamster wheel’ that Blizzard/Activision models most of it’s multiplayer games after. WoW? Hamster wheel. OW? Hamster wheel. D3? Hamster wheel. SC/WC? Hamster wheel. CoD? Hamster wheel. Destiny? Hamster wheel.

Keep players on that wheel. “Oh, someone wants an arbitrary number from a flawed system of our own design to go higher? Hamster wheel!”


This post is sponsored by Hammond.


If you play with randoms, the outcome is random.

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The MMR system targets a 50% team win rate.

If you are higher ranked, then your team generally has someone lower ranked.

This is called handicapping.

Previously you would get a SR adjustment upwards if you played really well, but this doesn’t exist in higher ranks.

It is a real problem in OCE games, because the MMR skill rating differs more.

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This post made me smile a bit :smile: Big boys from Gold game have told me that Gold players are even worst than my rank players ( i play in bronze ) bcoz gold players think that they are good, but obv they are not. Even your Sr gain / lose amount is saying that you either are bad at this game or you are playing wrong at hero which you picked, bcoz if you play like above average Gold player you should get more Sr from win and lose less Sr from defeat. You probably should shake up a bit your hero pool and think which hero you are actually good at and ignore if your teammate is " bad" and just focus to your own game play.

If you’re talking to me I’m from masters?

You can carry in lower tiers.

I played around 11 games recently and won 10 on a gold account.

When you play higher ranked games closer to your skill level where you don’t get individual performance boost SR then it’s much harder to rank up, especially on OCE.

not always the case. multiple occasions i’ve had players just running around the spawn room the entire match, the rest of us actually trying to play the game are now being punished with SR loss because of this one or 2 individual(s) the system is not designed to keep these variables into consideration, Blizzard has it programmed to assume all players are actually following how the game was designed to run

Everytime 6 people win 6 have to lose.

It’s a good way to get around not having to actually balance the game from a game-design standpoint.

Instead, you balance the matches by rigging them and call it “balanced matchmaking”. Oh yeah… ALL SKILL. ITS ALL YOU.
This is how Activition thinks. They’re lazy. They’re corporate.
Get used to it. The real Blizzard (StarCraft, Warcraft III, etc) is DEAD.

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Ok so you get one game with a thrower. Dont act like its every game. We both know its not. If anything the enemy team is more likely to have throwers. If you are good you will climb, no argument against it.

I know your pain all too well hugs

I as a level 1700+ Mercy Main that has played in literally all Seasons, try my hardest every game yet see the same occurrences you have as well, my only success has been in a duo, solo queue is never the way to go, out of my 10 placement matches as tank and healer, I’ve witnessed 3 trolls so far, but 2-2-2 has only just started, can’t say for sure if this will get better or worse

although my theories and worries have basically been correct with accordance with the 2-2-2 method, where say you have someone who doesn’t play that role correctly because they just chose it to practice, they can’t switch off the role even if they are doing terribly, so flexing is totally out the window to help them switch off the said role, there are so many flaws still to deal with that’s becoming an issue with 2-2-2 in general although I agree with the idea of not having 5dps while I solo heal as I always say, a solution always comes with lots of issues that may or may not have exploits or negative consequences

I sympathize, I really do. I’ve lost multiple games today because no matter how hard I play I can’t compensate for teammates who trickle endlessly on koth maps, for example, and those losses feel pretty bad. But SOMEone is winning games at your rank even with garbage tier players all over the place. This time the garbage players are on your team, but they’re just as likely to end up on the other team next time. Only thing I can say is to throw out the idea that you NEED to win, and just play your best, try to have fun, and work on improving your own play.

It would be nice if the SR at the end of the match took into consideration the medals earned by each player on the team. So if there was a garbage team of 5 players, but the 6th guy worked his butt off and earned 4 gold and 1 silver during their loss, then that guy should have his SR not drop nearly as much as the guys who didn’t earn a single medal for any category. This is what drives me nuts about the matchmaking system. Good players need to be compensated for the inconsistent matchmaking algorithm, and balancing the SR reward based on medals earned would go a long way because more people would start trying.

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That IS how it works, at least below like Diamond. I just lost a game on Widow where I popped tf off, had gold damage over our Bastion, and my team just couldn’t follow through. I lost… 11 SR.

The reason you may have lost less SR is because there’s the possibility that the opposing team had a higher combined SR than your team and you were “expected” to lose. The same way if you would have won you might have been rewarded with more SR than usual. I appreciate the reply but it sounds like more speculation than actually knowing for a fact that Blizzard designed the SR reward system with medals in mind.

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You don’t, your team does. Why do you imagine that your teammates are worse than you? Maybe your SR fluctuates greatly because you tilt easily, or have an attitude that causes you to give up if your team doesn’t do what you want?

Medals mean nothing. In fact, they should be removed from the game during a match, and replaced with the ability to review statistics after the match is completed. They should probably remove cards at the end of the match too. Mostly these are tools used by toxic people to blame their teammates for losing.

You are mistaken. It simply tries to make the match have 12 people with the same MMR.


PBSR is based on your performance relative to other people playing that hero in your rank, not relative to the people in your match. You gain more SR on a win where you outperformed other people in your rank, and you lose more SR when you underperformed. Also, in the case when they weren’t able to find 12 people that were perfectly even on MMR, you gain more SR when the other team had an MMR advantage over you and you won, and lose more SR when you had an advantage but still lost.

There may be turmoil as people return to the game, or play placements with inaccurate MMR values, but this happens at the beginning and end of every season. It’s not Role Queue’s fault for people having inaccurate MMR, in fact, it’s solving the Flex problem where people play better on X role, and maybe their SR / MMR reflect that excellence, but when they are required to flex to a role they’re not as good at. The off-role but same MMR / SR problem is more significant than we were able to see before. Back then, we just blamed it on the 3 DPS players, or the DPS Moira, or NAME ANY OTHER SCAPEGOAT. Now, it’s 2-2-2 every game, so you can’t blame someone for picking “the wrong role” according to whomever is being toxic and demanding other people switch.


Vurg, thanks for all the links, especially while I was afk. Please see the updated version at How Competitive Matchmaking and Rating Works (Season 18).

that’s the issue, it’s not “just one game” it’s consistently happening, I have off days as well, but I try and keep it together, and constantly communicate openings etc to the team, or at least to the few that are actually listening to team chat. Am I a pro? absolutely not, but it’d be nice to know your team actually has a shot at taking a win instead of trying in the middle of a prolonged downward spiral

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