Why Mercy Should be Reverted

I cant speak for everyone, but in my case its mostly because new mercy is boring af to play as. The new ult doesnt feel very impactful at all to me. Getting off a clutch rez for the team used to feel fantastic. It was a hit or miss ult that you had to time just right to get better results, similar to pharah’s.

Also, I feel like blizz is nerfing her healing to try and skirt around the real problem, which is rezz being on a cooldown. I feel like it was way easier to balance when it was an ult than what we have now.

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I think its fair to say the game went downhill after the rework.

It all stemmed from mass rez.


If it was mass rez that caused the issue then she would have been considered fine and balanced as soon as the rework went through, maybe with one or two small changes afterwards. Instead we had 10+ changes. No, it wasnt the mass rez that caused the issues, it was the rework.

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This is objectively false.


There has never been a version of Mass-Resurrect Mercy that surpassed D-tier. What are you talking about?


Easier to balance but has not been good ever how would you balance old mercy to be decent on higher ranks too? Cause if that happens i would get a hard time if someone locks in mercy at my rank unless its pharmercy.

I think taking big risks, like using an ability that gets stronger the more people lose, would make the game more unique and fun, in my opinion. Instead of removing mass rez, changes could make hiding and rezzing less effective (like reducing the range of Guardian Angel, forcing Mercy to stay with her team).

I honestly second this motion.

I’m confused. Do you think the new mercy is more powerful now?

If not, then wouldnt it be a good thing to do a revert so that when you do see her she will be more powerful? She can always be buffed later if necessary. Like I said, her resurrect is easier to tweak as an ultimate than it is a cooldown.

I can understand if you think mercy is lame or a niche pick, but mercy mains are always going to exist, and if you had to have one stuck on your team with you I think you would like her in her (closest to) balanced state rather than the version we have now.

And I don’t think anyone wants the op as heck version we had right after the revert either.

Yeah i would like a balanced mercy on my team if i had the choice sure but pre rework mercy is not balanced. Her current state i can’t really comment on i dont know if faster valk and more healing in valk did much for her viability just have not played much last 10 days.

Easy. Take power away from mass-Resurrect and redistribute it by adding an E ability to Mercy’s kit.

This is coming from someone who played at the aforementioned ranks for two seasons prior to the rework.


What are you implying here i am not following you here?

It highlights the fact that I have knowledge and experience of the very phenomenon you are expressing concerns about. It also indicates that I have some personal obligation to correct that imbalance.

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I play since season 1 i dare say i have seen what the meta was in every season and mercy was not in it before the rework. She was meta before Ana arrived but we did not have much choice now did we with her being the only mainheal still.

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I think Titanium was trying to say they played her at higher ranks before the revert too in their original response.

Also, they were trying to put through a balance suggestion that may work to buff her into balance if she was reverted.

Maybe this clears things up?

I think if she gets reverted an E could help but what would it be than?

I’m well aware.

Actually, I don’t even think that was the case. The meta, as I recall, was Lucio/Zenyatta prior to Ana’s introduction.


Are you asking for a single solidified idea, or are you asking for a multitude of varying ideas?

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Well more options never hurt anyone but what what do you think would be best from those options if you have multiple and why? EDIT: will read it later found out its almost 4 and have to work in 4 hours :stuck_out_tongue:

You’ll need to do some reading then. :sweat_smile:

The “solidified” idea I was referring to is the one I posted in this thread. I refer to it as the “most solidified one” because it was the most-approved choice among the people who participated in The Drawing Board; a Google Document created and shared among about 40 Mercy mains to come up with and discuss ideas to create our ideal Mercy rework. After about a two-month period of adding and criticizing ideas, we brought it down to a vote, and in the basic ability section, this idea was the one that we collectively decided was the best.

To post it here…

"New Basic Ability - Pacify:

  • After a .5 second wind-up, Mercy launches a single hitscan attack from her left hand.
  • The projectile’s hitbox size resembles that of Symmetra’s secondary fire.
  • The projectile deals no damage upon impact with an enemy. Instead, it applies a debuff that reduces the base damage dealt by the target by 33%. 100 damage is reduced to 67 damage before other damage amplifiers/reductions are factored in.
  • This debuff lasts for 4 seconds.
  • The projectile does not persist once it hits an enemy. It is only able to affect one enemy for each use.
  • The projectile is blocked by barriers, Defense Matrix, and Particle Barriers. It can be deflected by Genji’s Deflect ability.
  • 10 second cooldown. The cooldown begins after the ability is cast.
  • There is a .25 second wind-down time after Pacify is launched.
  • During the wind-up and wind-down times, Mercy is not able to use her staff, her pistol, or Resurrect. She may use Guardian Angel, however.
  • Does not affect non-player entities and constructs (turrets, Rip-Tire, Supercharger, etc).

This ability came with some concept art:

This ability functions similarly to Ana’s Sleep Dart in its cast, but the projectiles and effects are very different. Because Mercy is supposed to have a low skill floor, the hitscan weapon type and large hitbox make the ability mechanically forgiving. As a result, Pacify’s 33% damage decrease for 4 seconds is less effective than Sleep Dart’s disable for up to 5.5 seconds.

That said, Pacify still has a lot of playmaking potential when mastered. For example, when used on a target that has been Nano-Boosted or Supercharged, the damage increase that Nano-Boost/Supercharger has on that target is completely negated for the next 4 seconds (100 DPS -%33 = 67 DPS + 50% = 100 DPS).

Pacify also drops Widowmaker, Hanzo, and Pharah’s weapon damage below the 2-shot (body shot) range for 200 HP heroes. If used at the right time, it can potentially save an ally’s life."

While I fully support the above ability proposal (which wasn’t my idea, I should note), I personally would like to see a cleanse ability or a form of anti-CC added to Mercy’s kit as a basic ability. We have an abundance of CC in the game right now, and only 3 abilities total (two of which can only be cast on themselves) that can reliably protect against CC. A cleanse or anti-CC would fit Mercy well, and it could provide some relief from some of the abilities that players hate being affected by.

Personally, I would like the cleanse/anti-CC to have either a mechanical skill requirement to it, even if small, or I would like it to require a level of prediction to use it effectively. I don’t want it to be simply a reactive auto-target ability.

Some other ideas I’ve seen thrown around that I could get behind are a single-target burst heal, a fire-and-forget heal over time, a modification to the functionality of Mercy’s beams and pistol (would require pros and cons for each version to prevent one from being better in nearly all situations), and a reduction to the damage taken by an ally. Some of these ideas can be crossed to create hybrids.


I dont think so, as a big Zen player in the beginning i remember how not meta he was :stuck_out_tongue: everyone called him useless back in the days. It was 100 percent Lucio/Mercy.

Because people love the characters. If your favorite character became not impactful or boring, would you not try to suggest changes too? Sure, you can play other heros, but why should people abandon their favorite character when their favorite character became not impactful and boring.

I see where you are going with the “play other hero”. Like personally, I don’t find playing main tank impactful or enjoyable, so I play other characters, like you suggested. But main tanks are not my favorite heros.

On the contrary, I like playing Ana, and when she got nerfed to the ground, she was quite useless especially during the mercy meta. I played other heros during that many months, but I still wanted blizzard to change/buff Ana so that she is playable again.