Why is there any punishment in Quick Play for leaving?

the leaver penalty isnt bad, you can leave every NEW QUEENS STREET match and never ever get consequence

Leaving QP doesn’t ruin matches. The empty spot gets filled, often with a better player.

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Yeah, I am the common denomiator, and I also paid for the game to have a good time.

Maybe I paid enough to make the whole community hate me already 'cause I want all the cosmetics. I’m supposed to be allowed to suck at this game.

You don’t put some cripple against a pro-boxer, unless you’re filming for Jackass.

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Honestly the leaving penalty should not be in Quickplay. It’s Quickplay, in ranked sure thing but you guys speak like Quickplay is Ranked. LMAO what is wrong with you? If Quickplay was meant to be properly played then why the hell can you get DPS only Moira’s or Echos that walk off maps?

Why should anyone that leaves games like that be subjected to a penalty at all when the famous words “Bro it’s just quickplay” are ever present. If you want no leaves go play ranked ;D

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I rarely see anyone doing those things in QP. The most disruptive thing that I do see all the time is quitters. Stop fishing for an easy win and just play the game.


People are working on challenges? Leavers don’t really help with that, especially when most of the weekly challenges are “Win X matches”

Source: …f’n Gundam Evolution…

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Yes, i have no problem with leavers, because backfill exists. Leave at your leisure. This isn’t prison. No penalties for QP?

And the op is right. if the MM cannot provide fair matches, people should leave.


I thought the unofficial ruling for that statement was because someone is playing a hero they’re learning and maybe not doing the hottest and some person on the team is :peach:hurt about it.

Not… “This sucks, I can’t win - I quit.”

I don’t get why they have leaver status but they don’t have leaver queues. If you think leaving is no problem, that’s cool, you get to play with other like-minded people.


To be fair the it’s just quickplay comes up with anything. It’s not as if its exclusive to learning a hero, I coordinated ults in Voice Chat and the reply I got was : “Shut the F up it’s just quickplay if you want to tryhard play ranked.”

I like to play quickplay to warm up on the day or learn new hero’s and every day at least 3-4 times I hear that. So yea what you say doesn’t hold up here people say it no matter what. Quickplay isn’t taken serious so why is there a leave penalty for it? Doesn’t make sense to me.


Yeeeeah, I get that now that you frame that whole thing. I don’t think there is a good scenario for it. That genuinely sucks the scenarios you’ve run into because I completely get why you coordinate that much, and it’s hugely practical, and then just some folks wanting to be an :peach: because… they are.

I had mentioned Gundam Evolution being a reason why not, and I still stand by that. There is next to zero consequence for leaving, and it very quickly becomes a glaringly obvious problem to it. Then again, the game doesn’t have backfill either, so that’s another reason.

Never played Gundam so I wouldn’t know. If I compare it to how League Of Legends does their normal games, there is simply a difference. The community seems to have decided quickplay is super casual and does not matter. And if you actually try to win in Quickplay you will either be branded a tryhard or told to go play Ranked.

Hence I believe they should just take away punishment for quickplay. I believe it doesn’t matter, the games don’t matter to your rank if you lose its whatever but like one person said. It can be hugely frustrating if people “troll” or play dps only moira’s or whatever else they come up with that wouldn’t go with the objective of winning the game.

Quickplay is casual game mode, people play it cassually some don’t try some do the tenor atm seems to be that ranked is serious and quickplay is not which is then why I say well remove the penalties. You can quickly move on to the next game I guess.

That’s basically it. People just leave if they feel the match has gone to hell so it pretty much throws the match for everyone else because there is no backfill. The only punishment in place is the leaver is they have to wait till the match is over.

This messes with people working on challenges which at least have a silver lining that there are not as many “Win X games” as there is for OW2 weekly challenges.

I can’t say I want that scenario in OW2 (granted there is backfill) because of how many challenges hang on “Win X games doing…”

I’ve mentioned before that I exclusively play MH. With OW1, it didn’t matter how bad a game was; I didn’t leave.
With Overwatch 2 though and the change to 5V5, I am more likely to leave is A) I get KOTH and B) the other team pulls the 3-4 tanks + healer combo because those maps + that combo is not fun. I am not going to stay if I am not having fun.

Everytime there’s a leaver, the team is short one men and will often lose their team fights, giving the enemy a ton of ult charges while the team is waiting on backfill.

People don’t realize backfill are not instant, and when they join, they lack informations on the current battlefield to pick their ideal hero for the situations. Furthermore, they are away from the team fight with massive ult disadvantage.

Backfill has to pull a miracle for them to turn the fight around.

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did you check out the new antlerantler alblum?

penalty on qp is just not smart, and with not smart I mean a completely different word. I have a family, I have a one year old daughter, she sometimes needs me in the nights, the only time I have to play some matches, and then getting penalties because I have to care for her. wtf, that is why I have played qp in the first place.

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Quick play I play for fun if its busan again I am leaving I said fun!!

They should increase the punishment for leaving in QP. I’d say 5-minute timeout is reasonable with it increasing over time if there are repeated leavings.


Not really, backfill is pretty quick. If your team is losing it’s not really a loss to get a new person in either way. Annoying for the person being backfilled? That I agree to, but only when it’s RIGHT before losing.

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