Why isn't Blizzard taking the easier option?

Because I dont want to watch a 5 min video of mercy rezzing ppl? As ive stated, there were good uses for it that didnt consist of bad game design. Problem is the bad game design use was very popular. If you dont think hide and seek mercy was bad, well then we just have differing opinions, seems blizz shares mine.

fun fatc is…Rez is what makes Mercy unique…

it is the ONLY thing.

healing, dmg boosting, flying, mobility are ALL on other heroes.

Rez is the one unique thing about Mercy.

Don’t say Mercy didn’t hide most the time then.

I never said Hide N Seek wasn’t bad, I said it existed because people wanted to exploit the flawed system Blizz made.

and it was simpel to fix the issue of hide and seek…becasue it RELIED on the god mode buff she had.

if they reverted it hide and seek wouldnt of been possible (as she’d instantly dive vs enemy team)

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The flawed system being mass rez right? Cuz it totally wasnt only used for higher sr gains.

Was more of a happy side effect.

And then she would be back to being a bad hero, with tons of people asking for buffs.

What do Zen and Lucio do to avoid being EMP’d by a Sombra? Stand in the middle of the battlefield? NO, THEY HIDE. BETTER REWORK THEM OOOOOOH.


All I’m saying is stop trying to pretend Hide and Res was only used to abuse SR gains and people won’t do it anymore due to the SR bug being fixed.
It most certainly wasn’t.

Guardian angel is unique? So is her lock on healing?

Yes other characters can fly, but none can bounce between allies. She’s one of the most mobile characters in the game. Also, no other healer has her type of healing.

You just boiled her down to something really basic just to make it seem as if rez is the only thing unique about her, but we all know that isn’t true.

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I prefer a bad hero to receive changes than a hero who has been a must pick for 10 months and a balance team who has failed to balance than.

It’s the easy and less problematic way to balance her from bad to a better spot than trying to balance something that is impossible to balance, and don’t even try to act like it isn’t, because if it weren’t we wouldn’t have must pick Mercy for 10 months now.

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The instence where she hid in the video was smart positioning, she didn’t hide to let her team die just cause, she couldn’t do anything else there. Earlier in the video 0:44 you could say she hid and went for the big res, but guess what? It didn’t work out, because situations are variable.

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Still hiding, stop trying to avoid it lol.
Hiding was the primary thing Mercy did to make Mass Res work. Which you deny.

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Im not gonna defend current mercy and say she is in a good spot either, id be happy to see another rework instead of nerfing her again and again. But I also dont want mazz rez hiding back. If i had to pick between mass rez or what we currenlt have, id pick mass rez, just because she wasnt a must pick. But neither were/are good for the game.

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do you not see the middle ground?

open your eyes.

if god mdoe is TOO good

no defense is too weak…

whats the balance?

Answer is DR.
a damage reduction buff would let her have a chance to get it off, whiel also being coutnerable and remain killable.

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Okay, should we rework every hero who hides to survive from an enemy ultimate?
It all depends.

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All I’m doing is pointing out the flaw in your arguement

It most defiantly will exist regardless as its the main way Mass Res was used.
Which Mercy mains refuse to admit. But you just did so :slight_smile:

GA is mobilty. Lucio is the King of mobilty and has no reliance on allies being near.

lock on healing isnt unique to her. Zen’s orbs are also lock on.

and yes… she does stuff differently, but the ONLY unique thign she has that nobody else does IS rez.

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Okay so its smart for zen and lucio to hide from 1 ult if they know sombra has it and they also have their own ults. How does that compare to mercy hiding from every single hero when she has her own ult up?

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