Why isn't Blizzard taking the easier option?

I’m too lazy to find it… just look for the developer comments. Someone also mentioned it in another thread earlier.

Just went through them. No where does it say that the rework was successful.

I know I made a thread with a quote saying they said the rework was successful, but that was from November of last year, not yesterday.

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He’s probably talking about that tbh.

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Why not combine Mass Res and Valkyrie?

As in;

  • Mercy keeps things like Cast Time, and Slow.
  • Have an Increased radius.
  • When allies are revived, they’re back with 75% (and or lower) of their HP.
  • Once revived, Valkyrie activates for the next 10 seconds.

She’ll still be an issue, but then at least Blizz won’t have to admit they were wrong :slight_smile:

This could easily be used as a way to troll.

GA is still unique to her. Lucio’s mobility is nothing like Mercy’s mobility, and Mercy’s mobility is nothing like anything else in the game.

That’s true, Zen can send an orb out to a specific target and heal and forget. Mercy’s beam is different, though. It’s her primary fire, and it locks on, and she can alternate between healing and damage boosting. Pretty dang unique, if you ask me.

Oh come on, that’s not true no matter how you twist it. There’s a lot to Mercy separates her from other heroes. Mercy won’t be generic trash if they delete rez.

Heck, they could even replace it with something else that’s “unique” and she’d be just fine.