WHY ISNT 5 hours a day enough to get out of diamond

This is just untrue.

I have three accounts and when I don’t touch it for a while and I do placements, I sometimes get put in gold and I ALWAYS get back to plat.

And there is a marked difference when I reach plat. I no longer carry games with the same frequency.

Gold players are much better than silver players. Plat players are much better than gold players. There are, of course exceptions to this (players that are boosted or have been placed wrongly) but on average, this is surely the case.

Depends on the role. If you’re talking about climbing from low rank to a mid-rank, you probalby don’t need to be 2 ranks higher to climb as DPS. But as support, you probably do especially if you want to climb quickly.

I’ve been in a match with a Gold support and I wasn’t that impressed with his skill. In fact, his skill on ana was much worse than mine. But one thing he did differently that I didn’t was he flexed. I’ve seen high plat replays of ana and their skill wasn’t that much different from mine either. Not saying I’m the best person in the world but climbing isn’t just based on skill, but ability to flex, having equal amount of skill on all heroes in your role (especially important for support), finding good duo partnerts, using voice comms, grinding and the list goes on.

I was able to do it pretty easily and quickly.

I mean, assuming you mean that you want to drop down to platinum.

Because this mindset that the system is beating you and that Blizzard is working against your goals is defeatist and, to be quite frank, an excuse; a cop out. People don’t want to own up to their flaws. They don’t want to believe that maybe, just maybe, they truly are just Diamond or just Plat. Because, oh no, I’m average! What a tragedy. And I know that everyone wants to be the best, but that’s just not in the cards for everyone.

At some point, you need to look inward and realize that you’re just not as good as you think you are, and if you’ve done all the studying and you’ve done all the practicing and aim trainers and you’ve watched your own gameplay to improve your awareness and you still can’t climb, then I’m sorry, but it’s not the system. It’s not Blizzard just arbitrarily picking out specific individuals and saying “You can climb, you can climb, you can claim, f this person, you’re not climbing, you can climb, you can climb”. It’s 100% just you and your limitations.


I got placed Gold as DPS one tricking tracer. And that was just from spending roughly 20 - 30 hours practicing tracer in practice range and workshop maps. I have like 250+ hours on support and still climbing so slowly that I’m only in silver. Though to be fair, I’ve given up on climbing and haven’t bothered with ranked for a long time now. I’d rather stay in silver and just one trick ana/baptiste for fun rather than having to learn boring heroes like moira, brig and lucio (no offence to those who main them).

Again, I’m not “where I belong” because my win rate is ~58%. It’s just that it could be a lot higher if I wasn’t so stubborn to the point where I wouldn’t switch off ana/baptiste. I play this game to have fun, not to switch to heroes that I don’t find fun just so that I can win.

Short answer: it doesn’t matter if you play 24 hours a day if you aren’t improving much.

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I dont agree with that, the system isnt built for everyone to climb to the top. It puts you where you belong and you stay there until you get better.

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Overwatch is an esports title. It has a very high skill ceiling which means most players will never be “good” at it - only mediocre - no mater how many hours they play it. It is also very team oriented making the skill ceiling for solo players even higher.

Ranked overwatch puts people on the same team spread 3 entire ranks apart. 100 sr isn’t making any difference at all in the skill of your team mates or opponents.

You’re making a lot of assumptions. You haven’t even seen op play and you’re going to extreme lengths to defend the ranked system lol. My opinion on it isn’t uncommon, even many pros will tell you the ranked system is trash. It’s well known to have one of if not the worst ranked system in all of competitive gaming. In the earlier years of overwatch the ranked system was widely discussed by top players and big overwatch YouTube channels. People wanted big changes because it’s trash but blizzard refused to ever change it so everyone stopped discussing it and “youroverwatch” came out with a video telling everyone to stop taking competitive seriously because blizzard was never going to improve it and it should be treated like quick play with a sr number cause that’s what it is.

The only way to get around the terribly designed ranked system is to play with stacks you can rely on. By doing this you eliminate a lot of the ability the AI has to try and shove your down to where it believes you should be. I’ve dropped from mid diamond all the way down to silver and then one tricked ball back to diamond with an 80% wr. No I wasn’t tilted for a week straight, no my skill didn’t magically get worse to drop that far and then magically get good again to climb that fast, the ranked system is just trash and it’s more based on where the AI believes you should be rather than what you’re actually capable of skill wise. I’ve played many competitive games and never has my rank fluctuated as much as overwatch rank. Usually it just fluctuates one or two tiers which would be equivalent to 100-200 SR in overwatch but in overwatch its common for people to drop several ranks. That doesn’t happen in other games.

This is blizzard. Their goal isn’t to make a fair competitive game, it’s to keep people addicted, and huge rank fluctuations is one of the ways they do that. It let’s people taste the reward and then takes it away from them making them feel like it’s obtainable but forcing them to put in 100 more hours to get another taste.

Where are you? in the eastern Us bronze-diamond has pretty much everyone in the same ranks except for sometimes plat tanks in diamond. i do see a differences 100 sr increments

i dont trust that, you sound tilted now tbh

Its always interesting to watch the mind of a conspiracy theorist at work and lets make no mistake that is exactly what you are. You use the exact same tactic of using half truths and out of context comments mixed in with your own opinions mixed in to try and make it sound rational.

I will do the crazy thing though and bring facts to an argument not for you, as I have talked with flat earthers before and know that facts do not work, but instead to demonstrate to people reading why what you are saying is nonsense. No extreme lengths needed. Nothing more than using simple basic logic.

Lie number 1: a 3400 game and 3300 game feel the same. Lets look at the “evidence” you proposed: that below 3500 you can have a 1000 SR difference and be in a group. However, what you ignore, because it does not fit your narrative, is that the group SR would be the average of the stacks SR thus meaning that, once again, the system is going to find a game based on the average skill of your team.

We do not really even have to put in that much effort though. There are no shortage of people on these forums who have been multiple ranks and the difference from just a few wins as it pertains to game quality is night and day. So anyone who has actually been across multiple ranks would find the notion of the games not changing radically to be laughable.

Lie number 2: the AI is out to control whether you win or lose a game. This notion is kind of laughable to me to be honest because it basically implies that Blizzard put extra effort into having a system control whether it is time for you to win or lose a game when all they would need to do is have the system find 11 people that it thinks are of similar skill and you will have the exact same result. It doesn’t need to “force” a 50% win rate as finding where you belong will do that naturally. It doesn’t need to “force” streaks on you because statistically those are likely if you play enough games especially when you are NOT the same skill level every time you sit down and play. Sometimes you are having a good day and sometimes a bad one.

I am sure you believe that when you fell you were not doing anything wrong, but I have seen enough videos of people on these losing streaks (and played with them and had them myself) to know that just because you think you are playing fine doesn’t mean you are.

As for why the matchmaker is bad, it is not because of some evil AI but instead because there are simply too many variables to make one individual game be an exactly fair game. No one player is equally good on every game mode, on every map, and even if they play a couple heroes, there hero pool may have weaknesses on certain maps and against certain heroes and in certain comps and now you have 12 of this person in one game. There are simply too many variables to reasonably predict an individual game but when you back up you can predict their skill level overall.

Now how this pertains to the OP is very simple. He is clearly a mid Diamond player who plays a lot. Given that he is blaming the game, it is clear he is not taking steps to improve (blaming someone but yourself for your overall rank is the first sign of a skill-capped player), but that means he is good at some heroes and some maps. If he just happens to get those maps then he can get a nice win streak going and get close (fun statistical exercise: flip a coin 100 times, what is probability that you see a streak of 7 heads in a row), but at the end of the day as you get higher you are no longer going to have a “true” 50% chance to win that game because you are now an outlier; you are now higher than where you should be and are dragging the team down so even if it thinks you SHOULD have a 50% win rate you really do not.


I’m not defending OP and his mentality of blaming the matchmaker for him being ‘hardstuck’ in diamond.

Also aside from that, most people who claim that they’re ‘hardstuck’ aren’t even stuck. They just aren’t playing enough games to rank up. It takes 1,500SR points to climb out of bronze. So if you’re new to the game and happen to get placed in 800SR, that’s a whopping 700SR that you need to gain in order to climb up. You only get around +15SR points per win, each game takes anywhere from 30 - 60 mins (not even including the queue time), and it’s impossible to win every single one of them due to the RNG of the game (even top500 support lose games in Gold occasionally).

That’s what I mean by it’s less about you being at a lower rank because you suck. But more like you are at a lower rank because that’s where the matchmaker puts you when you are new to the game. If your win rate is >50%, it means you’re climbing. You just need to dedicate enough time to grind and climb to a higher rank.

Now, if you’ve been playing >100 ranked games and your net SR is a loss, then yes you likely are “where you belong” and you need to work more on your mechanical skill, game sense, willingness to flex to other heroes, fixing any input/network latency you many have from bad hardware/internet, using voice comms, finding duo partners etc.

I guess the reason why I dislike the phrase “you are where you belong” is because it insinuates that the player is in that rank because they’re lacking in natural talent. But maybe that’s not how people intended it when they say it and I’m just overthinking it.

Five hours a day is excessive even by gaming standards.

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Nah, there’s a completely legit argument for how many games you need to play to actually rank up in this game. Stop repeating this dumb argument.

Oh you sweet summer child… this is just wrong. The difference between silver and plat is not so big. The ranks are much closer to each other than people think they are. I play in all metal ranks so I know what I talk about.

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Well I cannot drop to silver at my skill level.

I stay in plat the entire season and if I am pushed to gold, I can climb solo q quite easily.

Whenever silver players are in my games, they get farmed aside from Smurfs of course.

Would you kindly explain how it can be the case that I’ve done that for the past 10 seasons across 3 accounts when:

A) plat players cannot climb out of silver
B) the differences are not so big

Very simple thing: you maybe higher than plat. Also the ranks are a hot mess. Especally in the low realm. Comp currently is a joke.

Diamond is the borderline for everything: boosted trashs, boosters, gm smurfs, those who represent actual diamond skill, but you call them gold, those who do unr to gm starts around 3100 usually, ball otp on his new account after ban keep feeding his brains out there. :smiley:

I am not higher than plat. When I play in a diamond lobby, I stand out. The game is too fast for me.

I know I am plat.