Sigh I really want to see the games you people play
She does not struggle to keep teams alive
The situations where she’s struggling are when your DPS or Tank getting focus fired by the entire team and the enemy is good at hitting/your team is bad at evading
Something that’s always been true for her since inception
At worst she struggles to keep a team of 3 tanks alive when solo healing
again, this isn’t only my view. blizzard has stated that they had several rework ideas for her and could very easily host a sort of vote if you will. I understand everyone won’t be happy when you change a hero, but I also don’t think everyone should feel estranged if that hero is changed too much
If I remember right, those comments usually centered around “We think mercy is balanced so she wont’ be getting changed,” generally followed in the next week or two by a nerf, even though the Mercy community’s issue with Mercy wasn’t balance to begin with.
I also remember, back when the devs had public forum profiles, that none of them had read even close to the amount of replies of the Mercy Megathread, despite them insisting that they were.
and I understand she doesn’t exceed at healing tanks. but its easy to get frusted because other “main healers” have utility to at least try and save them, mercy just kinda has to hope for the best
and she has been changed drastically, over 14 nerfs, she’s def not the hero she once was
They also said that they are satisfied with the current Mercy and think she doesn’t need a rework/revert anymore.
Did they handled her rework good?
But is she unbalanced and unviable atm?
Also no.
But I do think she could benefit from a few very small numeric changes, but that’s it.
A vote system for a rework or for balance changes will never happen.
Her core kit stayed the same, despite receiving numeric changes, and she only got a new ability and a new ultimate with the rework. Her playstyle is still the same as pre-rework with a few additions.
yes they are utility, but they are are unconventional utility. she has to stop healing for them. and they are more useful out of combat but lets be honest, everyone would rather have team fight impact than out of combat. and im not saying they aren’t impactful in combat, im just saying you shouldn’t feel pressured to use helpful utility in fear of your team dying
She’s received two significant buffs in the last few months and an undocumented boost with the removal of slowdown on rez during Valkyrie. Doesnt seem like bad treatment at all, imo.
Also, no…not everyone wants changes to Mercy to make everyone happy. Some of the more vocal folks want a revert, nothing more, nothing less. Some want changes that appeal to them regardless of what others want
More like one of the most impactful things in the game, the only counter to ult spam, replaced with a self CC that is completely dependent on the enemy team ignoring you.
He was replying to a different Mercy main who was asking uf Mercy could be tweaked to be more fun. I remember him also stating the dev team considered Mercy to be pretty balanced from a bit before that, but i can’t find it.
I’m just saying, they read you guys’ posts.
True, but at the same time, if you (not necessarily you, OP) need mass rez to love Mercy, well thats jusy not going to happen.
please don’t refer to the Valk and Valk healing changes as buffs, they weren’t, they didn’t go past her original Valk state.
and yeah the slowdown on Rez was nice, but it doesn’t change the core problems with it
The faster you get your rez off the faster you can go back to healing
The faster you can turn the tide of the fight back in your favor the faster you can win
Likewise the more damage your team does the less healing they need
Her utility is critical during the middle of a fight and if all you can do is be focused on people’s HP and not getting allies back up or damage boosting key targets that’s just simply an issue with your playstyle not the hero
If a team makes the decision to dedicate a large portion of their ults to ensure they win a fight
They should win it.
I don’t think a single kit should “undo” that achieved outcome- and feel the entire concept of one being able to is the literal definition of unbalanced.
The “cost” of “ult spam”, is the loss of ults. You just forfeited a huge chunk of your power for a single push.
I’d be interested in reading about this, as I haven’t heard such statements myself. Do you have a link, by chance?
They haven’t to the best of my knowledge done so. One wonders why they haven’t if they are truly searching for ideas on Mercy changes…which btw are available in bulk quantity on these forums
wdym the faster you can get your Rez off?
and, again, I am fully aware of her impact in team fights, im just saying that her utility just isn’t as impactful because she has to choose
it puts too much pressure on mercy with very little payoff
You’re crazy. This is part of why Gravdragon/Double Sniper were a thing, because nothing can stop teams from just throwing all of their ultimates at once.
One kit might not be the right answer to counter four ultimates, but when you consider there’s only ever been 3 defensive ultimates in the game at a time and 19 that can directly lead to a won fight by themselves, it doesn’t look nearly as good.
I find it odd that the significant buffs she received fairly recently are not mentioned here at all…but I will say that the nerfs got her in no small part to her current excellent state, so I can say without blushing that these ultimately were good for thus character