Why is double shields even allowed to be viable

Nobody wants to play Sigma or Orisa.
Nobody wants to play against Sigma or Orisa.
Very few heroes are at all playable against Sigma and Orisa.

This madness needs to end.


picks sigma/orisa :sweat_smile:

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Don’t blame you.
Why git gud when you can drop a shield >_>


Because of how broken snipers are unfortunately, maybe once they’re nerfed Sigma/Orisa won’t be must picks


Double-everything needs to be viable. 222-queue literally defines double as the most you can go towards anything specific because you can only have two of each kind of hero.

Two barrier anchors, two main healers, two hitscan DPS.

If dual barrier can’t be balanced, the game is done.

IMO, most of the problem could be resolved if people like you would just shoot the barriers.


to be fair the metas never really bothered me (from a playstyle perspective)…just a different way to play the game…ive enjoyed (or not enjoyed) playing/watching all of them the same…just means that when i opt to play comp i see it more often…usually i dont have to deal with metas

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Really? No one? I know Sigma is kinda fun to play for me so I’m sure there are a lot of people out there that do enjoy playing him. I know in upper ranks Orisa isn’t as popular but in lower a lot of people like her.


I think quite a few ppl like playing sigma, especially b4 1 sec barrier nerf. Orisa it seems like no1 wants to play, but she has been the best tank for 6 months now.

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Orisa should be the worst tank tbh…

Oh for @E!2$@#@#$@#$ sake. Don’t come with this utter worthless garbage to me. I’ve been shooting at red rectangles for months now. Shut up, for real omfg.
I’m losing my mind ffs.

Why does everyone want to ruin characters I end up liking.


Snipers need to be rebalanced for Double Barrier to not be mandatory.


Some people actually enjoy it… not me but there are weirdos out there and i’m pretty weird.

honestly it’s lack of selection thats forcing it more then anything and sigma is the flavor of the month for people who havnt had new barrier tank since orisa in 2017.

The tank & support hero pools are just too small. It’s even smaller if you hate playing certain heroes like me as example; Wrecking Ball, Orisa, and Sigma just dont appeal to me in the slightest just in design alone Demon skin made Orisa somewhat tolerable though i cant stand here voicelines and in game interactions. D.va is a “meh” pick and winston has been garbage since dive died. So when im on tank my only real options for having fun (you know the whole point of playing video games when it’s not your job) is Rein, Hog, Zarya. A whooping 3 whole heroes to choose to from.

Support it’s slightly better: Ana, Zen, Baptiste, Mercy, Moira are all really fun for me to play. Lucio is a hard pass for me i feel like he was made for 10 year olds, and Brig just makes me want to play reinhardt. So thats 5 heros to choose from

DPS: well there’s plenty of DPS i’d like to play no problem it more or less who i dont want to play: Genji, Doomfist, Sym, Tracer, Widow which leaves me 11 heroes.

They really really REALLY need to expand the tank and support hero rosters. Even if i dont like the heroes like Hammond at least it adds more variety for the people who do like em and it makes meta more diverse and counter-able.


Because Blizzard decided to kill this game to hype OW2, of course. Oh no this game has turned into trash, I’m sure OW2 will be better!

Nah I’m just kidding. They simply screwed up on an epic level and now the game is dead to me until they unf**k it however many months from now.

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Id love for orisa to be the worst tank, if she was trash, i dont even know what the tank meta would be. Seems like multiple things would be playable.


So have I, and I’m not losing anything. When I pick my hero I take the number of rectangles I have to shoot into account and try to figure out how to deal with it.

If you want to play a game fill with colorful, characterful heroes who rock a wide variety of weird special abilities and capabilities, you’re going to have to put up with the ones you don’t like (and I say that fully aware of how much I QQ about Widowmaker. Come at me.).

If you want to deal with barriers, then deal with them. Pick Sombra and hack the tanks; or pick Bastion and tear them apart; or pick monkey, doomfist, or Mercy and ignore them; or convince your team to go dive and just rush past the tanks and destroy their supports…etc.

If double barrier isn’t acceptable, neither is dive.
…nor is triple or quad hitscan.
…nor is running soldier with hog and two main healers.

No, you’re whining like a child.

OMG people can take barriers! You can’t deal with that! \s


You only need to go to QP to see what it’s like since Orisa’s not a high pick there. The other tanks are just ult batteries.

Tbh, im sure my qp games are vastly different than urs.

Even if snipers didn’t exist at all, Sigma and Orisa have proven to be unbeatable with other dps too. Nothing would change.


Tbh, sigma and orisa are fun to play outside of sigma/orisa. Hog orisa is fun if you play it right.

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