Why isn't Blizzard taking the easier option?

Did they specify at all? No. It’s up to us to make inferences from what has been said by Blizzard.

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Did they say they woldn’t bring her back to 1.0?

Doesn’t matter, you are adding things to their statement.
We will bring her back just means revert the nerf and take it from there.

It’s kind of a given though. Why would they waste a lot of resources to rework her when they could’ve just tried simple things like adding a cast time? The answer is pretty obvious - They DID try things like that and it clearly didn’t work out so they resorted to reworking her. Obviously the rework is awful, but I still think they had the right idea.

Yes they did actually, lets see If I can dig up the quote…

You’re just adding stuff to what they said as well LOL

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In the context of current patch Mercy, you can’t assume its anything outside of that.

If you’re refering to that quote Jeff made on the old forums, that’s from February, things change and they’re still trapped in their own bad decision to rework her for 10 months now.

They also said they didn’t want to make Sombra an assasin, and they did just that decreasing her spread, things change.

They didn’t make it clear therefore there is equal possibility of it talking about reverting the nerf and reverting Mercy all together.

They never said they would revert her. They also said they think her rework is successful. So a revert is highly unlikely.

They also said they would listen to feedback, they didn’t.


One of the reasons why I think they’ll revert or rework mercy. Clearly, they are too deluded… What sane person thinks a rework with ten consecutive nerfs afterwards is a successful rework?

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They literally said yesterday that her rework was successful. So even if you do want her revert, you’ll be waiting a year minimum.

I agree, it is a little ridiculous at this point. She does need a rework.

They can change it differently, sometimes they make bad decisions, doesn’t mean they need to balance her with invulnerablity again, try something else like LoS checks.

Just because they said it is doesn’t mean it is… These are the same people who said that Mercy is supposed to be a solo target healer but then give her AoE heals when in Valkyrie. They are not consistent with what they say.

Excuse me, what? Yesterday?

I agree, but it’s looking pretty unlikely right now. Like I said, even if they do some type of rework or revert, it probably won’t be for another year since they’re still trying to work on this iteration of her.

It’s in the patch notes/developer comments.

They’ve been trying for 10 damn months, It clearly hasn’t worked and never will, time to act now.

If only I had hindsight :roll_eyes:

Where? I’m genuinely confused.