Why Mercy players are very unsatisfied with her current state

before y’all get all mad at me again, these are complaints I’ve heard from several mercy mains (big and small) as well as personal experiences.
and since this matters so much to y’all bc you think every mercy player wants mass Rez back…I don’t. I prefer Valk
i want you guys to realize that you are denouncing what mercy players think by passing them off as feelings and not facts. when i hope you realize that feelings drive a discussion, not facts. facts back up feelings, and both sides are using feelings to make points, so please don’t harass mercy players in the comments by talking about feelings.

hi there! I told myself I was going to get involved with this because of the negative connotations around Mercy mains and how they have no skill or can’t aim and they are whiny, etc. but I want to put my two cents out gracefully and civilly so maybe both sides can come to an understanding as to why Mercy players are still upset. (and hopefully a dev will see this and see how a good portion of their community feels)
so let me address one thing:
Mass Rez Mercy (in her previous state) wasn’t the healthiest thing for the game. Old Rez was very annoying and very easy to pull off and, while they were very rare, despite popular beliefs, 5 man rezes were very disheartening. Yes, as a Mercy main, I agree old Mercy was very frustrating, even though she was meant to be, but we’ll address that later, and she needed some changes.
We are upset because Mercy had such a drastic rework when the game was still young
The reason so many players want Mass Rez back is because of how fast it was ripped away, without having changes added to it first (like a LOS requirement, or a charge time). Mass Rez was just stripped away and was replaced with a very under tested, and unbalanced rework. Mercy mains, and non Mercy Mains alike, saw the storm of upcoming nerfs that she would receive before she left the ptr. And devs really didn’t do anything about it. She hit live and was absolutely destroyed by nerfs. 14 nerfs in a row, and that doesn’t feel good to have your hero constantly changed and nerfed all because people won’t listen to you. And I’m not putting blame on the devs, it’s their game and they can do what they want with it. I am, however, disappointed. Disappointed that they don’t look at some of the amazing ideas for changes or buffs to help make Mercy just a tad more enjoyable. I’m disappointed that they don’t see how nerfing a character 14 times straight isn’t okay. I’m disappointed that they’d rather put so much revenue into OWL than the actual game. Overwatch is becoming a game of absolute power and heal creep and now, since Mercy struggles in both categories, with a sluggish “burst heal” and subpar healing, she’s breaking the number one rule of gaming: she isn’t fun. Mercy players aren’t having fun. That’s why they are so upset. Because they aren’t having fun and noone really cares.
So next time, before you get so angry at a Mercy player for voicing their discomfort, I want you to take into consideration that they just want to have fun, like you. They want to be treated like humans, they want to be included when developers talk on here, they don’t want to feel ignored.


Not all unhappy Mercy players fit the flowery description supplied here.

Unhappy Mercy mains aren’t being ignored, but many of them choose to ignore answers they don’t like

Not all unhappy Mercy players are unhappy for the same reason(s)

Not all unhappy Mercy players voice their concerns in a reasonable manner


But a good amount of now ex mercy mains still are.

But it wasn’t removing MultiRez which made me leave. It was how she was balanced internally afterwards.


Don’t know if you are responding to me or the op, rw

It was you, and kinda OP.

I understand what they were trying for, but they totally messed up the rework. We know we don’t agree on it :slight_smile:


Right…to me, the removal of Mass rez was one of the best changes made in the game


That IS true, only the sym rework(s) was bigger, and effected fewer people.

Never been a sym player so I can’t speak to that well

If you want your voice heard dont use the forums, there has been countless Mercy posts here for years that just get locked or ignored.

Use whatever other social media they have for the game.


im aware. part of me is just hoping I won’t get flagged and maybe I can start a healthy discussion.

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Yeah, 'cus vomiting out a massive, unformatted wall of text comprised entirely of demented ranting is sure to make people more sympathetic toward us Mercy mains.

Thanks, mate. I love it when people make my job harder.


As a mercy player, I am satisfied with her current state


the complete removal of the ability actually wasn’t the best change imo. it opened up no room for discussion or change it just, went away.

:heart: Mercy mains

I’d say Mercy is at least as hard as Winston and Rein, much harder than either of them for me. Oh, and of course Mercy has to aim, she has a pistol.

They definitely saw them, the devs responded multiple times to Mercy mains’ asking how they feel about Mercy. I almost never see this for other heroes.

I think Baptiste also reflects some of what Mercy mains were asking for in a new support. Burst healing, and I mean, just look at immortality field. Plus no cooldowns on his mobility.


can you link me to some dev responses please? I must have missed them and would like to read what they had to say.
as for mercy ideas on Baptiste, that’s great and all, but we wanted them on mercy

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And yet is she as good as balanced.
She’s still a viable pick.

They are being treated as humans.
And they have never been ignored, especially by the developers.

Fun is subjective.

Some may not like the current Mercy, which is fine, but some do.
And if some don’t like playing Mercy, then what’s stopping them to swap heroes?

Let those who do enjoy the current Mercy keep the current Mercy.

Why should Blizzard change a hero who already is pretty statistically balanced and being enjoyed by some players, just to make Mercy enjoyable for some other players? That’s selfish.


I get where you are coming from, and fun is subjective, but telling someone to swap to another hero bc they don’t like their current state isn’t okay. We fell in love with a hero who hasn’t been treated the best recently and we just want changes that will make everyone happy


A Mercy thread on the forums will never not be flagged nor will it stay at a level where the discussion is civil. That’s why I stopped making them, there’s really no use to it anymore. I’m waiting for the anti crowd to invade this, prepare for “Mercy isn’t gonna get reverted, Mass Rez isn’t coming back” because that’ll come soon enough.


and im also very aware she’s balanced and healthy, but that doesn’t necessarily mean okay. She still struggles to keep teams alive with only 50hps and a sluggish Rez that breaks her flow of combat really isn’t that productive


This is an unrealistic wish.

  • There are players who dislike Mercy 2.0 and want mercy 1.0.
  • There are players who dislike Mercy 2.0 and want Mercy 3.0.
  • There are players who like Mercy 2.0 and don’t want mercy 1.0 or Mercy 3.0.

You can’t satisfy all of them.

This is why balancing based only on feelings is a bad way of balancing.

This is why I suggested to swap heroes if you don’t find enjoyment in that hero anymore.

Asking for developers to change that hero to be more enjoyable for you despite it being a hero who is being enjoyed by some and already is a viable balanced character is extremely selfish in my opinion.