Why is mccree still a shield/tank buster?

really… goats now dont exists and shields were hard nerfed… here is not any reason to have mccree with the fth combo with like 500-600dmg on 2 seconds…

and i can say the same with the storm arrow power.


Because McCree is allowed to do anything he wants.


He got freedom of choice what to be, and what he can do.

Because shields aren’t strong enough.

Bet you didn’t expect that one.

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Who could expect, that nerfing shields make them to weak.


Who’d of thunked it.

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Because OWL season isn’t over yet, and they haven’t started shifting the game towards 5v5 yet.

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no. i think that the problem is the team balance. they dont have any idea how to balance this game.


I mean, “balance” can mean a lot of things.

By some measure, the game is “very balanced”.

Where as the only reason they would change McCree is because of 5v5 changes.

yeah and now show the same but with only dps xd

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Tbh, I don’t think it’s going to be possible to have 17 DPS with similar pickrates.

If they nerfed McCree, then the meta would either shift to Snipers/Ashe, Tracer or Echo.

That said, I personally think they should have a ban system for high ELO.

Because Mccree is the devs favourite child, along with Tracer. He is so overbuffed that he outshines every other dps in almost every department. He is tanky with the 225hp , does the most consistent dmg out of any hitscans, the best shield busting out of the hitscans, shuts down flankers with his flashbang, eats tanks with his rightclick. There is NOTHING and i really mean NOTHING that this hero cant do. His ONLY! weakness is his low mobility.


Such a burst should have never been put in the game esp when it does similar damage of ults like Pulse Bomb, doesn’t self-hurt, and can be spammed into shields, and is a free cheap no skill kill with mcflash

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mccree - Better tank buster than reaper

on someway i can accep the tracer power because she needs a lot of skills. but mccreee… the fth combo is pathetic. also the ult needs a really low skills. especially on this ow with the shields nerfs.

also flashbang
this thing has a massive radius and stuns you for almost a second
nerf flashbang too please
(oh also why does it do 50 damage, dps players got mad that brig bash did good damage but no flashbang fine for some reason)

the fun part is when they nerfed hitscans range , only to buff pharahmercy and echo and forces us to play more hitscans xd

The real question is why is any DPS a shield/tank buster?
And the reason is because they are DPS. That’s their job.


some dps are fine as tank buster because they are close range dps or proyectile dps with slow bullets… but here is not any reason with hitscans or snipers like hanzo.

Really the question is why is Hanzo allowed to be a sniper and a tank-buster/shield breaker? If you want to get up in arms about this, lets look first at this guy and also not forget he scales walls… McCree is forced to go mid-to-short range with no vertical or escape ability on par with Spamzo, he needs damage burst to survive. Could FTH use a damage nerf? Maybe. But let’s also look at SA in the same patch.