WHY ISNT 5 hours a day enough to get out of diamond

Also skill gap is different across roles. Silver support isn’t on the same skill level as a silver DPS or tank. I’ve faced against Gold and even higher DPS and still managed to take them out as baptiste. Rank isn’t everything and doesn’t define the person’s skill at the game.

At least in metal ranks. Obviously reaching top 500 requires insane amount of dedication that you can only get if you start treating the game like a job.

You could be better or worse. I dont care. Because the SR has not been resett in ages and to buy a new account is the only way to see where you belong I cont care about ranks

I have 3 accounts and they are all the same rank.

This isn’t a game where skill matters lol. Ranked is a joke for a reason.

52% is a decent winrate. It’s realistic progression.

The issue is, when the game has so many random factors like smurfs, bad hero designs forced for 50% winrate, etc. 52% can look identical to 48%.

Sure, you’re more likely to rise, but winning 26 games to 24 losses is only a net-gain of ~40 SR over 20 hours.

When you remember other factors, like only being 1/6th of the team and Tank/Supports being largely unable to push win-conditions; you realise just how handicapped a lot of people are. ELO-hell is real.

Not to mention that the game REFUSES to make any meaningful changes to SR. When I jumped from GM on console to PC, I had a 70% winrate, and it still took weeks of grinding to get back to Masters. For some reason, the game appears to not care, at all, how consistently you’re winning games.


I’ll ask this again:

How many games do you think are “enough”?

Because most people aren’t willing to put hundreds of hours every season into the game.

Whenever I play DPS on this account, I get the opposite team going like this:


But I can’t do everything alone, a lot of games are just downright unwinnable even though I’m better than the opposite team because my team are just blatantly trolling.

Jeff never said that. Stop propagating nonsense.

Then someone else from the staff did.

Well i mean the odds of getting smurfs on your team is the same so it shouldnt matter imo

No one from the staff ever said that the system was intentionally designed to be unclimable. If that was truly the case, then we wouldn’t have any GMs or Masters or even, possibly, Diamonds, because it would be impossible to climb to those heights after the placements.

this was so motivational :smiley: Time to do some studying

Unclaimable in terms of that it is designed to determine your skill and once when it is done there isn’t much that you can do to change that unless you change the way you paly completely…

…or just buy new acc

The difference is quite large actually. Between Silver and Plat holds 78% of the player base or all players ranked 8-86%. AKA, at the bottom of Silver you’re playing with some of the worst players in the game while at the top of plat the complete opposite.

Not sure if I’m understanding you right. But if you think that placements put in the right rank, that’s false. At least after you’ve already completed your first ever placements. Even then, you typically only get placed as high as diamond even if you’re top 500.

After the initial placement is done and you get placed in metal ranks like bronze or silver, even if you let a higher rank friend (e.g. high plat) do the placements next season, you will still get placed in the same rank. It’s only when you grind to a higher rank that you’ll get placed to a higher rank after placements. So if you were bronze and managed to climb to silver, you’ll most likely get placed in silver and in similar SR after doing your placements. Placements are meaningless after your first one.


Well assuming OP isn’t a smurf you’re technically wrong.

OP’s team only has 5 slots for a potential smurf. The enemy team has 6 slots for a potential smurf. If probability is anything to go by, the smurf is more often to end up on the enemy team

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You mean… improve?

So the game determines your skill?

I don’t understand - are you suggesting a system designed for players to reach above their actual skill level?


Everyone seems to think you just play enough you climb. Not so.

Looking at your profile, you seem to be a versatile tank player. How about specializing in at most two? Especially those with the most carry potential, which I’d say are probably Zarya and DVa (and arguably Ball).

So you think people acquired skill without dedication?