Why is DM a problem for people?

Probably not, and I actually think they did over-nerf DM while providing her with unnecessary damage potential. They should’ve taken it from 4 seconds to 3 seconds, with the 1 second interval, and not added MM while leaving her boop damage intact.

i whole heartedly agree. i personally never wanted to do more damage in place of blocking potential. i dont know why anyone thought it was a good idea to take a tank’s defense potential away in place of damage output.

people’s problems that they have now still apply today, and solutions that people suggest today could have been implemented then to satiate everyone. better visual and audio cues to help the attacking team play around it. the time cut wouldnt have even been necessary but i would have been fine with 3 sec.

They hate it because they don’t know how to simply wait for DVA to not be in position, or to de-mech her before blowing their Ult.

Cooldown or not, her DM will still randomly or skillfully eat ults, or soak them.

Players that don’t understand her DM suffer a l2p issue.


Why is everything always being compared to Genji lmao.

Godamn Genji mains are probably so sick of it lol.

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The impression I get from this thread is that the majority of people who are against the nerf are Diamond or lower. I’m Platinum, and this nerf will probably not affect me. D.Vas often over-extend or overestimate their own survivability, making demeched D.Vas common, and projectile ultimates a lot easier to pull off. This nerf hasn’t really affected my games.

However, I think its pretty undeniable that in the top level of play, which is ultimately how the game is meant to be played and how we should all aspire to play, this nerf has huge repercussions and has completely shifted the tempo of a lot of the game. D.Va without defense matrix is still a pretty versatile hero, so the fact that she has it makes her present in most compositions. Having this essentially game deciding ability on such a short cooldown made her basically a must-pick.

The fact that D.Vas at your skill level are bad and lack game sense isn’t an argument against the power of an ability. D.Vas in Platinum rarely eat Gravs, Dragons etc… and this nerf will barely affect the ability for players to rarely do this.

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Because once Genji pops deflect it’s over and done with?

Imagine how much of a problem you’d have with it if it didn’t reflect projectiles back at you but he could jebait you to death with it by constantly turning it on and off.

she can literally only eat a few ults that shields cant and the heroes with those ults counter her.

are you actually insinuating that the old DM was balanced? I guess thats the kind of incredibly biased opinion you get from a d.va main. and maybe you’re just a trash d.va but its actaully very difficult to just use “actual teamwork” whenever the other team is also using “actual teamwork”.

The d.va “nerf” was really just more of a QoL patch for the entire community that should have been in the game since beta, and was a great step toward making d.va a more skill based character and not the original brigitte

deflect also makes the ultimate hostile and pretty much has the value of 2 ultimates (enemies gone, allies have one) in 1 button while dva just removes the ultimate.

Ease up on the rude rhetoric there pardner

Edit while I’m at it lmao how was it supposed to be in the game since beta she had dm on its crappy cooldown


What I lked with D.va is that it kept ultimate in check. Now it’s grav fest.

While I agree with that sentiment, maybe some abilities and ults can be balanced differently now that “but they can be eaten” isn’t such an oppressively true counter.

If you played him you’d know that the deflect hitbox nerfed made hitbox not so reliable to deflect ultimates because sometimes it just go through it anyway. D.va “just eats it” yeah but she have an easier time eating the ultimate than Genji deflecting it.

DM is a broken ability by design. The sole fact that it can eat 90% of the damage sources makes the ability beg for constant changes, and the fact it’s not on cooldown like before (like Deflect) but almost “on demand” it is and always will be broken. The same unfortunately goes for Zen’s Discord and Lucio’s Speed boost. And it’s a shame, really - if you ever balance these three, the characters become useless. But it’s the only way of balancing them, they are in the same category as Sombra or Mei (powerful utility characters). They have to be dumpstered in order to be balanced.

If you can get D.Va to fly away that’s great, turns things into a 6v5

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Well if you oversimplify and misrepresent the scenario then yes it’s a 6v5 but that’s just not how it works.

Boosters is up again in a matter of seconds and Dva just gets healed up.

The point of what I was saying is that people will often cite beam wielding characters as “counters” to D.va because she cannot eat beams.
This is just not the case because D.va can can decide when she is taking damage from these heroes by using boosters.

Sure, then we can give Rein a 4000 HP barrier because it’s meant to soak damage.

Here’s the BIGGEST reason why 3DM is still a problem: In order to counterplay DM you have to demech a Dva. Demeching a Dva is impossible with the healing creep.

SO it’s a catch 22: demech the Dva to counterplay DM, but she’s being healed by her supports so you have to kill them, but DM is used to peel for them.

It’s a bit complicated considering that DM has a rather large area of effect and duration, that can and will shut down nearly every offensive ability the d.va is focusing on. That at same time allows the use of other abilities such as her missiles, and jets to provide damage and mobility on such an effective ability.

While genji’s deflect only affects abilities that directly target him, and even still in situations such as a reaper ult the deflect can only protect the Genji while the rest of his team is still affected by such. Even still this ability is canceled out and put back on its relatively long cool down, the moment a different ability is used. Meaning that it also has the potential of being baited out in a dual. While DM can be pulled back up after a short 2 second window.

In either case these abilities can be considered rather annoying to play around, as DM can make a good portion of the cast a defenseless hit box, while deflect basically gives Genji a get of jail free card. That can also turn an opponents button mashing against them.

If any thing we need more and proper utilities such as offensive beam weapons and AOE effects that can counteract such.

I love how people can take literally any topic and make it Genji’s fault. Its amazing no matter what happens in this game Genji is the one to blame.

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