The matchmaking hasnt been “balanced” since I can remember. It seems WORSE then its ever been. Blizzard, if you guys read forums: Do you need programmers? Where can I apply?
At this point, it’s like they’re never going to fix it.
Every season it feels worse than the prior for QP. I’ve been playing since S1. I haven’t really messed with comp this season, but I saw improvements in my comp games in the last few seasons. I’m only high gold and get GMs in my QP games.
Valid question. Bc most wins aren’t organic. Forced auto win. Forced auto loss. Winner queue / loser queue on a 50/50 rotational rig basis. That’s the secret sauce to the 50% winrate hamster wheel which most opinions guess incorrectly about. Rigging gives devs full control of your experience. Which is why anti-riggers are the righteous essence that counteracts developer deviousness. Otherwise, devs are often in control of who wins who loses, in advanced. Automated hamster wheel. Sabotaging users experience equals no organic experience. Devs rigged veteran legacy accounts TO artificial automated 50% winrate loser queues. Thats the secret sauce that obliterated their player base. All bc of devs devious desire to disrupt exceptionalism. To disrupt organic winstreaks. To control who wins and who loses in advance. Preordained artificial outcomes. Artificial 50% winrate = Hamster wheel time waster. Organic winstreaks for exceptionals is typically 20W - 5L. Only new players and ineffectives had 50% winrates or less. The rigging is automated. The victors are predetermined. Self inflicted sabotage. Parasitic fraudulence.
if they deactivate rigging then they won’t have ineffectives crying about nerfs on a daily basis. who are completely oblivious at devious depths of match manipulation. losers queues / winners queues. auto win auto loss.
rigging, on top of 50 seasons of nerfs, is parasitic fraudulence. which is WHY OW is boring to watch. boring to play. nearly every character is underpowered. no one lasers. no one pops off. boring to watch. boring to play. due to invalid nerfs when the issue was ACTUALLY automated loser queue. forced losses. since rigging is active, no rank matters. no stats matter. ow should be discontinued. no ow is better than rigged ow.
No matter how many thrower / feeder avoids you do they WILL give you players just as bad as them on your side until they give you pity wins. It’s absolutely rigged.
its not that players are bad or good. losers queue: overrides skill, in most cases. auto wins auto losses. in hopes that you THINK it’s players, as the immediate determining factor, when in actuality its what i posted.
Its always amusing when most of the 50/50 conspiracy theories always seem to come from the lower ranks.
“It can’t possibly be me who’s the issue in all of the games I play. I’m perfect. I’m amazing compared to those around me. Everyone else is the issue.”
When people complain about the matchmaker, they are complaining about a single game. Balancing a single game is practically impossible and, in some cases, not desirable. It’s not desirable because it makes demonstrating skill difficult.
You want the games to be more or less equal in potential, but all kinds of factors change the real balance. These are things like hero picks, communication among the team, quality of the grouping that occurs, relative skills of particular roles etc.
What you want from a matchmaker is that over the course of a number of games, it puts people into the rank they deserve. In this regard the matchmaker is really good.
Because the devs keep avoiding getting more Tank players, because they don’t wanna nerf AntiNade, StormArrows, Hack and Magnade on Tanks, and otherwise a Tank player’s obligation to “Go deal with the Widow until whatever non-specified time you are allowed to play what you actually want”.
Also oddly, it’s like pulling teeth to get Top500 players to understand that you can do that AND lower Tank survival rates back down to roughly where they are now.
(Which is sad I gotta even say this part, but it’s very real)
Like you genuinely got people going “But then nothing will ever die”, and then go “Damn I wish Tanks had lower defenses” in the next post. It’s aggravating.
I am, for once, quite content with the general public’s ignorance. We deserve a world where Reinhardt players stand above all others! Here, here!
I mean, I’m basically just saying “Nerf all the strong Tank counters, then lower Tanks back down to roughly where they are now for Survival rates”.
Which is more of a “Counterplay Feel” thing, than a Tierlist thing.
Which yeah, that’s the other thing, they are trying to engineer the emotional concept of “Fun”, and you got a lot of people acting like you should ignore the emotional part, and only focus on the numbers when doing that.
Like, why?
The MM is completely trash. Games are unbalanced in roughly 80% of my games. It’s a stomp on one side or the other.
Blizzard sucks, why do people play this horrible game. Send them a message and just quit. Thats what I did. Dogwater 2, the game about macro transactions and not fixing issues.
Better question….why are you surprised it’s “bad”
Its a rhetorical question really since i know people just dont understand what its actually doing… but honestly is it really that confusing? lets just look at what its trying to do: its trying to define you (the player) with a number…a number that is somehow supposed to represent: your aim/skill how well you communicate/listen your game sense success rate (win/lose) determine how good/bad a day youre having that youre not going to be throwing you will be playing things youre good at and igno…
Also note that I was compelled to write that in 2021….because even during the “much better ow1 matchmaking” people complained just as much about it
They massively messed up the MMR distribution pushing bad players out of bronze and good players down into plat/gold with probably the goal of discouraging bronze players from leaving because the game is unplayable down there as well as community stigma and giving higher ranked players more free stomps so they keep playing and spending.
Anyone saying stuff about adjusted accuracy or whatever garbage doesn’t know what they’re talking about. There are occasional no-regs (server issue) and aim feels floaty and imprecise sometimes (client issue that can be solved by the settings changes here :
It’s not you, it’s the game.
) but those are the only things affecting your accuracy ( well those and you, obviously ).
the mm is designed to make you play , but it’s not the only game who do that , search for other games like LOL or valorant ect there is the same complains , games have MM designed for making you play and keeping much players as possible , so they give every one their chances to climb , even if some players deserve to lose in an endless cycle they will have some wins streak and being put way too high but it’s just for keeping them on the game.
Isn’t matchmaking always going to be rigged because no matter what you expecting a system to place you somewhere. So making it tighter would just be a different form of manipulation. Making it looser is still a system being manipulated. If it’s skill based it’s still manipulated. Realistically the only real way to have a non manipulated matchmaking is to remove all skill based matchmaking and just make it completely random.
I think this season is exceptionally snowbally because of how dominant Widowmaker has become. If one team’s Widow is better than the others, the better team is almost always going to be fighting 5v4 as well as having all the free space that Widow generates simply by existing and making it so nobody can peek to contest, poke, or otherwise put out pressure.
Do you need programmers? Where can I apply?
“If my teammates would just pay attention to what I’m doing and help me do it, we’d win!” - People not realizing that the same statement is true for everyone else on their team while having no idea what their teammates are doing