Why is Genji Getting Nerfed?

If it doesn’t solve the problem, they totally will.

He wasn’t a a financial problem to them then. They were expecting to get their money from OWL.

If he is pushing people out of the support roster, where new players are joining the game, then he is a “problem which costs Blizzard money” and I don’t know if you have noticed but Blizzard LIKES money.


because your definition of the problem and there definition are two completely different things.

let me repeat it. winrate and pickrate are all they care about. once the patch goes through they’ll either consider him balanced or consider him for BUFFS.

they arnt balancing because low elo players cant survive, they balance based entirely on statistic’s.

They care about the support queue, in fact it is the one thing they KEEP talking about.

Yes, and one of those stats is people are leaving the support queue at a higher rate than other queues.

if thats what they cared about they would of reworked supports. or they’d nerf heroes like reaper, that are actually op in low elo.

its funny that the only heroes they touched were heroes with high pickrates and above 50% winrates.

That takes time. They have a problem which needs solving NOW.

Note they did NOT touch Sojourn. Why? because she wasn’t a problem. She needs balance, but wasn’t a problem like Genji is for them.

I expect they will next give the supports 6 m/s or more base movement.

But Genji was a problem, for Blizzard, right now. So he got nerfs, and if that problem wasn’t solved, they will nerf him again.

takes time? they had 3 years. everyone knew this would happen when they announced 5v5 this isnt news.

they arnt nerfing heroes to make support queues better. they’ll just rework some of the support abilities because low elo support problems are not the same as high elo support problems.

supports in high elo arnt scared of genji, they dont cower in fear of tracer. they are annoyed that each of there abilities have to be used perfectly or they are literally throwing.

nerfing heroes that effect low elo does nothing to solve the high elo support problem. so they’ll fix both at the same time.

by making supports more fun too play in all ranks not by nerfing but by slightly reworking there kits to work better in 5v5.

I guess you are not listening to their balance cast. Or reading their posts.

They are being pretty damn explicit about what they are worried about right now.

Not where the problem is. He isn’t being nerfed because of high ranked play. THAT we agree.

He is however a problem where they intake new players. - you know where they make their money?

Moving to F2P means they care about new player experience. They do not want long queue times OR a bad experience when they get there.

You are trying to make an argument that Blizzard will willingly not be as profitable to keep the Genji mains happy.

I think that is naïve as hell.

lol yeah im sure they are.

they can say whatever they want. they have told us for years they nerf and buff based on more then just statistic’s yet the proof is in the pudding.

i can promise you this, no matter what you think they’ll do for you. it wont matter

because there actions always contradict there words.

i base everything ive said on there actions, not on something a random guy said in a post or a vid call or whatever.

see they tried balancing for low elo players and that killed ow1. sure they could do the exact same thing in ow2 and id find that very funny. but the shift to 5v5 and everything that came with it implies they are aware that balancing for those people doesnt work out.

but they cant come out and say “yeah were just ignoring you, git gud”. so they say things like “yeah we care alot bout our low elo players were really looking into making things more fun for them”

Oh ok, then lets look at their actions. in OW1, they FREQUENTLY nerfed someone to then follow up with the sledgehammer, and you think Genji is immune to this.

Why, because he is Genji? Seriously, they will bury him if they feel like it, and I have given you very good reasons why they will feel like it.

You think Genji is special, and Blizzard won’t treat him like they do all the other heroes. He isn’t special. They will 100% nerf him within an inch of his life if he is a problem.

Remember when Sombra was the lowest picked hero, with the lowest win rate AT EVERY RANK, and they nerfed her hard?

I do.

I remember them sledge hammer nerfing Mei because she was annoying, and then giving her two MORE nerfs afterwards, after she wasn’t played in OWL or the top of the ladder any more.

You think Genji is immune?

His deflect has become one of the most mediocre abilities in game after it’s hitbox was trashed…get real bruh

well first of all yes. because they only buff or nerf based on winrate and pickrate, if the nerf isnt enough too bring those down they’ll nerf em again. but genji was only just barely playable in high elo so the nerfs knock him out entirely. which makes his winrate/pickrate “good” in blizzards eyes.

thats the thing you havnt figured out. you think there balancing method is deeper then it really is

its literally numbers, they came out and said they were looking at sym and torb for nerfs in season 2 because there numbers were too good. that should tell you everything you need to know.

they’ve also said they might BUFF genji when the season 2 dps passive is released.

They LITERALLY do not.

Ask Bastion, or Mei, or OW1 Sombra. They are MORE than willing to bury a hero which is causing them problems.

To think they do is being willfully ignorant.

you forgot Bridgette - i have taken many genjis down with her because her mace cant be deflected - She can push him on charge and sheild charges. Shes actaully good for stopping Genji, reapers and soldiers when they push

see again you dont understand it.

bastion in ow1 had no playtime in high elo. again they dont balance for low elo, they balance for all ranks.

so for instance genji is popular in all ranks including top 500 and because he’s meta his winrate is at 50%+. so they nerf him

but ow1 bastion was only good in low ranks so his pickrate was alot lower then a meta pick and his winrate was equally as bad so he was never nerfed.

I am LITERALLY giving you examples.

He barely had play time in low ranks, or a good win rate, he is a counter example to what you are saying.

If they WERE balancing only for pick and win rates, he would have been buffed and buffer HARD.

He was nerfed. He ALMOST got to the stage of getting near average pick rates once, so they nerfed the hell out of him.

Sombra had the same treatment.

U realize that Genji got completely stomped in OW1 with every subsequent hero release?
Sombra, Moira, Brigitte, Doomfist, all that ignored his deflect and could oneshot him with one punch. Now there’s almost no CC anymore and he’s gonna get nerfed, while the new tank has a gravity ability that pulls heroes down to the ground, including Genji. Pair that with the dmg and ammo nerfs and he’s gonna be garbo.

He was the 4th most picked DPS in OW1.

Genji mains don’t know what ACTUALLY playing a hero which has been made garbage is like.

Have you seen ANYTHING like the same complaining about the nerfs from the Sombra mains? no? Because they UNLIKELY Genji mains, know what it is like, and knew it was coming.


AGAIN you dont get it LOL

you are giving examples of heroes whose pickrate and winrate were already low. and guess what they buffed sombra and bastion in ow2 because of there poor performance in ow1.

your examples proved my point, but for the sake of clarification ill give you there own words.

While some heroes are performing better than others, and there are differences across player skill levels, we have been happy to see that no hero’s overall power level is far out of line with our goals. Every hero on the roster has a win-rate between 45% and 55%, and we are not planning any immediate balance changes based on what we are seeing.

notice how they mention winrate in a blogpost talking about balance.

Do you want me to drag out that their comments that they don’t JUST balance on that?

You know, they ones they make over and over and over again.

So ur gonna ignore the rest? He was picked a lot because people like the hero cause he’s edgy and a flanker.
Ur probably calling him op when he pairs his ult with Ana right? Guess what, most hero ult combos kill everything when used right, that’s Overwatch basics right there…