Why is there any punishment in Quick Play for leaving?

Right? Let me block the shirt out of all the trash players i keep getting queued with instead of just 3

when ya need to block dozens of people daily… it’s not a game fixer… you’re just setting yourself up for longer queues because you’ll be avoiding 1/2 the playerbase.

What do you define “fair”? Cus in my quickplay experience the second my team loses a teamfight, regardless if we’re winning, people bail. It’s a huge reason i play comp these days cus the matches are just WAY better. People dont bail at the slightest inconvience.

Some people bail, if theres a certain hero on the enemy team, like insta leave if a widow exists. Its crazy.

People bail in comp too, which sucks harder but its rarer at least.

NOT TO MENTION, it sucks HARD to backfill into a confused mess of a qp match, half the team just got here, the other team has total momentum, i get kicked if i look at the comps for longer than 3 seconds.

Its a damn nightmare. How people still play quickplay is beyond me, leaver need HUGE penalties cus it really REALLY hurts everyone else.

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Lower XP is a punishment? How does that punish you?

How are people this psychologically weak and feel punished for things like a useless battle pass for ‘cosmetics’?? Holy moly.

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I don’t get it either, but you kind of have to go with it since the masses seem to only get fulfillment from cosmetics now instead of just enjoying the video game.

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That sounds great actually

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its quickplay ffs y the hell is there a penalty for unranked???


B/c the community is split between taking it seriously and NOT taking it seriously.
I think its pretty obvious that it should be taken seriously given that there is a penalty for leaving the match but you get entitled people on here who think that its okay to throw but how dare you leave!!

Yeah, because losing a player mid - match or being constantly filled into a mid - game is so much fun for the rest of us…
I think even QP players deserve quality time without leavers.

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I know this is an old thread but I got a good laugh at the OP. Apparently a “fair game” is one that is a free win lol. You guys rage quit until the MM finally hands you an obvious win and then complain about MM. Maybe spend time improving at the game instead.


Dont sit there and pretend the MM system since OW2 went live is anything like it was in OW1. Just, don’t. It’s insulting to everyone’s intelligence, including your own.

Any mode that has a leaver penalty should be taken seriously by the players in it.
This whole “it’s QP bro” attitude is absolute dogwater. If they take the leaver penalty OUT of QP/Unranked, then I can agree with that attitude…until then, the leaver penalty doens’t belong in QP/Unranked.

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Honestly, this is why I play competitive. There is a penalty for leavers so people are less likely to leave.

Wow thats it ? Id still make the bp with that. Guess im going to start leaving when i die to prove a point #yawn

I’m actually really surprised there’s a quit penalty. It doesn’t seem necessary considering how quickly people get added back in. Obviously, for Comp there should definitely be one, but for Quickplay. I don’t really see the need.

More often than not, people who have joined my games after other people have quit tend to do better in the match than the people originally in from the start.