Why Mercy mains are silent?

Then say that!!! This is a perfectly constructive and positive take.

It’s a lot less harmful than the whole “mercy mains are terrible at making up unique ideas,” “I know more about what mercy needs than what mercy mains do”, shebang.

It’s perfectly fine to ask for more constructive posts, but it’s not fair of you to project a few posts onto many other users who ARE providing the constructive solutions you’re looking for.


This and also I rarely log … why would I log into a game I do not enjoy anymore? They have shown how little consideration is taken when making changes to people’s mains. Also not a huge fan of Alec Dawson so I don’t want to support him either.


Well as somebody who reads the forums…a lot, I’m genuinely not seeing “many”.

And that’s not a flex or anything, just a “really where are they, I would like to read them” type of reaction.

well dont blame us, the amount of actually well written ideas we suggested were turned down and thrown out like garbage because, well, we main mercy. people think we want her to be broken.

we all stopped suggesting stuff because atp we know were not gonna be heard. the devs want absolutely nothing to do with us.


To be fair, that is how they feel about every hero. I am surprised they are even reworking Wifeleaver. Must have been a huge wake up call when they saw battle pass sales were not there.

This whole entire thread is filled with them (which you even commented on)

And these are just some of the ones I found from the last few weeks. I didn’t go back much further since those posts would be before S4; if I did, I’d likely find a LOT more

Just because you don’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t there :+1:t2:


Not Mercy main, but the change is terrible design. I bet a lot of casual players don’t even understand it. The patch notes are convoluted. And in game, it’s not obvious what’s happening only that GA isn’t off cool down when you think that it should be.

So, I think that the reasons you don’t hear much are a combination of confusion and being worn down because Mercy gets changed almost every patch.


well the BP sales weren’t there because they had 0 promotion for this season. so far i’ve only seen 1 promotion and it was on NVIDIA while i was updating my driver LMFAO

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Lol…According to Mercy mains, the most recent S4 changes “butchered” the hero…there was an outrage few days after patchnotes were released.

It’s silent because they probably realized Mercy is actually fine but ofc no mercy main will come to the forum and say that. IT would mean they were wrong all this time.

i might be one of the few but i liked season 3 changes a LOT once i got used to them.


I’d rather take this approach with Guardian Angel than the last one.

She still needs her Caduceus Staff reworked to be triage usage instead of pocket usage, but atleast the GA nerf shouldn’t actively inhibit that from happening in the future, unlike the last changes.

Well I will break that mold then, I’m a Mercy main and I think Guardian Angel is fine, but like I said above, Mercy over-all still needs a triage rework on her Staff, but it shouldn’t be at the cost of deleting Guardian Angel’s ability to get to teammates quickly, it defeats and contradicts the purpose of the triage support changes they were trying to do to Mercy to begin with.

No reason to say anything, since Blizzard will continue messing with Mercy regardless.

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Blizzard did an amazing job making the mercy community feel like this was our own fault for giving feedback to her constant changes… when in reality they were too lazy to actually read it and just scrapped everything except the thing everyone hated!


Well, what’s the point? Your suggestions will either be ignored, or used for completely different heroes.

Every time Mercy players adapt to another BS change, there is more to come.


I’ve literally pushed 3 accounts out of plat within the last month - the matchmaking is not holding you to 50% winrate.

Your attitude is a self fulfilling prophecy. Stop going in to every game with the plan to rip on your team when things go poorly.

You actually have to perform on these heroes just existing is not going to do it.

Gonna keep dropping if you keep playing the hero with low agency and entering matches with this woe is me attitude

You need to stop playing victim; the matchmaking is not perfect but it’s not keeping you in low ranks

And the fact that my comment got mass reported proves my point lol

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I think that’s kinda the point in a way, they don’t Mercy players to adapt (that implies getting used to a change and making it work) they want them to lose out - in the case of GA, to die more often. If they don’t because players find ways to work around the GA cd (playing more defensively or pocketing more for example) they’ll consider the change “not enough” and add more to it.

As for suggesting changes, lol who would want to given the response that often incites? Given it never results in any positive change I can understand people not wanting to expose themselves to that treatment for zero reward.


Well, they can screw themselves then, because players would rather leave for different game/hero, than die more often.

Especially since developers refuse to give any compensation in exchange, that could make players take more risks. If choosing between survival and some mediocre moment, that is unlikely to do much, but carries risk of swift death, most people will choose survival.

I kind of feel bad for new Mercy players, as they have yet to learn, what mess they got themselves into. You literally have to fight developers for something as miniscule, as +5 hps buff…

Just how much stuff Mercy has to lose for developers to be satisfied? Because it’s like never enough for them. She lost her big moments, so survivability is main thing she has left, and now developers are after it too.


We got nerfed so often that its normal at this point. We dont worry. We adapt. Thats how a mercy main works. U sigh and then just do it anyways


I just moved to WoW Classic… So why bother?

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