Why is open Q such a dumpster fire

Now that is some backwards logic thier and not bias at all.

As quite frankly that was the entire issue with open que. The major difference between them is that in role qua you get to choose the role you want to play and are rated by that rolea performance alone.

While in open you can easily be forced to flex onto a role you dont like/ even know how to play.

And then be forced to be rated by that performance.

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Open Q presents an opportunity of imaginary freedom; responsibility is not dictated by the game and so it’s left to the players to play responsibly … we know how well that works.

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Just go GOATS! :smiley: 4Head

Generally speaking I find that our experience (open queue or otherwise) is often based on what we bring into the lobby with us.

My games haven’t been much different than old overwatch. It’s not always dps, ironically I’ve been maining Sigma in Open Queue to climb, and have run into several 3 tank comps. To me it’s classic Overwatch, while the teams can be garbage sometimes I still enjoy the flexibility and queue times. Since they’ve added it, I’ve practically been playing that exclusively

Because it’s open queue. Competitive was a dumpster fire before role queue was added.

Competitive is not competitive when you allow players to disregard what role would best help the team. Having 0 healers or tanks is going to be a bad time

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The issue with old openQ was that everyone was fixated on having 2-2-2 but refused to flex themself … it still can be an issue now, but it has improved. And in roleQ your performance mostly depends on how your team performs and if the matchmaker accidentally put together two somewhat equal teams. An other huge disadvantage of roleQ is that you can’t change your role even if it could totally change the outcome.

No one can force you to play a role you don’t want to play and having players in roles they can’t or don’t want to play is more of a roleQ issue.

Of course it’s better to have the tank who has no idea what he is doing or the 99% DPS healer on your team :+1:

Me too. The crazy thing is that most players still try to build 2-2-2 comps … but usually no one has issues with 3 dps comps too.

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I don’t understand what this means. You’re encouraging 6 dps comps? Like I said, open queue is not competitive. When players can disregard what the team needs & just play what they want because they aren’t team players it’s not a good time

Basically never happens … ~60% of matches are 2-2-2 comps and ~25% are 3 dps comps. 5-6 dps comps is almost as rare as goats.

I think it’s more competitive than roleQ becaue it gives players more freedom to rebuild their comps to what they actually need.

This might be shocking, but most players suck at OW :scream: 2-2-2 doesn’t win games … skill, teamplay and gamesense does. It’s better to play heroes you are good with than picking something you can’t play and don’t want to play just because someone on twitch said you need to.

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Because the game isn’t balanced around open q.

Okay but what’s your point when you say

? I said

And that was your response. I don’t understand what you’re trying to say. My whole argument is that 2-2-2 is good because you have a guaranteed 2 tanks and 2 healers, but it sounds like you’re suggesting “who cares if we need a tank or healer, just play what you want” which is probably DPS

Freedom is the issue in open queue. Open queue isn’t competitive when it’s a flip of a coin. When the other team can have a team willing to work together & have a balanced team comp that works and your team can be 4-6 DPS playing deathmatch not in voice chat it’s not competitive. There’s a reason why other multiplayer team games have role/lane queue (League of Legends, Heroes of the Storm etc.) because if they didn’t you could end up with a terrible team comp that doesn’t work. There is nothing competitive about a mess of a team comp. If you need a healer and a tank to have a good shot of winning (which you do, anything else is just a meme comp that wins with luck/misplays by the opposing team) then role queue is necessary.

Role queue should have been implemented at launch.

2-2-2 is statistically proven to win games more often than any other distribution of roles, besides when 3-3 & triple tank was meta. And meta only matters at high ranks. Anything below GM before role queue was anyones guess. Most of my games had at least 3 DPS

Again, this is the issue with role queue. This mindset encourages picking whatever you want (likely DPS since that is by far the largest portion of the playerbase) with total disregard for what the team needs

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It’s indeed horrible. Top 500 in Open Queue is around 3.2K, there’s a lot of people who give up on the match quickly, switch to a DPS and soft-throw. Even streamers struggle in that mode - isn’t even fun to watch.

Ya no that disnt stop teams fighting with each other everyround, like there were always people fighting over gengi and mercy. So many would throw if they didnt get what they wanted.

Not to mention the fact that most people couldnt flex meaning that a lot of players were playing at a significantly lower skill level then others around when they did have to flex

Even worse some that would pick support/tank then swap after their first death. Meaning someone else needed to swap to fill in that one tank or healer they did had.

It was toxic and extreamly imbalance. Ya today it is significantly better then it was do to people having options. But by all means I personally would never want to go back to that experience.

That and the game is balance around 2-2-2 so theirs that.

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My point is 2-2-2 doesn’t automatically make good team comps and not having 2-2-2 doesn’t make your comp inferior. It is pointless to have tanks or healers who don’t know how to play their heroes or just refuse to do their job because they try to DPS. It also is pointless to have 2-2-2 comps if you have zero synergy in your picks … having a dive comp means nothing if you don’t dive together, having close range heals doesn’t matter if half your team is to far away to heal and double shield doesn’t matter if you have no one to stand behind it. 3 DPS comps often work better than 2-2-2 in my experience.

Actually roleQ is much more like flipping a coin … almost every match is totally onesided. In openQ matches feel much closer and it feels like you actually have an impact.

A team willing to work together has nothing to do with your comp.

True … 2-2-2 only gave you an advantage when both teams are extremely equal on their skill lvl which is basically only the case in GM. 3 DPS comps worked totally fine for like 90%+ of the player base.

The team does need players who know what they are doing and work together and not the classic suicide rezz Mercy or the Rein who charged into his dead for the 6th time in one round.

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Never saw that in openQ so far.

And now you have tanks and healers who play full DPS and not doing their jobs because they don’t want to wait 10min+

Very rare … not a real issue. What I see quite often is teams start with 2-2-2 comps and when they fail they switch to 3 or sometimes 4 DPS comps and magically start to win.

The game is not balanced at all. And I would say openQ is a little less toxic than roleQ … in roleQ you have many tanks/healers who are pi**ed because they actually want to play DPS and if you are not hard carrying as DPS they instantly come after you.

…so go to Quick Play or Arcade?

Why are you queueing for competitive to not be a team player or take it remotely seriously?


Sure… But for the most part it does. The odds of having a cohesive team comp in 222 is far greater than open queue. It is often pulling teeth to get 2 people to play tank & 2 people to play healer in open queue for the entire match (because the majority of the playerbase are DPS players & that’s what they want to play). The second they stop having fun they usually swap to a different role, often making you down a tank or healer. This often leads to a lot of toxicity because not only are they upset for feeling forced to play a role they probably didn’t want to in the first place because the rest of their team refused to (and they’ll likely let their team hear it), but then the rest of their team is upset because now they’ve swapped off that role & they’re down a tank or healer (and that person will likely hear it from their team). Also, you run into a lot more cases of “I don’t play tank/healer” which often leads to a bad game because someone is playing off their main role which you even mentioned is a bad thing that happens in open queue. This does not happen nearly as often in role queue because people choose to play their role & are usually used to playing it

All in all, 222 is much, much better imo. I was so tired of open queue after 3 years of it. I was forced to fill almost every single game as tank/healer, and was often the only one. I much prefer actually getting to play what I want, when I want, & know that I’ll have 2 of each role not flaming eachother for who should get to play what

Not my experience. What I just said above is my experience.

Yes it does. In your first paragraph you even explained how it does. Having synergy in your picks is part of working together. Picking an unsustainable team comp is not working with your team.

Considering I’m in the top 10% of players (anywhere between Diamond->GM depending on the role/day) maybe now you understand why we have different perspectives.

Yep… Which is why I would much rather play role queue where I know the person queued for support & knows how to play at least a couple of them compared to a player in open queue who only plays DPS but because they’re a team player they’re playing support or tank for the first time doing exactly what you just described… Case and point

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Yet it was more balanced then role queue… go figure