WHY ISNT 5 hours a day enough to get out of diamond

yeah no halo infinite coming soon


diamond is the worst rank to be in by far but you can only get so unlucky lol

if you’re hardstuck diamond after plenty of hours you’re simply diamond


I mean if it was just based on play time……I’d be a pro OWL player


Maybe play less, and only play when you know you can be at your best. Quality>Quantity.


You are the rank you belong.

The reason you are stuck is because you are not changing. Repeating the same process over and over with no attempt to change your line of thinking is going to make you exactly where you are: a mid Diamond who sometimes streaks up to high Diamond. Without seeing replays I cannot tell you what those mistakes are but I promise you are making significant mistakes in your gameplay that would win you many of the games you are losing.


LOL yeah im so bad I deserved to lose every single one of those 11 games honestly all my fault

Could you have won all 11 games you lost? Probably not, but at least 3-5 for sure, which combined with the ones you already won would get you higher. You do not need 100% win rate to climb in Diamond. 55-60 will more than do (though realistically if you belong higher it should be 65).

You want to be in Masters, then play like one. Other people manage the climb by learning and getting better. There is not some grand conspiracy against you. If you play better than your rank you will go higher. It is that simple. Until you deserve it though you will at best be hoping for a lucky streak to carry you.


You realize the SR system in this game is awful?

Once you got your rank in season 2-3 you really can’t drop below where you ended up.

The forced 50/50 system makes climbing pointless. More so if you q solo.

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I recommend watching some unranked to GM for the heroes you play, don’t play when you’re tired and losing a lot also. The best thing to do is stop playing after 2 losses in a row, come back later fresh.

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The biggest problem from bronze/plat is over 50% of dps who Q up don’t play anything but torb/sym/junk/bastion.

Makes games 200% more difficult whatever you’re playing.

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sorry 12 in a row all my fault really I should be in silver

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Because games with mmr and a ladder isnt play x amount of time and you will climb. Playing 5 hours a day and not playing above a diamond level results in, not getting out of diamond.


It takes so long to climb on older accounts. You need some of that premium smurf dust to climb in a timely manner. Or drop, I suppose. But most people aren’t intentionally trying to do that. Tee hee.

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Just gotta hope you get more Master & GM smurfs on your team

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Slow and steady wins the race… till truth and talent take their place.

The fact of it is, it isn’t always about how much you play. If you’re at your cap… you’re at your cap. Aptitude and limits exist, and playing more may not matter after that.


I mean, getting a smurf account is pointless if you’re not good enough to climb anyway heh…

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those are rookie numbers, you need to put in 35 hours a day if you really want it.


I mean the fact that you have not linked a single replay and the fact that you have lost 12 in a row tells you have are absolutely a huge part of these losses.

Though maybe you are right. Maybe everyone else is able to climb to where they belong but Blizzard wrote their algorithm specifically to keep tamramx down. They consider you so important that they will keep you from their goal… or, Occam’s Razor in effect here, you are falling because you are tilted and playing badly.


Why are you being so passive aggressive? What that person is telling you is correct. You’re upset and purposefully misinterpreting what is being said. At no point was it specifically said that the losses are only your fault, what they’re saying is that you are simply in the rank you belong.

You plateaued. You can no longer carry yourself out of that rank because your skill level is simply diamond at the moment. The flaws in your gameplay are keeping you there, but it’ll only be your fault if you don’t do anything to improve, you may not even know you’re making the mistakes you’re making, it’s simply a matter of you being frustrated because you can’t figure out what’s going wrong.

Try lfg, or grouping up with friends, work together to climb higher. Or do what others say, have someone review your games and coach you, study streamers, and just keep playing to actually improve your skill.


Sounds like you play too much & burn yourself out. Maybe play a little bit of comp per day when you know that you’ll be playing at your best, and then just play QP or Arcade once you get tired of comp for the day.