WHY ISNT 5 hours a day enough to get out of diamond

Sooner or later you come to a point where you won’t get significantly better by just playing more.

As soon as you reach that point (and to me it sounds like you did), you will have to actively search for mistakes, flaws and bad habits in your gameplay/mechanics and consciously working on fixing them while you play.

If it is just for a couple of games it is perfectly possible that you have bad luck and other people end up holding you back.
If you play 35 hours a week and can’t climb, then you are out of options to look for excuses.

Now you can either say “Blizzard doesn’t want me to make it out of Diamond”, get angry and frustrated at the game and continue to be hardstuck, or you start working on yourself and see how much further it can get you :woman_shrugging:


I’m curious as to how you see this done on Blizzard’s side. Do you think that they’ve added lines of code to the game specifically targeting you, or do you think that everyone is subject to this artificial hurdle? If the former, then why specifically you? If the latter, then how do you explain us having Diamonds, Masters and GMs when everyone is supposed to be forcefully kept down where they initially placed (usually Platinum and below)?


And it’s not like being diamond means you’re bad either.




Ranked in general is a waste of time. Like people pointed out:

The system mostly forces a 50/50. Therefore you only can climb when you are a LOT better than the current rank you are in. So for instance: people that are diamond can climb out of silver but not people who are plat or below in terms of skill. The game is so team dependent that no matter what you do the team outcome will be hold againsed your own performance.

Therefore: you can only climb out in a group or when you are so much better that you influence the game such a degree that your “carry” your team.

I am sure you could be higher but you will not climb higher without a team.


That’s why this account which is my original account has been stuck in silver with the occasional climb to gold for the past four years.

My three alt accounts are all plat and have stayed there. I just keep abandoning them with the mistaken idea that if I’m actually plat, I should be able to climb. And yeah, I can, but it will take hundreds and hundreds of games because of the way the SR system works.

I hate playing alt accounts. I want this account to reflect the way I play now as opposed to the way I played when I first started. But it doesn’t.

So here’s hoping for a hard reset in OW2, seeing as how it’ll play entirely different.

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That would be the best thing I would think of. I never bought an alt account so I have no idea where I belong. The only thing I know that I have played in gold since the beginning of the game (season 1 to 5). Then I was plat a few seasons and then back to gold. When the 222 system came out (that I like btw) I was mid silver suddenly and that has not changed. You would think that I would be better after 100s of hours since the beginning of the game but nope… it seems like I got worse.

I would like to reset the SR for each season. Thats what seasons are for really…

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I got out of diamond in 5 hours when I’m on an alt, so I don’t know what is wrong for you.


Just got to diamond the other day :smile:

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SR is an indicator of your skill. Not how much time you put in. Like someone else said above: I’d be an OWL player if time was all I needed to climb.

Focus on your own improvement and you’ll climb. I’ve seen people go from Diamond to Master in a week. I’ve seen others take 3 years to do it.


It’s not enough because you’re not a masters level player.


Judging by your responses here, it seems like you need to spend less time playing the game.


Have you tried switching heroes?

The last game before Masters, unless you get lucky, you’ve got to really carry.

Watch the replay of your last game before Masters, see what you couldve done better.

Ranking up smurfs, its insanely obvious that the last game, or even the last few games before Masters, are really different from the rest of the Diamond games.

They seem to intentionally put you in a way harder match, so you’ve got to switch up how you play.

It’s kinda the entire reason hard-stucks are, well, hard-stuck. They can’t adapt to the new playstyle you need to go to the next rank.

One of my smurfs got caught in what you’re stuck in, literally lost my Masters game I think 6-7 times. But once you get past it, getting to GM is insanely easy.

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Pretty much sums it up, if all you are doing is looking at other people or trying to place the blame on the match maker than you’re not going to improve. The ONLY way to climb is to improve, and if you’re not trying to improve… spoiler… you won’t. Even if 9/10 matches aren’t you’re fault, if you aren’t able to find that 1/10 thing you could have done, you aren’t improving.


imagine if you had dedicated 35 hours of that week into removing objectively bad habits and building good habits :grimacing: then it wouldn’t be (or feel) like wasted time! :grin:

unlucky days happen. find a way to cope and make the grind productive :muscle:


I’d argue playing too often will make you worse in the long run. You’ll get tilted, burnt out and start defaulting, and carry that into other games. Especially if you lose multiple times in a row

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You aren’t Master skill yet, improve yourself instead of blaming teammates

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Skill ceiling. You’ve reached it. Grats, the climb is over. Relax and enjoy.

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If youre not good enough you going to lose, what to do expect lol
Can you run through a higher tier in any other sport by doing it 5 hours per day? Like, tennis?

Jeff himself said that the system is not designed to be climbable (which is kinda stupid because it gives no reason to keep playing). Normal games actually have rank reset and it is usually a race to how high you can get before the next reset.

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