WHY ISNT 5 hours a day enough to get out of diamond

What role do you play? If it’s support, I suggest you learn to flex. I haven’t touched rank for months now but part of the reason I wasn’t climbing as fast as I should’ve been was due to me not wanting to switch off baptiste/ana.

I come from FPS background so I just get annoyed when I get into matches where my best win condition is me switching to moira, lucio, or brig. Another reason I was climbing rather slowly was because I wasn’t playing that much ranked games.

Also, I’ve made an analogy earlier about this game. If you compare Overwatch to a team sport, it’s less like soccer or basketball where one really good player can carry their whole team. Instead, it’s more like volleyball. You can be the best player in the world but you are still bound to your teams performance to win.

This game is too team reliant and has too many RNG elements. It’s impossible to regularly get fair matches if you solo queue, so for a better game and faster climbing you need to duo.

i dropped 100 sr this season and i simply stopped queing LMAO im not queing ever again this season unless i get a uhm super good player to duo with

I mean I got into his game when I was low masters, thought he would climb out of diamond by now.

Back in the first like 10 seasons when you could Q with a group it was simple to exploit.

Now its pointless and Open Queue isn’t something anything high rank takes serious.

Masters isn’t some nirvana or promised land, in fact you’ll probably find it worse as you’ll be able to get away with way less than you can right now… have to change your playstyle to a more conservative one etc.
take it from someone who went through the same thing in reaching GM… solo queue was still a cesspool.


Maybe you just belong in that rank


I think the reason he’s being so passive aggressive is that you guys are rolling up here and insisting there’s no way his opinion could be correct - you won’t even entertain the idea that maybe the system Blizzard built isn’t entirely fair.

I’ve seen too many videos of people showing how some matches there are shots that land that clearly shouldn’t, and other games where the shots just miss despite being dead-on. I’ve seen too much evidence that the SR system isn’t 100% on the up and up, and I know that many players mess with the system by trolling, throwing, etc.

So from my perspective, and perhaps OP’s, you guys are insisting that an unfair system is fair, and that we’re just wrong, despite us having experiences that show us the contrary. And you didn’t really roll up with a conversation in mind; a conversation would be asking him about his experiences and having a back and forth, not just insisting that he should be in the rank he’s in and he deserved to lose.

You have no one to blame for a passive aggressive response but yourself really.

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100% of players can’t be GM

You’ve peaked and need to watch your replays and look for reoccurring mistakes that hurt your team.

And if you can’t handle that it’s up to you to get out of diamond you’ll be stuck for ever


Unless you have some sort of disability, I feel like almost anyone can get to at least masters if they play enough.

If people starts treating the game like a job and do things you don’t want to do like switching to heroes you don’t like using, using voice comms, finding a duo partner, upgrading your gears etc. then they should be in high elo in no time.

Lol. This is literally how people think a ranking system works. Like an MMORPG where the more you play you’ll automatically level up.

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Do you really think skill is the only factor in climbing? If it was a pure FPS shooter that only rewards good aim, you would be right. But Overwatch is more than that and there’s a lot of other factors that goes into being a good player like having good game sense. Which can be easily obtained by playing enough games.

Gamesense is part of skill tho

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Where do you want to be? Masters and GM are a bad sign for your social life. Diamond is the highest “normal person” rank, so congrats

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Is it but you know what I mean. Just play more, treat it like a job and you’ll climb the ladder. People make it sound like the only way to climb to higher elo is to have natural talent by saying things like “you are where you belong”.

People who defend the ranked system like it’s perfect have either not been playing very long or they just easily fooled by the systems in place. It’s blatantly obvious the game intentionally pairs you with worse players after you lose a few games in a row or you get disconnected. It counts dcs as abandoning a match. Every time after I dc I lose the next like 5 games in a row because the system intentionally pairs me with throwers.

So it’s more like OP loses 10 games in a row because the system is trying to force him down to where the AI thinks he belongs instead of just giving him a fair random chance with every match.

Well yeah, can you imagine the outcry from all the boosted players that only do their placements every season?

What you are experiencing is a combination confirmation bias in regards to playing worse people and the fact that well if you drop 100 SR you ARE going to be facing worse people. That is literally the system working as intended: a game at 3400 SHOULD be harder than a game at 3300.

So its more like the OP lost 10 games in a row because he got on a hot streak (after all even in a perfect matchmaker you are still going to get some 5-6 game streaks because that is just how statistical odds work and I could demonstrate that for you if you doubt it),
then standard principle of regression to the mean kicked in, and then he got tilted so played worse so his actual mean that night became far lower.

Most gamers have experienced tilt and seen themselves play worse due to it. I had a friend lose 900 SR in a day and then after taking an hour off came back to STOMP his way back for a lot of it in the rest of the day and the rest of it over the next day. Sometimes you have to not force it.


The game has plenty of issues that are directly crippling the game, especially in ranked, but the SR system is pretty okay. The issue is the data it’s being provided; smurfs and crutch-mechanics/heroes.

Blizzard need to stop pretending that every hero is equally difficult and stop trying to force all heroes to have a 50% winrate when easier heroes should be getting lower.

There is no ‘forced 50/50’ system for players. If you’re at your skill-level, then you’re not going to rise. Otherwise, it’s just a ‘who’s played the most’ system. You already have that; XP.

If you want to rise, you need to get better. Issue is, as I started; the data the matchmaker is being fed is trash. There are too many factors that drag the winrate towards randomness. cough Hanzo cough

Can’t really judge someones skill based on 1 game. If he can’t climb out with such ridiculous playtime it’s 100% his fault and he’s not consistently good enough.


For sure I did win against him pretty easily just saying.