Why is Genji Getting Nerfed?

She has her stun, it got nerfed but still works as stun

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No it doesn’t.

It slightly pushes them back. It doesn’t interrupt any of his abilities at all.


Thats why i said it was nerfed

She does not stun. She deals more damage and pushes back but it does not interrupt anymore.

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That’s not a stun.

A stun is generally referred as an ability that causes the other player to be interrupted in movement, abilities, etc.

Her old shield bash would interupt a deflecting Genji. That was a stun. Her current one just pushes him back a bit. That’s a (very) soft CC. You shield bash a deflecting Genji and he continues to deflect, it doesn’t take him out of it.


No it is not. As I already explained in this thread, the main reason why I made this post is because there is already a lot of “counterplay” against Genji making life very difficult for him, so it is weird how they are taking away his one-shot potential when it is the only way (other than nanoblade) for him to be valuable in these extremely difficult situations.

Ok whatever, genji would be countered anyway from his oneshot distance

I’m not disagreeing with that.

Just wanted to clarify she doesn’t have a stun.

I’m of the mindset he’s slightly overtuned, largely due to the DPS passive. I want to see that go first before we talk about nerfing other heroes (except Sojourn, she can get her kneecaps shattered with a nerfbat that she so desperately needs).

no in general hes weak against ppl that are aware of there surroundings.

in low elo hes viewed as this almost omnipotent god-like being that cannot be stopped. but in reality genji is one of the squishiest dps in the game.

if for instance a genji tries to dive into a team and they have a dva that DM’s his shots, he dies. if he dives into a team and a zarya puts a bubble on his target, he dies. if he dives in and a cass throws his mag grenade, he dies. if he dives in and kiriko’ suzu’s
yes he dies. ana nades, boops and any number of other abilities also have this effect. but he also is at risk even if hes just poking to get his ult because hitscans and long ranged projectile heroes can poke him out and kill him.

the only time genji is insanely strong is when the player is smurfing. because genji is fantastic at punishing mistakes but thats because the genji’s going to have aim, reflexes and game senses of a much higher player while going against the lower elo people.

but when your playing with and against people who can actually play the game (aka masters+) the genji has to be very careful to not make a single mistake or they will either die or never die but be useless the entire time.

this is why he hasnt been present in alot of the top 500 games the last 3-4 weeks. people have just adapted to playing against him since kiriko was added in.

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reaper can just teleport above you and one shot you too i hope you know reaper is the one that will take his place and people will hat life his extra health invincibility teleport amazing ult and one shots easier then Genji and o navrage kills faster do to his shotgun doing more damage then Genji’s shurikens

Okay, reapers wraith, tracers rewind, sigmas kinetic, and grasp the list goes on. this is a hero shooter not call of duty please give me 3 abilities that make you worse off when you use the ability because I can’t think of any. ability are meant to serve a function and then be on cooldown, bate them out it’s not hard

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ya it happened in ow1 and it will happen in ow2 cant wait for Winston to get nerf after his pick rate goes up to counter sojourn and they will nerf like widowmaker or mei and leave sojourn alone until I’m guessing season 5

That’s not an excuse for horrible game balance.


and blade, to be honest, is kinda just okay without nano or kiriko it can’t kill anyone if they are too close and both healers are healing it’s so frustrating when I hit McCree 2 times and he just gets away with 5 health like for real personly I would make it so Genji blade gets a damage buff to 130 to 135 but it can’t get any buffs from outside help like nano mercy or kiriko

what is horribly unbalanced please because I can only really see 2 heroes at the moment that are and that sojourn and Zarya and only one is being addressed the main problem is blizzard nerfs things horribly and never can actually balance a hero they make the mt strong then to weak and leave them weak till they want to sell a skin or enough people complain and i won’t hold your breath on a doom buff any time soon we did this in ow1 Genji was popular and a lot of people played him the nerfed him less than this and he shot down super hard and want buffed or balanced for, for almost 2 and a half years it will happen again and that why people who played Genji in that state don’t want to have 2 years for being told we a throwing for picking him. like perfect example wow fighter were the worst class everyone said but one guy did amazing with them and they nerfed them blizzard don’t balance any game and this is just going to throw Genji and Sombra to low c or even d tier fast and personally Sombra is getting nerfed even harder then Genji and will probably be d tier for a long time

okay please go do it if it takes no skill, because I bet you cant most people can’t even people who play Genji a tone can’t do it that for high-rank player like gm and top 500 and his damage nerf is more the that he’s loosing 222 damage a mag that will hurt a lot imagine Cassidy lost 2 full shots form his 6 shooters it would cripple him because that’s what Genji is loosing 25% of his overall damage out put

Deflect literally deflects about 99% of the game too.
Don’t forget about that.


please what actually makes him op because in my experience they are super easy to take out it might be due to me being a Genji player and knowing how he plays all you have t do is bait out the defect or go to your tank on top of that most support can out DPS or out brawl him like the only one that has some problems is mercy but if you are playing mercy it’s a 2v1 when fighting a genji

ya next will be sojourn and she won’t be nerfed till season 5 is my guess she the poster child of ow2

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well its going to hurt its up time. he’s losing 25% of his damage a mag that will hurt his ult charge rate a lot