Why is Genji Getting Nerfed?

because genji is strong + because of all the buffs he got in ov1 he is not so demanding anymore and belongs to medium-skilled characters instead of where he should belong, i.e. very skilled
but he should not get the nerf he is supposed to get and reverting the buffs on the right and on e and removing his passive dps because it gives him the most

one orisa has jave that interrupts a lot of ults so i think its better then hult

2 mei was a pain for anyone she would flank and freeze supports I guaranty if she still froze supports would complain about her more because guess what there is no counter to being frozen you just get a headshot and die then have to respawn and do it all over

and bring stun was op she could cancel ults and counter a charging rien she was actually broken and don’t think anyone in ow2 is on the op level brig was she quiet literally was the reason people quit playing for a while or didn’t even come back

buffs he has more nerfed than buffed and was still never bad because of all the cc and shields like for real what buffs did he get? ill tell you one buff that made his spread smaller and shurikens do 1 more damage and he could actually stand on his own without mercy or ana at all times

but the fact that he has a smaller spread on the right and can cancel e that’s why he landed in medium skill characters because right now is total deadbrain and e is quite unpredictable but it was good in ov1 but not in ov2 and it should be undone and not give him nerf on dmg and amount of ammo

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how does that lower his skill it gives him more tex to do and having to master more of his kit like for real what low elo Genji is one shooting none, what mid elo Genji is getting all of their shurikens on points probably less than 20%. he, of course, isn’t as high skill as Hanzo but I can think of over 75% of the roster that takes less skill than Genji and are still skillful heroes that take work and practice to make good at like reaper he’s a mid skill hero and still gets stuff done if your bad with him a bad Genji what do you get ult food just like a bad hanzo and widow they are just ult food for the enemy team to gain from

Right, this is why they nerfed his damage and ammo. Because they just wanted to lower his regular damage in low / mid elo.

Blade wasn’t the problem, so they didn’t nerf that. Deflect wasn’t the problem, so they didn’t nerf that.

It was this, or 150 health, or giving the supports the same level of mobility.

It was TOTALLY targeted at the bulk of the ladder.


This is what people don’t consider. They are being outplayed by a player who is 2-3 skill brackets over their rank. Everyone started fron bronze, so there’s still lots of players at low elo who should’t be there. It’s not always the hero that is issue, it’s the player.

This applies to every high skill ceiling hero. Smurfs are going to use them because they get the highest value for their skill from them.

ya no enough he still will kill supports just as fast but I can’t wait for people to complain about reaper because he’s being used in owl so much. it always happens after owl and it will be glorious seeing people saying he’s the problem then we nerf him then a new person takes the spot and players that don’t have any game sense will always be an easy kill
like for real had a game I got 64 kills because the mercy just walked and didn’t move was so easy to kill and just like for real bad game sense cant be fixed

also, his one-shot capability will is thill their just dash instead of melee

Then he will be nerfed again, harder this time. This is why I keep saying “this is just the warm up nerf”.

They will nerf him until their problem is solved.

he’s loosing 25% of his over all damage like for real remove 2 or Cassidy’s bullets and see how well he plays this nerf is super heavy-handed and if they keep with ow1 trend they should just shut the game down because we will just have another you only play meta till its nerfed or you get mass reported

So which is it?

If he will kill supports just as fast, then the nerf wasn’t just not heavy handed, it literally wasn’t enough.

The entire point of the nerfs is to make it so the supports have a better chance of survival.

They will nerf him until that happens. If you think this isn’t enough for that to happen, then, no way you can then follow up and say “this nerf is super heavy-handed” because literally it isn’t anything like enough.

Either it works, or it doesn’t. If it doesn’t work, expect something MUCH bigger.

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well it’s both because supports in low elo have no game sense a half competent baby deva can kill a low elo support because the support are overwhelmed and are coming from way slower paced game i came from titan fall 2 when i stated back in ow1 and this game is so slow compared to that but god are the other free to plays not even slower call or duty apex valorant all super slow shooter that doesn’t need all that much teamwork

I don’t care if they are overwhelmed because they are all 80 years old. Or that they are busy being the Queen of France, or none of them have 2 hands

Blizzard STILL needs them to queue, and Genji till take it to the face until they do.

Either this works, OR Genji takes it to the face more.

lol no he wont he will go back in line and a new hero probably soldier or reaper maybe junk will take his place and it will go on til the game has such a long ttk or supports are so op people in mass will just give up on the game

Ok, so you DON’T think he will kill supports as quickly then.

That would involve the DPS leaving until they are the shorter queue times. Which is unlikely.

That is what Blizzard is trying to stop happen.

no, he will but he will fall in use due to any nerf like for real you could nerf his sound effects and OW players will hear nerf and move to a new hero in a second like for real I stopped seeing Genji after the nerf was leaked i usually say him 3 out of 4 games know I see him maybe once every 6 to 8 games any nerf no matter how small will make people move away from the hero it happens in smite it happens here too

no it just need people to move to a new dps and it will happen it always happens

But Blizzard LITERALLY doesn’t care if people move to another DPS. They retained them as players.

You get the currently people playing Genji to move to a reasonable degree on to a different hero, to the stage where they keep the supports playing more, then it is a win for Blizzard.

If they don’t
 Then Blizzard will nerf him again, and again, and again until that happens.

yes and support moved to dps or tank they didn’t leave they moved that’s all that happened and the nerfs will always be targeted at the hero of the season like it seams hog will be meta in all ranks next season and cant wait to see the nerfs to that hero when he’s played to much

But them moving to DPS or Tank IS a problem. DPS moving to DPS doesn’t change queue times.

Supports moving to DPS or Tank do.

If he is a problem, then they will be big ones, if they are not, then he will get gentle ones.

i think its adorable you believe they’ll nerf him again.

see once the nerf goes live he’ll stop being used in high elo entirely and his pick rate and winrates will go down. at this point blizzard will say “hmm this is good” and move on.

the reason i know this, is because this is exactly what happened in season 1 of ow1.

genji no matter what they do will always dumpster low elo supports. they could nerf his dmg down too 10 per shuriken and genji could still kill low elo supports just as easily.

low elo players have been asking for genji nerfs since 2016 but they only balance based on winrate and pickrate. so once this drops his winrate down to 49% or 50% they’ll consider him balanced.

meanwhile genji in low elo will not have changed one bit.