Why is OW the only game that assumes 66% of the team/playerbase shouldn't play DPS?

Since the dawn of time, every game that has had tanks, healers, and DPS came to understand one very basic thing. Most people want to play DPS. So the optimal party comps in these games have been built around that notion. Entire games have been built around this very simple and observable fact about human nature.

But OW doesn’t do that. If 2-2-2 becomes a thing, OW will be a game trying to force a square peg into a round hole. No game has had only 33% of its playerbase want to play DPS. No game has ever been built around this absurd fantasy.

Even WoW, developed by the same people who are working on this game (one of whom is Jeff Kaplan), understood this and went with 5man teams comprising of 1 tank, 1 healer, and 3dps. Larger teams in wow follow a similar, if not more dps skewed distribution. And yet DPS queue times are the longest in WoW.

What will keep the DPS players in OW playing if 2-2-2 becomes a thing? Even if it’s only implemented for Ranked, do you think that will be satisfactory? A lot of the DPS tryhards will get sick of the wait times and move onto other games.

And if you say “good riddance”, then you have a very short sighted view of this game. DPS players easily make up the largest playerbase in OW. If a large chunk (or even a small chunk) of them move on from OW, it’s going to be less numbers for OW, less viewers for twitch, less lootboxes bought. Alienating these “selfish dps players” could lead to less attention from Blizzard, since their revenue would drop. Do we want future events where we only get a couple skins and recycled game modes? What’s activision going to do when twitch viewership and lootbox purchases drop?

I hope I’ve convinced you that those “selfish dps players” are still players we want to keep in the game.


I don’t know many other games that have the three roles but don’t force them to be ran

So that’s probably why

Like I literally can only think of WoW right now if you have any other examples I’m curious

Its for the sake of improving comp. Clearly the freedom to have multiple heroes of 1 role stacked into brokenness in one way or the other clearly hurts the competitive nature of the game more than it helps.


Well I somewhat agree, however, my problem is that when everyone wants to play DPS for the most part you get bad comps, and for the most part you lose. Which you know what? Fine if you lose, you know why, but the ones who are first to complain about no healers are DPS players. I feel some DPS want to have their cake and eat it too.


I think the biggest issue is the expectations many player have.
A structured competitive environment is something that some players don’t want.
Sportsmanship is a unicorn


Sadly, people are willing to screw over this section of the playerbase if it means they can get their “perfect” team comp every game.

As a tank/healer player, it’s very discouraging to see the toxicity against DPS players.


Its just devs got hard owned by forums.
Goats, dive, 222, etc etc -> devs dont fully realize that people complain because they lose and whatever they do they still will complain lol

Reaper nerf, Torb nerf, what else was there? Are clear examples for this


Overwatch was built 411 but then they listened to the tears of solo tank and solo support mains and instead of just fixing the problem via balance… They decided 222 was the answer.



Preach :pray: :pray:


Healers and tanks can also DPS, i dont get it.

After 222 is done, people will start complain about MM giving them stupid teammates while placing all smurfs in the red team huehue


Overwatch is also one of the only games where DPS have just as challenging and as vital a job as Tanks or Healers. In most other games DPS only have to avoid immediate and obvious danger and spam their damage rotation. (Wildstar was the only game in recent memory where I actually had to pay attention while DPSing)

Here they have to prioritize targets (usually the tank’s job in other games) protect the tanks and healers from being flanked (also usually the tank’s job) and each DPS has to perform as optimally as possible to be valuable. (Where as in most MMOs it’s usually not a big deal if one or five of them are essentially worthless so long as your tanks and healers are on their game.)

I think they’d widely enjoy the other roles here just as much if the game wasn’t designed to discourage them from trying them.

In the same sense that dps can technically heal.

Good riddance!

Like dps onetricks are buying lootboxes … why? They want all Rein skins? Maybe it’s Mercy skins they want? :thinking:
And by that logic … we could assume that many players who left the game will get back.

… in your opinion …

Maybe pump some money into marketing and get new players?

Yup, that’s why we report them all the time! I’m convienced! :rofl:

None of them deal damage in a style that appeals to me. That is the problem. Otherwise I would jump on it.

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Blue team has junkrat/reaper/sym one tricks, red team has pharah and snipers.

Well wait a minute. What do you mean fix the balance? Like do you want people to be solo tanking and solo healing so that more people can play DPS?


Absolutely, and its up to Blizzard to make the other two roles engaging (mechanically interesting for me as well) so that if 2-2-2 is implemented, players with DPS mindsets can enjoy them as well.

The OP actually brings up a solid argument.

Yes. You jack up the tanks and supports to be juggernauts and capable of solo healing entire teams… And then lock them to one. It would literally fix the issue with solo roles and not go against the practical issue of class preference. If anything, we might have the opposite problem where too many people want to play healer or tank because they would be extremely OP.


Says who? Not the devs thats for sure, the last time they mentioned 411 they said it felt horrible to play so they scrapped the idea , and that was the last and only time it was mentioned