Why is open Q such a dumpster fire

I will never again play Role Queue and I disagree with you.
Role Queue will die one way or another. Either Blizzard kills it or it dies with the game.


OW2 will launch & bring so many new & returning players that queue times will be near instant for both open & role queue

If Blizzard makes 10+ minutes queues for the majority of the OW2 population (=DPS), I can assure you it will be a ghost town faster than OW became so - which was impressively fast.

Why is it a dumpster fire? Because it’s open queue. Letting players pick whatever they want regardless of team composition/synergy/requirements was always a bad idea.

Role Queue was added fror a reason after all, and that reason was to bring some much needed order to the chaos that was open queue.


Blizzard isn’t making anything. It is players who choose which role they want to play.

Like I said, OW2 will bring new & returning faces which will lower queue times. That’s the solution. Breaking game balance is not

Also, I’ve never waited more than 10 minutes for a queue, that’s an anomaly either due to rank, region, time of playing or platform. I rarely even wait 9 minutes if I insist on playing DPS.

Given that both games will share Competitive mode there will be no “OW2 population”. It’ll be the same player base for both games.

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Because it’s the most optimal team composition for the game and is also the format that they balance around.


How will it reduce queue times? Just because there is more players, there is no reason for the queue times to be reduced, if the ratio of roles are like now. Meaning, if 60% of the population wants to play DPS, it really doesn’t matter if there is 10.000 players or 10 million players - DPS will still have to wait - alot.

As for wait times: I have many times waited 10+ minutes in Plat in prime-time. And 15-20 minutes in off-hours. Keep in mind that Plat is one of the most populated ranks.

As for people choosing DPS: In your opinion it is the players fault if they prefer a certain role?

There will be changes with OW2, trust me. They are not so stupid that they simply continue this dumpster fire that OW ended up as.

Hate to say it but that is the mind set for a good 90% of the player base for every game mode. Very very (and I mean VERY) little competitiveness in this game.

Play tf2 over open queue. Same concept of everyone’s a dps but the maps/game modes are actually designed for that sort of thing.

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What astounds me in it is when people insta-locking DPS ask for a shield tank, or start making demands for a Support, as if they are too good for it and expect someone else to fill the role for them… to enable their play… :roll_eyes:

Then there is the whole crowd who asks for either two Supports or two Tanks… I am like what are these people thinking?

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Its because thats not the actual competitive experience.

Well considering that you are playing primarily a mode that the devs are no longer balancing around then ya I can see why you would say that.

Like I said this was an common issue with the original OpenQ, And no a lot of the time 4 Plus dps is an horrible idea. As quite frankly outside a handful of open points, Dps will just ultimately be forced back by that one protected enemy that can spam them for days without worry. Unless of course the enemy just sucks at aiming, but hey thats another problem all together.

Well now to use you own logic against you no one is “Forcing them to play a role they don’t like”

Also don’t play at peak hours and the dps wait time is like five to six minutes. Not to mention these same people are popping into open que to play exclusively dps.

Well you must have not played a lot of OW prior to RoleQue, because hot dam this was the only like 2/3 of games. Were most fights are lost well before you even began the game, Because genji/mercy main #23224 didn’t get their hero.

I mean if you like I can pull up a dozen or so old videos about people complaining about this very thing.

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Comparing the big outcry of flex players to actually seeing people flex is quite large. Flex is usually ‘‘I’ll go dps because our dps sucks’’, thinking the other dpses actually will swap.

Only 7 people in switch open queue top 500, all of them 3300 or lower, it’s such a joke.

My main gripe is there’s such a small pool playing it. I always see the same people that I do not want to see

Because a lot of dps don’t want to wait the queues then they play open q and then they pick a dps. So should I flex and pick tank/healer, even with 3-4 dps on my team?
Nah, I rather pick dps too and have fun :smiley:
I am main support but I will never pick support to heal 4 dps.
That is why I don’t play this stupid game mode

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I’ve seen so many plats and low diamonds in open q masters and GM, it’s hilarious

OMG… people having fun.