Why Mercy mains are silent?

The issue is this wasn’t the original question.

The original question was during the betas, being: “Can we change GA to make it more accessible?”

And the Mercy answer was unanimously “Please don’t touch the actual movement, add UI elements to inform players.”

Then they changed her movement. They buffed it, meaning once flankers were toned-down they had to nerf Mercy. Many Mercy’s acknowledged this and said “Sure, pocketing’s not fun so you can nerf Damage Boost or Rez. Just don’t mess up her movement flow.”

And then they messed up her movement flow.


I think they are tired of “just adapt to the changes again” even if this is one of the easiest to sit back into.

It wasn’t until the other day when my irl friend called me out for playing so much Mercy. Not because I play her too much, but because she has been the most changed in the history of OW. And I’m still loving what she brings. She was kissed by an MMO healer, and that’s all I needed.

And not everyone feels that way about her changes, or many iterations of her kit /:


Current Mercy feels good to me. Similar to preseason 3 Mercy, but there’s another knob to show skill (when to just use normal GA vs using one of her jump techniques) which can help differentiate mercy’s of different skill levels. Having regen on Valk and keeping shorting GA CD during valk even with the techniques is also nice.

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A lot of factors are at work. First off if you take a foot and give back an inch people think they “won”, even if they still lost 11 inches. Secondly support is one of the least played roles in the game, and Mercy players a fraction of a fraction there.

Simply put there were never many mercy players, add to that the only ones really affected by the new change are those who make frequent use of Super jump and sling shot maneuvers, not something most Mercy players are very good at doing.

Simply put the player base really affected by this change are tiny and any voices they have would be ignored. Heck even when the entire mercy community spoke up about the change to Rez ages ago, it was shuffled to a mega thread and ignored.

I think it’s apathy more than anything. People still playing the game just swallow what ever nerfs or buffs come their way because they know the dev’s never really listen.


I’ll admit it. It was very frustrating and annoying going from 1.5s on GA after 6 years to 2.5s, and now 3.0s. But I honestly believe this current iteration of Mercy is the closest the devs have ever been, to finding a decent compromise for both sides.

As it stands currently, Mercy’s hyper mobility is pretty much allowed for 15 seconds. The trade off is that you have to use your ult, which is something that takes time to build.

I won’t sit here and act like her balance state is perfect, but I think the devs are finally getting there with Mercy. Hopefully they’re close to settling on her final movement changes, so they don’t have to keep rocking the boat any further.


I agree with probably 100%, but we both know it only takes one patch where they weaken someone, and that weakened someone says “Mercy is unkillable” and the whole cycle starts again.

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I’m not a main, but I play her and was mad about the ga nerf. I understand we need to be killable. The GA feels much better to me. Perhaps it’s a good compromise. I wouldn’t mind seeing more reduction in cool down time though, but I understand it needs to be balanced.


As with all of her past changes, I had my issues in the early phase of it, voiced them in the hopes it might make a difference, then just got on with her as she was, to see how far I could push Mercy in her current state.

That said, I don’t mind her as she is now.

I’m not dying more, in fact my death-per-10 min is on its way to falling into the 2s. My healing is about the same. My resurrects are about the same. And I still have a lot of fun with her movement.

IMHO, the only real issue with Mercy is just how no one can agree on what they want to change about her and how. In that regard I’m in the camp that I would just like the Devs to leave her alone and move on to other things. Stop fixing what isn’t broken…IMHO.

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I just give up. I’m tired of writing comments explaining things for no reason.


Maybe because we give up?

If no one is listening, I’ll shut up.


We’re too busy trying to main Lifeweaver


In what way is she better what

Who does mini ga’s often enough for it to be worth the nerfs

I’ve asked that question myself dozens of times and like +90% of the responses were basically “revert or nothing”.

I’m just seeing less Mercy in my games overall.

Look we’ve been shouting at a wall for years. Critiquing, proposing alternatives, sharing experiences, etc. But they sledgehammer our hero the first instant that people who aren’t Mercy players complain about her, and ignore any possible suggestion as to compromises that would make Mercy more skillful, more rewarding and more fun to play against.

Blizzard simply doesn’t want us to enjoy this hero, and lo. We have stopped enjoying this hero.


I have already accepted that it is a losing battle, adapt and that’s it.


Mercy? That old busted crone? Trollweaver is the new forum hotness.

What’s the point of saying anything when the dev team is deaf?


I guess I am, if I want to play Mercy I don’t have the choice.

No the big problem, the MASSIVE problem is this stupid mathmaking, the stupid rank up system with no information, this huge problem they want a 50% win rate for every heroes, and now since days I’m stuck against better teams with bad teammates, last rank up 5 wins for 13 losses so I lost two ranks, could it be easier for the next 5 games series then, but noooo, now I have 1 win for 10 losses OMG, this never happened, especially after a derank. Now I just want to uninstall this great game rotten by a stupid ranking system !

And you now what ? I was so eager to rank up for good that I decided to main a more aggressive character until I rank up, this was a failed and a mistake. So I now main Mercy whatever happens in the game, I don’t care anymore. Win rate is dropping, mission complete Blizzard. We also now have too many different heroes (37 OMG ! And 38 next month !) to have a good balance between them, plus this toxic and invisible ranking system just to keep players even more in the game. And now I just want to quit, new mission complete Blizzard.

Why do you hate us Blizzard ?

I wish Brig mains were as vocal as Mercy mains


I stay away from making “Mercy” threads, cause there is way to many people, who love to harrass us.