Why is open Q such a dumpster fire

Every mode is like that. I get trash games in every mode, even arcade. RQ comp is actually the worst, because they don’t average out the roles, so most matches are decided by the higher ranked tanks.

Monsters! :scream:

Competitive is a joke … don’t take it too serious. And by the way … openQ works better than roleQ.

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Honestly this is how it was when it was the only type of competitive Que. So many players that didn’t give a dam and just DPS all game while complaining how their team is Shart.


Why not make a 6 stacks and run Goats if you only care for winning at all cost? They reverted all the DPS buffs, so nothing can stop Goats in open queue right now

Yet no one plays goats.

OpenQ works better than roleQ :neutral_face:

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HAHAHAHAHAH ahhh thats a good one m8

If I want to play dpswatch I would play the better version of that in Tf2. Or goatwatch in any Moba.

RoleQue, I don’t have to worry about team comps, I don’t have to worry that the 2 heroes In a given Role I play can be taken. Or have to worry about being forced into role I didn’t want to play.

RoleQue all the way.


Why is that? Is it hard to get 5 randoms with the winning at all cost mentality?

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1: almost no one wants to play tank
2: goats doesn’t really work in low and mid ranks

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There are lots of flex players like me in there, too. I like the idea of being able to play anything and not knowing what I’ll be playing until I decide what the team needs most. I also like being able to switch roles mid-match. I see 2-2-2 comps more often than not, actually (low masters). There is a problem with nobody but me being in voice chat, though.

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Yeah nothing much has changed.

goats and 5-6 dps almost never happens … ~85% of matches players buils 2-2-2 or 3 dps comps.

2-2-2 doesn’t equal a good comp. I constantly saw tanks and (to a lesser degree) healers in roleQ who couldn’t be more useless if they were AFK … players who don’t want to play that role, who don’t know how to play that her, who refuse to do their jobs and who refuse to build actually decent comps.

No one does in openQ.

This with me. I just say hey there’s no limits choose what you want when they demand a certain character to be played.

Because they are sheeple … some youtubers and streams started with “we need 2-2-2” and more and more followed because crying for 2-2-2 is easier than actually improving your gameplay. Not that there is anything wrong with running 2-2-2 if you want it.

There is a reason why streamers make fun of it. It isn’t a true competitive mode. Was implemented to please those who were crying about not having 5 DPS



I think you are right. I also suspected open queue was an intended testing grounds for a competitive mmr reset. pretty much to prove how awful a reset would be to the players that kept asking for it

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I could post this same exact thread about RQ comp…

222 order
OQ chaos


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Sooo … the like 20 seasons before roleQ were also not true competitive?

They hoped all the DPS players would move to openQ and drastically lower the roleQ queue time.

Not really … roleQ is full of people who are frustrated because they play heroes they don’t want to play or they play with others who don’t want to play their heroes. In openQ people are more focused on playing their role.