Why isn't Blizzard taking the easier option?

Wouldn’t balancing an iteration of Mercy where she was somewhat balanced be easier than trying to balance an iteration of Mercy where she is broken, overpowered and unbalanced?

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It’s honestly pathetic at this point watching them try and fail to balance reworked Mercy.


Sunk cost fallacy, I think.


I personally want mass rez back, but I wouldn’t be opposed to a new Mercy rework.

But knowing blizzard…yeah a rework might not be the best choice


They said EeveeA’s idea for a Mercy rework was too complicating so I highly doubt they have the brains required to pull of a successful rework.

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All they have to do is delete res and make Mercy have more offensive power in exchange and she’ll be balanced.

Let’s delete her staff and wings while we’re at it. Blizzard will not be removing resurrect as it is what makes her different from the other supports.


I thought her mary sue blond status and ability to fly was what made her different. My bad.


That too.

Mass rez will not be balanced in current version of the game. Period. It will give the best main healer the best main healer ult. What a great idea.

“Balance” Mercy spammers so love to remember was actually time where Ana and Lucio were way more powerful than they are now.

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Because that would require Blizzard to admit they were wrong, which is more mythical than Mew.


It’d also be removing the character’s E ability.

I’m not sure it would be that impossible to balance.

I think you may be underselling Lucio or at higher skill than I am at. Lucio isn’t the most fun to play in my view but, his sustained healing is pretty high and the PTR buffs do help.

Because that would make SENSE silly, we can’t have that here, duh.

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Wrong use of the term, but alright. :laughing:

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You don’t know what a Mary Sue is, do you?


Mass rez promoted terrible gameplay, may it never return.


So does Gravdragon but do you see me complaining about it?

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isn’t that all blizzard do, break characters by making them useless or OP its exactly why this games hero count is worthless cause its only ever a few that are worth taking.

Nope, plenty of others do, and they are partially addressing it, no more dmg boosting it, and grav has a smaller radius. And just because other things have bad gameplay, that means we should reinstate more bad gameplay?

So certain bad gameplay such as hiding as hanzo for a grav so you don’t die with ult then ulting through walls can stay but bad gameplay like a mercy hiding for res needs to be removed? A bit biased there don’t ya think?