Why is Genji Getting Nerfed?

Look, if you want to be surprised that they will nerf him again, then go ahead.

No, I am saying that they are having trouble keeping the support players queuing, and that is a problem for Blizzard, and they will nerf him until the problem is fixed.

I’m a Sombra main. I know what is coming for Genji. Same thing which came for Sombra many times in OW1.

The Genji players think he is immune. But there is a financial incentive for Blizzard to get supports queueing.

Genji is a problem towards that, so expect him to be nerfed hard. If the current nerfs don’t do it, expect MORE.


oh honey they have been saying that for years.

yet everytime they mention a hero needing nerfs or buffs its always “we noticed there winrate was a little too high” or “we noticed there pickrate was a little to low”.

they cant just say “yeah we totally just let numbers do our job” or people would flame. yet there actions across 6 years proves they purely do it based on winrate and pickrate.

every hero they have buffed or nerfed since launch has either been a hard meta pick across all ranks or has been a hero that was a dumpster fire.

for instance torb got a rework, sym got several reworks. cassidy (then mccree) was buffed 3-4 times before people realized how op he was. they buffed genji a few times, nerfed tracer at the peak of dive, reworked dva twice, reworked mercy, nerfed ana during season 3 tank meta. nerfed shield tanks during the shield meta’s ect ect.

oh or that time they buffed reaper for no reason to try and counter goats.

Except there is 6 years of them showing they don’t.

If they did Overwatch would look very different.

Heroes like Junkrat, Bastion, Sombra would have been a lot stronger.

A hero with 0.51% pick rate and 46.77% win rate is OBVIOUSLY what you would be buffing if you were basing it on pick and win rates, but they didn’t. Sombra was like that ALL though OW1. LITERALLY they were not balancing on pick / win rates with her.

They nerfed them down, BECAUSE they were a problem. Genji is currently a problem.

They will nerf him hard until they find a way to get the supports to queue.

You don’t understand because you don’t WANT to understand. But it doesn’t matter. Blizzard will show you.

coz he doesn’t have a hard counter - only annoyances

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People don’t understand that he had been nerfed with almost every new hero release in Overwatch 1.
Sombra, Moira, Doomfist (broken hitbox 1 shot punch), Brigitte. Hit Deflect hitbox was mega nerfed to the point that it’s only useful sometimes and feels niche to use.
He suffers from differences in Server latency, meaning when u dash through Widow and she gets a headshot after ur already behind her. On her screen u hadn’t dashed yet, while on urs u had.

More than enough heroes still counter him nowadays. Zarya, Torb, Symmetra, Moira, Sombra, Echo (the laser), Roadhog still wins 1v1s vs him easily due to the busted hook hitbox, McCree. Even if just a slight counter.

Then there’s the issue of aim and overal skill that people lack, but I don’t even gotta go into detail since most people here hopefully realize that they suck at the game.

I’d call Sombra, Moira and Zarya pretty hard counters…

annoyances 10charact

I think I know what annoys me as a Genji main a bit more than what you think annoys Genji players.

Are you ignoring the Sombra rework that nullified abilities including wall climb and double jump which are basic needs for Genji?

That has existed since 2018.

I am saying that ĆħiŷöņǾŞåĸę is talking out of his booty when he says that 6 yerars of OW1 shows they balance on pick and win rates.

I present Sombra as a VERY VERY VERY compelling counter example.


lol wrong. they are willing to allow heroes to be good in bottom elo’s while being bad in top elo’s but they dont like heroes being bad in both or good in both. they’ve specifically said they want heroes that are good specifically in low elo for newer less experienced players. they dont want every hero viable at top 500 (because thats a pain to balance) but they do want heroes too not have a global winrate/pickrate thats too high.

but for the record sombra got several buffs across the years and bastion did get buffed but he was meta for like aweek before they nerfed him. junkrat also got massive buffs in around 2018~ and they had to nerf him.

they try to nerf/buff these heroes but once it fails they realize it requires a full rework and move on because thats the same thing as making a new hero.

all the proof of there balance philosophy is right out in the open.

ana released op but pickrate/winrate was low because ppl didnt play her, season 2 she was meta and her nano was nerfed. season 3 she was meta and her healing was nerfed. she drops off the map and her healing is buffed again. if they wernt balancing based on pickrate/winrate this never would happen.

Oh yeah that’s definitely a bad take

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Sombra was bad in both, with an awful pick are win rate in all ranks. Next argument.

counter point, they did buff sombra several times. but shes the most hated hero in all ranks, you cant buff a hero like that.

its as simple as them not understanding how to deal with a hero so they ignore it.

same for heroes like bastion or junkrat. they tried to buff em but it made em to strong so they nerfed em again and put it on a shelf.

Not ignore it, but nerf it down hard if it is a problem, and leave it there maybe trying something every now and then to little effect.

imma just leave this here.

Right, so Genji is a problem. They are nerfing him now right now.

Same cycle.

Flankers have become a problem, they are getting the “Blizzard Problem Treatment”

Blizzard doesn’t know how to make him good, AND not a problem.

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again the difference between these heroes.

is that hes easier to balance then a bastion or a junkrat. thats why he’s always gotten attention.

but again they nerf almost entirely based on pickrate/winrate. buffs is a combination of those two plus complexity to fix the problem.

some heroes needed buffs but fixing the problem required a rework, such as mercy so they leave mercy alone to be a niche pick.

there history has proven this, you just want to believe that your low elo boogie man is going to keep getting nerfed but thats just not how they do things lol

And they haven’t even hit frenzy panic mode yet. Which is still about a month away.