Why is there any punishment in Quick Play for leaving?

Maybe I’m sick of losing all my games already? Why can’t I just leave until the matchmaking actually gives me a fair game? If a player is leaving that much already they’re frustrated at how awful of a time they’re having already.

I feel like I’m punished for even trying at all right now.


try to think from your teammates perspective.

Would you want a constant leaver on your team to get away unpunished for ruining so many games for others?


ive been kicked for inactivity while on the loading screen for a backfill, i hope there isnt punishment for leaving quick play lol.


you don’t get punished for leaving a game here or there, connection issues happen, maybe a random house fire to attend to…

…but if you consistently leave too many, you get -75% reduced xp for the next 10 matches or something iirc

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quickplay is just premades vs 4 random people bc 1 slots is cycling through leavers.


Because you’re ruining the game for everyone else. You’re being punished because you’re selfish and inconsiderate.

I would say the penalty isn’t harsh enough, but with the change to the battle pass system, -75% XP might actually mean something now.


Am I ruining the game if I’m the worst player on the team and I leave? I’m not feeding anymore, maybe they get a more level headed person in backfill. Isn’t that actually a net win?


sounds like a competitive mindset


Fighting 4v5 is incredibly difficult. Often times it takes at least 2-3 teamfights (or more) to get a replacement player.

If you do stick around, even if you are the ‘worst player on the team’, you being there is at least a distraction/meatshield. So others on your team aren’t getting focused for a bit and can fight back better with you there than if you aren’t there at all.


Yes, you are. Being the worst player on the team isn’t a good excuse to put your team at a huge disadvantage for a period of time until it can fill.

Please dont pretend youre somehow doing the right thing here. You’re simply selfish and you just can’t handle seeing the word “defeat” on your screen.


it’s quickplay
that also means quick to get out which is why it has less penalties for leaving


Quick play is simply a game mode for finding a quick unmirrored match. It doesn’t mean you’re free to leave because youre mentally incapable of seeing the word defeat.

Have a little dignity, for crying out loud. Follow through with what you start.


My question is, if everyone else in the lobby having a good time, why aren’t you?

What is a fair game in QP? A game where the enemies aren’t cheesing? A game thats easy for you to win? A game that a real challenge but just barely winnable?


I’m glad we could agree. It’d probably be detrimental to attach some poetic nonsense to it though. i’d probably start posting on video game forums talking about honor or something in quick play.

Maybe I’m sick of losing 20 games in a row to only get one win in a slog of a game. I’m sour, I’m sick of the game and no matter what I try it’s not getting any easier. I want the game to be easy, yes.


My point was that “quick” doesnt mean “leave whenever you want”

People these days are basically just big babies if they’re not winning. Like go play a game of CTF and watch half the enemy team leave after you cap a single time after 5 minutes of hard fought back and forth. Like as even as even as the match could possibly be and they’re too emotionally immature to even try to win and just assume defeat and leave.


you should try competitive, not quickplay

at least in my experience the quickplay queue is often harder than competitve is. In competitive it feels more fair and balanced matches than quickplay.


says who, because the leave penalty is quite reduced compared to more serious modes

Says everyone with a brain. If you queue for a match of a game the expectation is that you stay the entire match.

The penalty is reduced compared to comp because obviously the stakes are lower - a loss has significantly lower impact on you and the people you’re playing with. That doesn’t mean that every game mode outside of comp is just intended to be a leaver paradise. The penalty exists for a reason.

Like imagine you got some friends together to play a board game and right in the middle one of your friends just says “wahhh im losing this isnt fun, cya guys” and just leaves. Like yeah okay it wasn’t a tournament with a cash prize, but doing that is still a huge dick move.


maybe for a competitive match, but nobody anywhere ever declared with a required amount of authority that quick play had this requirement. i would start playing comp if you want a more competitive and less relaxed environment.