Why is mccree still a shield/tank buster?

lol but more than 500dmg with a cc?

Again, he trades having a large hitbox and less movement for more cc/damage. He has to have the CC thanks to all the dive in the game. I won’t go on my usual tirade about how many CC issues exist because we tolerate hypermobility in Tracer/Genji/Doom/Winston/WB/Echo and a few others…

Even players with relatively good aim will struggle to stop a Tracer of equal skill due to the movement and the lower aim requirement she has.

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Because tanks are the most fun, least frustrating, most desired role so what’s the problem with a little, minor, really nothing more than an inconvenience tank busting? I mean, let DPS have a little fun for once man, come on…

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then mccree stun and the team kill… or mccre stun and kill the flanker… but not mccree stun and kill the flankers, the tanks, the shields, the air heros and everything on the game xd

That implies tank busting is fine for 6v6.

I have problems with that implication.

Soldier shoots everyone apart, what do you think about him?

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sure soldier have more than 500dmg on one combo xd

Over time he can output more damage easily than McCree. At range. And self-pocket.

The point I am making is try playing McCree and not use F/B, its nigh impossible as the game is currently.

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I’m more annoyed that one of the ‘snipers’ is also a shield buster than Ezcree tbh.


Because some incompetent fool(s) at blizzard activision allows this.


yeah but hanzo is more inconsistent… on someway is more fair hahaha x_x. the blizzard way

  1. They don’t wanna piss off OWL by dramatically shifting the meta in the finals
  2. GM Tank meta is actually pretty diverse right now, and a lot of people like that.
  3. If it’s “good enough” right now, then devs would rather spend those resources on OW2.

Nerfing FTH to 270 would upset forums more than anything in OWL, let alone the meta.

I hope they’re having fun and that DPS have good queue times.

Sure ain’t the case down here!

Damn their definition of good enough could fertilize an acre of crops.

It could be a lot worse than this.

why only watch the gm pickrate? xd they are the 1% of the game.

Because apparently to r/CompetitiveOverreach that’s the only thing that matters.

It’s not a good definition, but they are pretty vocal about it.

Mate you could show me official 100% accurate data of heroes in all ranks with even pick rates and I still got acid reflux to get the Winston skin because of how gosh darn forking frustrating it was.

But you know exactly why, I shan’t repeat myself. I could not bring myself to get the skin, it’s all I’ll say.

Either way, OWL is over in 7 weeks.

And they lock in OWL patch probably in 4-5 weeks from now.

After that, devs are free to get to work on testing 5v5 mechanics in 6v6.

For instance, I’m certain that Hog passive is testing out the upcoming generic Tank passive.


Because GMs know how to actually play the game, where as the rest of us don’t