Why isn't Blizzard taking the easier option?

If you watch the rest of the video, you’ll see Mercy is active in the fight, the only times she really ‘‘hid’’, more like smart dodging was to avoid an ultimate, something EVERY HERO DOES. Should we rework Zen and Lucio who are trying to avoid a Sombra EMP hiding in the corner too?

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also…1 hero to rez a team is too much…but having like 6+ heroes with ults capable of wiping out a team in 1 shot (and u can have multiple of these ones out at same time) is totalllly balanced and fine…

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Doesn’t matter lmao you are grasping at straws.
Hide n Res was the main way of using Mass Res regardless of how you try to twist it.

You can miss those ultimates though. You can’t miss a mass resurrect.

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fun fact again… you could.

She didnt ALWAYS have god mode buff.

that was the thign that staretd the entire issue.

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…What? You can’t miss a resurrect. That is a fact.

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B4 invuln hide and seek still existed tho, the difference was she died after she got the rez off. Buffs made it so she lived. Same bad gameplay.

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But you can fu*k up one.

you act like they have the old code lying around, its probably been deleted, so they would need to recode the whole thing

They didn’t even try to balance mass rez properly, they went from no rez in spawn to reworked Mercy.
Line of sight, cast time depending on how many people you’re rezzing, it’s not like there’s no options to tweak mass rez.

Mercy was less of a problem before her rework than now.

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You can screw up any ult. If you hid properly, you couldn’t mess up Mercy’s.

I’m sure they did internally but they realized you can’t make Mass Resurrect fun for the rest of the playerbase without making it underwhelming or overpowered.

There is no way it has been deleted. Their company is worth billions everything would be backed up. Hell you can get a world of warcraft character deleted years ago brought back, if they can do that they wouldnt be deleting old builds of the game.

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why would they delete it if they said that they’ll revert her back if they tune her down too much?

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They never said they would revert to Mass Res.
Provide the quote if they did.

Because of how Rez works, It’s something that happens after an action already occured.

I can hear you say ‘‘Welp, there you go, it encouraged hiding’’ No, remember how more often than not this was not the best option? To hide and wait for everyone to die and rez? If the enemy team was smart, they wouldn’t need 6 ultimates to get a team wipe, and after Mercy rezzed her teammates in a trash position they would all die again, like show at 0:44 in the video is you’re curious.

What I said above is one of the main contributers to the hate too, the majority of people can’t handle ult economy well, and Mercy punished that, and since people don’t like to be punished for their bad decisions, might as well remove that punishment right?

If Mercy participated in the fight, made a tempo rez to leave her team in the advantage it would more often that not work, that’s the beauty of the ultimate. It punished bad play and encouraged the Mercy to be smart when to use it. ‘‘Do I tempo rez to allow us to be in the advantage, or wait for more deaths? Hmm, that can be risky, they didn’t really used lots of ults so might as well tempo’’ Or ‘‘Okay, they wasted too many ults, I can punish their bad ult economy and bring everyone back, they might not be able to fight back, but It’s sitll risky sincem y team might be in a bad position…’’

Current Mercy: ‘‘Okay, let’s push.’’ Turns into spectator camera, no mind games at all…

No, tempo-res was miles better, and for that she was participating in the fight.

oh well…i didnt not know that

That’s something I hate with the devs, they don’t tell us everything, we don’t know if they tried to tweak mass rez because they never said it.

Also resurrect is not fun as a concept whatever you try it won’t become fun for everyone.

” If we tone her down too much, we will bring her back”

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Do they say Mercy 1.0? No.