Why is matchmaking still so broken

I swear it’s been nothing but get rolled or do the rolling since this season started. Constantly getting people that cant even do the bare minimum on either team. Seriously just do the matchmake and then randomize the teams just before the teams are assigned, games would be soooooo much fairer then this nonsense.


cause at its core what its trying to do is futile (old but still applicable)

thats just how it tries to determine who would make for a good matchup…then you gotta throw on top of that all the things the matchmaker cannot predict…in particular the stuff that happens AFTER the matches start:

  • like who plays what hero
  • what comp will be played (OQ especially but even in RQ)
  • who uses comms
  • who isnt playing and doing something else at same time (child aggro for example)

etc etc etc

all those can have major effects on the game itself even in the most optimally matched game…

basically the game has next to no idea what is going to happen in matches…because it cant…and even if it could it wouldnt matter much once the match itself starts anyway

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It’s not just this anymore though. Rank reset RUINED competitive integrity. Completely and totally ruined it. The only upside is the fact that facing exponentially better players can make you grow as a player exponentially faster




Matchmaking has been disabled for some time now, they turned it off to give the illusion that 5v5 is working or fixed queue times.


tried playing today.

all 3 games a stomp.

convinced they just turned MM off today


Not enough Tank players.

Come back next week Tuesday, and it should be fixed.

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I went about 1-7 in comp today (hard to remember the exact number because there was a plague of leavers early in the session)

Yesterday’s matchmaking was way worse for me, but I only ended up playing 2 games. They were horrible stomps, and I honored my rule of stopping after 2 consecutive losses. Tonight, I wasn’t strong enough to honor that rule. I was feeling too confident because the matches mostly felt closer. I thought I could get a win, but we almost always ended up with that guy who ended up making the team just BARELY too heavy for me to carry :sob:


I prefer a more level playing field.

Somewhat agree. If I only had a level playing field for my entire time playing I wouldn’t have gotten to the level I am so fast. It would’ve probably taken years.

But now that I’m at a good level, I usually prefer close games too. Although I do like it when the enemy team is just slightly better than I am so I can learn something even in even matchups.

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It’s simple but some refuse to admit it’s a problem.

Smurfing and cheating.

We either get smurfs on our team, or the enemy has smurfs on their team.

Add the cheating on top of that, with an anti-cheat that doesn’t do anything.

There are several simple ways to fix all of this.

Add a kernel level anti-cheat like the one Valurant uses. While it may seem intrusive to some, it’s still just a monitoring software, but one that actually does its job.

Ban any and all use of VPNs, then do IP bans on those with smurf accounts.

Add a fresh player lobby, so that fresh players can play against each other, and raise the requirement to unlock competitive mode to 250 QP matches so people actually learn how to play the game rather than winning 50 super fast QP matches only to end up joining competitive and ruining the game for other players, those in bronze-gold in particular. Let’s not fool ourselves here. Fresh players who just started playing competitive are the reason for a lot of the elo hell issues here, because they have no clue of what they’re doing.

Another thing they need to look at is removing suspension leaver penalties in QP and just add a ‘leaver lobby’, then have the leavers play there until they’ve learned not to leave their matches for x amount of hours/days etc.

While this all might seem weird to some, you need to look at the bigger picture.

We need to do what the gaming community did with Sony and force Blizzard to take action on smurfing, cheating and do what’s right by the community, instead of doing everything for their wallets, because if we don’t, they’re never going to fix any of the core issues with the game.


Opponents shouldn’t be exponentially better, and in OW it can feel like that sometimes. Hard to track my progress as a player when the matches are so inconsistent.


Forced losses as well as those trying to trick the system in some form or the other.

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I agree that they shouldn’t be from a functionality standpoint, of course. But just saying, most of my unbalanced games came from me doing GM-T500 level scrims like a month after starting and just getting rolled again and again until I could compete. I did it to myself, the matchmaking system wasn’t terrible beyond how bad we both know it is now.

I feel that.

This is 100% accurate.

I played 10 games the other day and put 100% effort in and went full sweaty, swapped to every tank counter. Won 1 game.

Today, I have won my last 4 games, and I am basically trolling, I am awful and not even trying to swap. I couldn’t have lost if I tried.

I am just having fun, I even backfilled into a loss and went 11-0 to win it.

Not really, it just makes you abandon game faster.

Well, considering the fact that I haven’t abandoned it…nah

Yep. Spot on.

Blame teammates if you must. Blaming the system, when everyone is subject to it with no deference given to any one player, is missing the mark.

Like an algorithm can control how 10 people will act in a game lobby. Thats so absurd to believe.

Blaming matchmaking is copium, plain and simple.

Right but how do you get fun from those matches where you are gonna get stomped unless you swap and try?