Why is Genji Getting Nerfed?

I used the phrase “make him disappear” about 5 times with different phrasing in the list, and I only listed 6 heroes. So no, I was not listing “how to escape him at best.”

They are not nerfing him because of what is being said here. They are nerfing him because they have masses of data from all the games he has been in across all ranks and they can see a pattern that he is overperforming everywhere. Just like they have stated sojourn is overperforming in high-elo but underperforming in low elo.

He is getting nerfed because the data says he needs a nerf.

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Oh I’m very aware of that bullsh*t.

na his post is fairly accurate.

most heroes counter genji in some way, weather it because killing them is far more difficult then other heroes or those the hero can dominate and kill genji. either option means most heroes fair well against genji.

genji’s top picks to kill are usually zen, ashe, hanzo or widow. pretty much anything other then this can either kill him or make his life hell.

the reason people think genji is so OP is because those people are low ranked and dont yet understand how to counter him with the roster.

in high elo play rn the number of genji’s has dropped significantly over the last month. its mostly sojourn, hitscans, reaper and sometimes pharah/echo/torb. genji does get played but hes swapped off quickly if it doesnt work right away.


Actually they only nerfed mccree, and increased anas sleep cooldown, thats all

Blizzard came out and said he was over performing everywhere. This is presumably the reason :man_shrugging:t2:

this applies to every hero aside from bypassing deflect.

this applies to every hero in the game

this is called “peeling” and is effective against every hero in the game

this applies to every hero in the game

this applies to every hero in the game, and a friendly bubble on genji makes him almost impossible to deal with so he benefits from zarya more than most characters

what do you want to be able to do with genji? cuz it seems like you want to be allowed to oneshot everyone in their backline for free without taking damage or being hindered at all.


Lol what a funny 20th character


and mei primary can’t freeze, and orisa doesn’t have halt, and brig can’t stun and…


Yeah if the Genji goes AFK.


Why not :>

20 characters

Seems he is over performing.
It’s actually difficult to say, Blizzard blocked all sites that gave info about win-rates and other stats and also she does not share any datas about the current balance state of the game.

Still, seems that some of the changes from OW1 and OW2 have indirectly buffed him and the general feeling of the community agrees.

IMO his win-rate is probably above 52% in high ranks and this make the nerf absolutely legitimate. One-tricks and players who can fulfill his true potential can really carry games with maybe without many problems.

BTW i feel to say that IMO Genji win-rates in low ranks are lower than 48, I mean, genji can be over tuned but is not broken, low elo Genji are still bad

Mei was and is dead, no one plays her and never played for cc, only for wall, Orisa has spear, brig still has her stun and?

her whip shot which sends any char back a significant distance

The ammo nerf is pretty big. It means he has to spend more time reloading.

They’re also adjusting the dps passive for season 2.

We’ll see how things shape up if this patch ever comes out…

I’m honestly convinced a higher up told them to hold the patch back because they thought it would impact BP sales.

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how does soldier win the genji matchup? how does ana? bap?
anyone who can’t kill him through deflect or create distance and kill him from there gets ganked by any decent genji because he gets to become invulnerable for up to 2 seconds and then immediately attempt a kill combo. and if he fails, he’s probably left you at <50hp which means .68 seconds later he just has to hit with 1 or 2 out of 3 of his very easy-to-hit fan.

i’d also like to know what you mean by high elo and how you know what genji’s playrate looks like there, because it’s either totally anecdotal or you’re just making it up completely. unless you have access to numbers no one else outside of blizzard has.


A support hero is not supposed to beat a dps hero in a 1v1 (unless the dps is terrible). That is why I am “suggesting” a 2v1 to counter Genji when talking about support heroes, duhh.

Taking advantage of cooldowns is a part of the game.

Good point, but this proves my point that Genji requires using your brain and he is not as easy as people claim that he is.


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brig doesn’t have stun, my guy. try it out for yourself lol


He is countred by half the heros of the game?? More like HE countres half the roster. He wins against any hitscan 1vs1, shreads tanks, and get free picks on supports. Not to mention he has a bloated kit with 4 PASSIVES. A reflect that is a better tanking ability than any of the REAL tanks could ever have. And a game winning ultimate. Enough is enough.


He’s being nerfed because he is slightly overtuned.

The nerfs are too heavy-handed IMO. Especially when they leave Sojourn as-is. Thankfully that patch didn’t hit live. I hope they dial those back a bit and re-evaluate what makes him so strong.

Honestly get rid of the damn DPS passive. When they inevitably DO remove it, he’ll get another nerf on top of these.