Why is Genji Getting Nerfed?

I do not agree with your statement. There are plenty of ways in which you can deal with a flanking Genji and stop him from getting picks or at least limiting his impact.

  1. Overall, the healing of supports has become very strong lately, so if 2 healers heal each other while Genji is trying to get one of them, they can easily out heal his damage. Either he gets out or gets eliminated by the team
  2. Hero specification:
    1-Moira: other than her ability to bypass his deflect and suck the life out of him, she can easily fade away or heal the other teammate which he is targeting.
    2-Kiriko: she can teleport to one of her teammates to escape easily, or she could use her invulnerability ability to stop his burst damage. Not to mention that she can kill him with 2 headshots because 1 headshot does 120 damage, so she can make him easily disappear with a bit of aim or the help of a teammate.
    3-Ana: her nade + the help of a teammate can make Genji quickly disappear.
    4-Baptiste: immortality field can stop Genji from bursting him or his teammates
    5-Zarya: her bubbles can ruin the game for Genji. Bubble your teammate whenever the Genji dives them and beam him. He will either die or run away every single time.
    6-Winston: Not much explaining necessary, his gun bypasses Genji’s deflect. Thus, he can peel for his backline.

The list could go on & on, but I will stop here. Otherwise, I would be writing all day about the heroes that counter Genji and how they do it.

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No he isn’t.
People who say he is don’t utilize his combo. Which can deal significant damage and if it gets a kill, can be reset to do it again if circumstances align.

He’s being nerfed due to his potential which is far superior to others besides Sojourn.


I’m sorry, but I can’t take your response seriously with that name. It seems that you’ve made it your life’s mission to hate on Genji. You’re like a flat-earther to a spherical-earth guy


i still think ppl who complain about genji is just bad. I never had issues playing vs genjis, there is so many characters that his deflect dont work against, flying heros, Tanky heros that dont allow his “combos” to work. Hes not that great.


It says a lot that you are listing how to at best survive Genji and not how to punish him.

Genji is currently not threatened by anything other than Sojourn, he can farm from afar or from up close with little way to actually punish him, and can easily outfarm support ultimates.

Your list is faulty. Zarya and Winston are tanks and if they cede the frontline they lose. There are no offtanks to peel the backline anymore.

Ana, Bap and Kiriko are at best ‘‘you dont die if you massively outskill Genji’’ picks, with Moira being maybe mobile and survivable enough and good enough at following him to actually punish him for failed flanking.

And… there is nothing else. Every DPS hero that innately countered Genji has been nerfed into being useless or even being countered by Genji himself (lol Sym).


and then the rest of the team dies because they’re left with no heals? goofy.

sure, from bronze-plat ranks, but any rank higher than that Genji usually obliterates Moira’s with his 29 dmg shurikens. It takes Moira 4 seconds to kill a squishy thats standing still & is getting no healing, and 2 seconds with a damage orb (granted if Genji doesnt deflect it).

she has 0 mobility whereas Genji has a ton of mobility and unpredictability with his double jump. also, again, why is a 2v1 your only suggestion to countering a Genji?

its the second longest ability in the game. sorry we can’t always have it up in time for a Genji flank and have to often times use it before hand during other situations.

ever heard of baiting abilities out? most Genji’s in Diamond or higher do so!

this is the only one I agree with because of his large healthpool and AoE damage + leap damage / it being on a low cooldown so he can chase Genji.


Good point, it’s ridiculous that Genji is getting nerfed when Sojourn is there absolutely dominating. Just look at the top 500 dps leaderboards. If you’re against a good sojourn with mercy pocket, the game is over. She can get a maxium-charged right click every 2-3 seconds.

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“His noskill oneshot”. I bet anything that even with 6 months practice you could not consistently land one burst combo per game. Maybe with like 2 or 3 scripts.


Genji, Sojourn, Sombra, Zarya & DVa all need nerfing. It isn’t just exclusive to Genji needing nerfs. Sojourn should’ve gotten nerfs within the same patch as the rest of the heroes I’ve listed.


So because my nickname is removegenji you refuse to accept that earth is not flat? Just because its me who said it? Ok, typical genji mainer

The thing is, it is not his ultimate that is being nerfed my man…

Just shift into standing target feet. You dont even have to aim

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He is a high-skill high-reward hero. Getting the combos right consistently is very tough and it requires A LOT of practice and effort to be capable of doing it, and when I say a lot, I mean a lot a lot.


Here is a REAL, VALID, LEGITIMATE reason why the Genji nerfs are justified:

In OW2, there is one less tank hero to peel for the backline -and- there is a reduced amount of CC.

^ This puts flanker-style heroes in an ideal environent to have significant impact in the backline with far less risk.

Tracer’s damage was directly nerfed by 16% to accommodate this.

Genji, however, was not touched. Zero balance changes up until now for OW2.

(Because he had a mythic skin that needed selling.)

Now that the hype for that skin is over and everyone has one, it only makes sense to bring his power level down. Given his new environment, it is only fair.

Support players have to get used to fending for themselves and positioning better.
Tank players have to get used to solo carrying tank responsibilities and engages.

Yet you don’t want your precious Genji touched so you can keep right click+melee one shotting someone uncontested in the backline with no counterplay. Sure man.


He was.

Before OW2 removed most of his counters, and just like when he was overbuffed in OW1, he became a bronze noobstomper hero at the drop of a hat.

The last 2 months I have seen bronze/silver matches get decided by Genji players spamming M2 into blade for easy wins.


Right? Half the roster counters genji?

Bruh it’s at least 3/4 the roster. Even mercy can shoot genji- and if she hits him in the head? Talk about hard counter.


the forums didnt like that


Yeah I know lol. I mean, even if it was this still wouldn’t change. He might charge his ult a little slower now but ultimately any Genji with a little support behind him is still going to delete teams with blade who don’t use lamp or beat or focus fire/turn on him. The majority of players are still going to get eaten because all most of them can do is panic.

Sure man, you don’t even know the theory, you just know that you hate Genji and everyone who plays him. You probably would fail it even vs motionless bots of practice tool.

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who counters him? lots of his counters disappeared or counter him significantly less. zarya, winston and moira are the only ones who really counter him now. and mei, but lol. and that’s certainly still not “nearly half the heroes in the game”

genji has huge burst damage, barely has to aim, has insane mobility, a don’t die button, a tiny hitbox, and a great ult. he’s not difficult to play if you can press spacebar twice. i would like to see you climb to diamond playing literally any other dps and see how much easier it is than it was with genji… if you are in fact diamond.

oh don’t worry, he’ll still be able to :slight_smile: 2732 = 162 + 50 = 212 :)))

the fact that genji gets to deflect cancel whenever he wants with a .15 second recovery afterwards is just absurd. the fact that he gets to killcombo you from that cancelable invincibility is even more absurd.