Why is there any punishment in Quick Play for leaving?

You know what, I agree because I play a lot and I leave a lot more now. I’m not worried about the exp amount at all when I’m already in prestige BP. It means nothing to me.

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it sounds like you’re rather good at the game. leaving a video game is normal. there should be no punishment at base. You have quit video games in single player before because they were to difficult I guarantee it. you can’t tell me you haven’t. that’s bull…stuffs? (is that allowed blizzard? thanks for censoring you totalitarian jerks). and, dignity? ef you, have a little sympathy. qp is a roll fest sometimes and the lower tiers need a way out. some way to get better that doesn’t involve playing with predictable ai on custom games.

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Leaving a single player game doesn’t have an impact on 9 other people. Like, are you even for real with such an analogy?

Can you imagine if players on sports teams just randomly quit mid game because “it was hard” or they were losing. Suck it up. If you agree to do something with other people, you need to respect their time to. If you want to quit something difficult on your own time then who cares.


they deserve to leave

If it wasn’t for the wins tied to unlocking comp and achievements (50? come on) then it wouldn’t be a huge issue like how it wasn’t a big deal in OW1.

He’s selfish by not staying in a match where he’s not having fun? I dont think so> I think the jerks who say “its QP, bro” when whatever they’re doing isn’t helping us win and their constant trolling is selfish. Expecting others to stay for that is even more selfish.

If you’re going to defend QP’s leaver penalty…then you have to take it seriously and not get all behind-hurt when asked to switch. You can’t have it both ways.


That’s a genuinely good reason to need to duck out from games, and it does suck that they don’t help players like you get the experience you deserve. The OP is just a salty loser though, quitting games cause people don’t wanna sweat in qp? Who the heck joins VC in quickplay?

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I do the ping system is dog water so i would also like to make call outs

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instal the game on SSD not expensive nowaday

You want easy games with easy wins. Try working with your team instead of abandoning them and screwing them.


You must have left like 10 games in a row.

Stop ruining the game for everyone.

You are losing all your games because your mentality is to quit as soon as you lose the first fight. You want to win? Play the actual game and stop being a baby. Switch heroes, play smarter and try to improve instead of wanting a game where you stomp even worse players than yourself. Honestly, the penalties should be much tougher on quitters. I cant even enjoy a single qp game because either side will have 1-16 leavers per game. Its ridiculous how weak minded players are in overwatch


Yep, anyone who wants to use teamwork in a team based game.

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If you accumulate the amount of matches left to get punished then you absolutely deserve it. You’re even warned when you’re nearing the threshold.

Quickplay doesn’t mean you should behave like shiiiit, or not try to play the game. Yes there are fewer consequences than Ranked, and match format is different - hence why matches tend to be ‘quicker’. But you’re still disrupting gameplay by leaving anytime a match isn’t going the way you wanted. The reason the system is more forgiving than Ranked, is to accomodate for people to not stress about interruptions or something unforeseen demanding their attention priority etc. You can still get banned for throwing for example even in QP, and leaving matches consistently is a form of throwing.

People who have no regard for match integrity whatsoever are free to play arcade and custom games if their ego can’t take the fact that matches aren’t always perfect or in their favor. The amount of times I see people leave after losing the first team fight is staggering and incredibly disruptive to gameplay in general. It can easily make half of all games worthless to play because there’ll always be 1-2 leavers per match when the first team loses a fight. It’s a real issue, and I hope Blizzard actually makes more severe punishment for QP leavers. Not Ranked level punishment, but something to make people at least think twice about leaving matches frequently.


Because holding others mentally hostage is just as bad as rubber banding matchmaker.


Remember, games where your team is the overwhelmingly winning team are also unfairly matched games. They’re just unfair towards your opponents instead of you. How many times have you left such games just because you’re “looking for a fairly matched game”?

Unfairly matched games go in both directions. If you claim to leave unfairly matched games, you need to leave them regardless of which direction they’re unfairly matched.

Then why do people are allowed to throw and be toxic asf?

Why should I stay in games were my time is wasted by people simple don’t giving a crap?

It is the same on comp so tell me, where should players who want to play stay when the crapmaker strikes again?

For the measly reward of exp for the waste?

No frigging thanks


What punishment? Negative XP? Just play bot games to get rid of it quicker

“It gets backfilled with oftentimes a better player”…Wrong. It gets filled by a player that sees a match 3/4 finished… and then they leave… it gets backfilled, and they leave…and so on. OR people backfill into a game to see a defeat screen within 10 seconds of arriving to the game. These quitters are purely leaving “to avoid defeat screens” because “No way, i don’t lose”… Xp reduction doesn’t sway people from quitting games in comp, it sure wont in QP. Getting a 2 - 3 day ban makes people think twice… As such… should have the same penalty especially when players have a high leaving % on a daily basis.