Why Mercy mains are silent?

You just prooved their point


Moira mains kidnapped them all and locked them in the lab to experiment for the next Mercy changes


That’s not the story of the last blastered Moiras I saw :thinking:

Because the Mercy community has clearly stated what they want (mobility), and non-Mercy players have clearly stated what they don’t want (damage boost + Rez).

The solution is rather unanimous.

Asking for the Mercy community to come up with a solution to fix her that doesn’t include the return of her mobility thresholds is like asking a fisherman the best time to catch fish, but forbid him the answers of sunup or sundown.


As far as I know, other mercy mains don’t even have a problem with DB/rez rework. It’s just that Blizzard screwed both sides for some reason.


More like why aren’t Mercy players coming up with a wide variety of ideas like this.

[OW2] Make Mercy Wider + 1.5sec GA

Not a main, but I was very vocal. The problem is double edged. On one end you have people that are absolutely against discussion of any kind, good or bad. It’s either “nerf mercy into the ground” or “full revert no stop” or sometimes the very, very weird people that think that Mercy 1.0 is somehow better than any later version of Mercy.

EDIT: On the other, when people do get together to talk about it, and people agree that a good idea for a rework or buff/nerf tradeoff, it doesn’t feel like the people in charge (the dev team) are on the same page at all an make a change literally no one likes.

It gets tiring. If you want a frank discussion you’re not gonna win. Your suggestions will invariably met with people on both sides of the table that might make her better in one spot with tradeoffs or make her worse but still have viability in another direction shout you down. I give up.

Probably because Mercy players have put a lot of effort into similar things before (as I mentioned above), and the devs decided to do the complete opposite.

Mercy players are on the defensive, because proposing forward ideas has yielded less than nothing.


That was 5 years ago…

I see no point in it.
I can play other characters but all criticism here is received by trolls.
The dev decision changes not depending on what is said here.
No matter if she is fun/unfun balance/unbalance there will be people blaming others all the time.
The game direction is not promising and some have little hopes, also I understand if we will have to adapt 20 times in the next year again to new “ideas”.
the list goes on…

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I’m talking about the beta. Mercy players pushed for new UI and fluency proposals that went nowhere.

And people have been talking about damage boost for years. It hasn’t stopped, it’s only slowed because Mercy players have repeated their ideas for so long and nothing’s came of it.

Mercy main had a lot of discussion in both S3 and S4. It’s not even “full revert no stop”. People were talking a lot about reducing HP, DB/rez rework, revert to OW1 GA, what can DB/rez be replaced with, etc.

What did they get?
“Boohoo mercy AFK hero crying”

I’m not surprised that people were tired of trying to have a civil discussion


I’m aware of the beta stuff, considering I “guessed” nearly the specific implementation method they used. Including reverse GA.

And notably Skiesti actually had a really well formatted post on the subject.

But for real, +95% of that was stream of consciousness poorly formatted walls of text ending in “therefore revert”.

The problem for me, is that most of that was specifically me posting those ideas.

And I’m kinda upset how apathetic Mercy players are about doing the mental legwork to figure stuff out.

I.e. Emotionally diligent, but lazy on the technical implementation methods.

And “Do something with Rez, or Damage boost maybe, you figure it out” is…lazy.

I’m not saying that they should not be coming up with an idea.

But to be fair, from every discussion for every hero I’ve read. Blizzard probably doesn’t care about our (OW players) idea anyway.

I still maintain that Mercy should dual wield. Staff in left hand, blaster in right. It’s for the best. Trust me.


The thing is though, the devs have explicitly stated that they want feelings, not solutions.

Community solutions are often really bad, or miss a vital component. This is unanimous across heroes. But what the devs CAN work with is feelings and general directions. That is what they want, and what many Mercy players have been trying to provide.


I basically haven’t played mercy, or any other support besides Lucio for more than 8-10 hours on average, but I can say, ga should just be reverted all the way back to ow1, where it was actually difficult to do her techs and actually required some brain power to live with and enjoy playing. Not only did they make the character so easy with the new ow2 ga that even I, a Lucio one trick, can do it with ease, but they basically took the part of Mercy with the highest skill ceiling the easiest part about the hero now.

I genuinely feel bad for Mercy players, old, new, gm, bronze, and casuals. The things that made the character fun and challenging were removed, and crazy good Mercy players are objectively not as good now technically because the character was made easier, it also makes new players not be able to experience the wonder and excitement of decovering these techs too.

Everything special about characters are being changed or easier, I can’t wait for blizzard to make it so Lucio auto wall rides because that is basically what a change like they did to Mercy would be like on Lucio, it takes away half of the techs and skill that the hero has, which is plain unfair for everybody.


How much information on this topic have we gone through already?
When the big change happened to Ga, which this was after years of talking about her discussion and her design. Yet during that time, the forums were absolutely flooded for weeks by threads. A lot of them were casual players basically saying “Ga bad” but we had a lot to discuss.

We discussed how exactly Damage Boost currently exists in affecting the Overwatch meta and what it had currently and before affected certain characters. Than discussed if it was even possible to tweak it reasonably or had to be replaced entirely.

Which leads into her ULT discussions that occurred and about Valkyrie and if was OP or too weak. If it needed to be tweaked or just replaced entirely.

THEN we went into discussions about Rez and the normal rez conversations that happen bi-weekly and what that change was like after removing mass rez happened again and went circular almost generically.

We even talked about certain GA tech and their particular speeds in particular directions if that was a concern, but a major thing that was also discussed is mostly Mercy’s overall kit. That if things and the ways she is currently designed is not good, it’s not by a singular aspect; that changing a singular aspect effects other aspects of her whole kit. Because the bottom line is everything is basically meant to work with other moves and abilities. So if there is actually a big problem with her kit, she might need an actual overhaul and one more drastic than minor number changes or percentage tweaks.

Either way, we have one of the most popular threads here being a Mercy thread talking about it, one of the most popular of the current state popularity of Mercy youtubers discuss these topics, and forums here and beyond that go into constant talks of many, many, MANY ideas. Whether from influencers or reddit or here or anywhere else.
It seems the resounding answer is unanimous that most these conversations over times of multiple topics have led to little change with this one being most drastic when considering change being met purely due to community discussion. Is it anyone’s fault, really, if the devs don’t work towards solution is the mindset or threads of Mercy threads are considered not helpful?

It is sensible that the Mercy community have become fatalist in mentality especially on GA. Because any discussion that could be suggested in a trade off for tighter GA cooldowns is met with “this is just essentially a GA revert” or they are suggestions that essentially are too drastic that it would tank her viability to be a playable support in this CURRENT meta and there would be no point in playing her. OR require the meta to change and balance from her opposition such as hitscan/snipers/etc and that is it’s own rabbit-hole of a discussion.

Even if we do have discussions, I do not think the devs have the ability or patience to comb through every post and discussion to work nor a particular person who could garner enough support and attention with a perfected solution. Nor can the Mercy community be expected to think of ideas which either are band-aid fixes or the extremely high expectations of theory crafting her entire kit into something new.


Which I think is a miscommunication that was over-generalized.

They want a general sentiment on how to do something, but not to be too hard focused on the exact specifics of how to get it solved.

So if they replaced the damage boost with increased attack speed, they’d want to hear that, and why that method is desired. But not to get too attached to the specific percentage of attack speed buff, or if they implement something similar but different.

That people get way too hung up on “This exact specific method with these exact specific details or riot”. And devs don’t wanna deal with those limitations and the aggro from it.

Especially when people aren’t necessarily looking at the big picture in how that hero fits into the “eco-system” of the rest of the game.

But for instance, the workshop code that was highly publicized in a good format for LifeWeavers fixed button configuration.

That was extremely specific.

And devs basically just went “Cool thank you, copy paste that right into the game”.