Why is there any punishment in Quick Play for leaving?

If you are losing 20 games in a row then the common denominator is you unfortunately. I don’t know what to tell you… but it’s not the matchmaker…


Blizzard did, thats why theres a penalty when you do it.

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weird, i leave a bunch of qp games all the time and have only gotten penalized once since owning the game from 2016

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My heart can barely handle that. It’s awful.

Nobody is saying the penalties are intended to be of equal consequence. But the fact that there exists a punishment clearly indicates the intention.


Can I ask why?
Like genuinely, I’m just curious.

Maybe you need someone to play with?
I’m down to play comp together if you need someone, and I don’t flame my teammates cuz I know it’s just a game.


i get what you’re saying though, but caring about victory or defeat 100% in qp causes you to care about people leaving and there’s a lot of people that don’t care in qp

like personally speaking i desire to finish matches mostly but also quick play can be a place to wait before getting ready to go to work or waiting on a friend doing something else

At the moment QP matchmaking is broken or simply not present.
You get constantly thrown into matches with fresh new players (obviously new ones).
Very unsatisfying and destroying a very good game for me.
I don’t endorse leaving but I understand why people are tempted to do.


Is the penalty also there for people who backfill? I try not to leave matches, and I have won maybe 2 matches where I backfilled and I joined relatively late in the game, but usually a backfill results in a loss and it quickly becomes quite clear why they were losing to begin with. So I understand leaving in that scenario.

And that’s fair, but realistically my problem isn’t with people getting ready for work or waiting on a friend. I consider those to be much rarer cases and a good example of why the punishment is more lax. And hey, sometimes people have obligations or even emergencies - totally understood. I’m not asking for anyone to be permabanned because they left just a few matches this season.

My problem is with people who leave because they think they’re going to lose and want to start a new match. These are people who DO care about that win/loss so much that they selfishly abandon their team.

As per my previous example, CTF is a cesspool of people who quit the moment the enemy team captures the flag. Every time I play with some friends, it happens nonstop. We actually have to have alt accounts logged in and spectating the matches (which prevents the games from being canceled due to not having enough players). Otherwise a solid 50% of our games will actually cancel because people leave at the first sign of a possible loss, and the games dont backfill quickly enough. It is literally a game ruining experience for us.

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I feel some of the best games are the ones where you get stomped early on and then manage to turn it around at the end and win. And those happen almost every day. But if you leave such games early then your never there for the turn around.
And if your loosing 20 games in a row it sounds like you subconsciously think its a loss when its hard and stop trying.

I would say, either watch your replays and find something common in where your dying and work on that to have more fun, or take a break from the game. Because just banging your head at it and complaining will only make yourself feel worse.


I’ve been playing this game since the start I’ve gone downhill so bad with age I’d love to start from scratch with a new account or something. It’s bad. If I give up all the cosmetics then there’s no point in playing the game anymore.

yes, but if you’re leaving only because of backfill then you’re fine, the penalty only happens when you leave x amount of QP games in a certain time frame

Also why would you leave a backfill if it’s about to end? Free BP exp :stuck_out_tongue: unless you didn’t buy it then unstandable haha.

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The person leaving should get no penalty. just make the system better to invite someone else in.

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You should thank your stars that the leaver “penalty” in Overwatch is a slap on the wrist.

If the penalties were designed by someone with more than half a brain, you’d be stuck in a queue with other leavers, or just be banned from the game for gameplay sabotage.


Oh if ONLY they’d permanently ban me I could be free of this suffering instead of being victim of the sunk cost fallacy this game is. Just give me a damn refund.


Looking for a match that is balanced through match making in QP. Good luck with that my guy.

Also, being a leaver because your team keeps getting closer to losing or are doing bad? Hmm… Well there’s one thing that is consistent in all these teams. Can you figure it out? It’s not matchmaking.


Oh I know I suck, why can’t I be with all the other players that suck? I’m not improving.

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You’re going to be playing a loooooooooooooong time if you are looking for a ‘good’ match.

Stomp or get stomped is all there is.
Worst casual matchmaking in video game history.


I can’t agree with that one. Some games might feel like that until you swap to a better suited hero though. But for my 2k hours in quickplay I have had mostly even matches. Stopped playing comp completely cause I was having more competitive games in quickplay while almost no toxicity compared to comp.

And the matchmaking isn’t bad if you can play several heroes so you can swap around. But I have also played games like quake 1/2/3 where there was a mix of every skill level in the same lobby. Battlefield 3/4 also felt like there was no matchmaking at all.