Why is there any punishment in Quick Play for leaving?

They need to increase the frequency of leaver penalties tbh.


You have to leave a very high number of games in a short period of time to get a penalty outside of comp. I suppose the -75% XP penalty actually matters now, but it’s really hard to get.

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Quickplay have rules too.

You can be banned in quickplay too.

Same for arcade and i think custom matches too.

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I don’t think leavers are punished hard enough it’s very frustrating that half the games you play have people who ragequit in them and the other half it’s you backfilling an already lost game (sometimes with still a spot open in your team). I mean yes it’s free BP exp but it’s not fun.


I’m with OP 100%, game is simply unfair 90% of the time


with the way players act today. It kinda is deserved to have leavers.

Too many players grief one another, and exhibit no “actual” sportsmanship, other than lying in chat by saying “gg”. Despite there is no meaning behind it.

when I look back at matches and observe the leavers. Some player from the other team spawn camps them and continues to gank that specific player with their friends-stack premade team, to the point where the person eventually just quits. So that is why we have leaving in the first place.

In other games like Dead by daylight, when players are griefed, eventually someone hacks the other player’s connection out of spite. So yeah, there really is more than just the one problem, but more underneath the surface happening behind the scenes and they wonder why players up and quit matches.


This kind of thing is rare, I dont think its a good explanation for why we have multiple leavers per match.

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I’m about 2,000 hours or so in gameplay and have seen it all. (pretty much).

I mean it boils down to player behavior and how players act in matches. If people are having fun and it feels like everything is “fair”, a person should try and play out the match regardless if it is going to be a loss or not.

Most of what I see from rage quitting is players being griefed, as to why they left in the first place.

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Honestly, I leave matches pretty often. Why? Because there’s no point in sticking around with a losing team. Various scenario I encounter in which I’ll just leave a match:

  • No coordinated group effort to actually push an objective
  • No healing, just battle Healers thinking they’re DPS
  • Matches where the enemy can consistently move the payload and it doesn’t stop for a single moment moving forward
  • If I’m trying to play Healer and my team is consistently and constantly running from me making it impossible to heal
  • If I’m trying to tank and my team spreads out as far as humanly possible so that it’s meaningless
  • If I get a “Push” game mode, regardless of all the above

I could go on, but the point is, I’m trying to play to have fun and to win. There’s no fun in playing with a team of people whose only concern is how quickly can they rush in and die. This isn’t Call of Duty. Losing you to stupid mistakes completely affects the rest of the team.

Why stick around for players that don’t have any interest in learning and trying to win?


Try having a team of leavers before the match on a large scale, and to make it even better, your team is on defense, lol.

I did feed a bit by over extending and not retreating back in time. I had great teammates by the time the team filled up, and they held their ground when I screwed up hard.

QuickPlay Code: GC2QV7

PS: I’m a support main, so any tank tip for me will be very valuable whenever I flex. I have bad aim to ever play damage.

Quickplay doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things.

Is what people used to say but now with challenges and the Battlepass it does.

Leavers need to be penalised far more severely than they are.


Exactly. Why for quickplay or mystery hero’s? This is straight nonsense. Go play ranked if you are trying to win QP or MH. Give me a damn break blizzard.

Because you are being selfish and not thinking of the inconvenience you are causing the rest of your team.


in a f2p game no1 owes u and u owe no1.
u log on, enjoy the gameplay loop, or dont.

if the game feels bad, just leave.
the xp penalty is literally pro af.
all the slap accounts are low lvl default skins.
leaving keeps u from becoming a whale, and:
no1 needs progression when it’s All AbOuT tHe GaMePlaY

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My friend, if you’re getting tilted at losing step away from the game. Take a break, go outside, touch grass as the kids say.


Not enough punishment imo. They should be more harsh in every mode and happen sooner. I’m tired of leavers ruining games. Yes even in quickplay.

I’m also extremely tired of people being sore losers in comp and leaving when they lose the point within the cut off time limit cancelling the match.


OP, if you’re not having fun playing the game, stop.

It’s the easiest thing in the world to just stop.


Why would I waste my time if we’re being just utterly rolled though? like this game is supposed to be fun, and if I’m not, then I should be able to leave? Guarantee my teammates are thinking the same thing if they’re getting rolled.

Now if it’s only slightly losing, but we have a good shot at winning, that’s a different story

dont… play then? if you arent capable of accepting defeat and you literally just want the game to be an easy win to feel better about yourself then play ai

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Reality: YOU are the single common denominator in each and every one of you losses. Maybe take some ownership and stop looking for others to blame. What value do you really bring to the team if you want to leave the team when a team fight goes bad?

Just leave the game and go find something else. If you are such a loser (by your own admission) and leaver at this game, I am sure there are games out there that are more your speed. Go find one and be happy. Just stop being a horrible team mate in this game.