Why is DM a problem for people?

Because the hitboxes are not even comparable, and there’s a much higher cooldown on Genji’s deflect.

Genji’s deflect hitbox is so small I’m suprised you’re making this an argument

again why is it so bad that a tank can do this and a dps cant. dm blocking a death blossom is dva’s way of protecting the team as a tank. where as a different tank, Reinhardt, would use his barrier and everyone huddles be hind it. its the same principal, just executed in a different way.

dm was balanced when it was 4 seconds instead of 2 (yea i said it). teamwork is supposed to be hard too btw. im not saying just use teamwork and you’ll win every game. the game should be hard; thats why its fun to learn and grow as a player to deal with all types of difficult situations.

im saying use teamwork because as a dva main, i know just how easy it is to get melted down by multiple enemies, let alone all 6. even with my team working together and a healer by my side, dva is still very easy to kill. teammates (except healers) dont come running to my side when im in trouble cuz im a tank, i should come running to them.

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I hate having Dvas on my team. They don’t utilize her amazing kit and just constantly feed which puts strain on my healing. I think most Dva players I’ve seen think her boosters are disabled in combat because I never see them escape when they get low on health. They act like they have to constantly be in the enemy’s face on a hit and run hero. And I already rarely got saved from anything by DM which will only get worse now. They’ll probably stop using it like they stopped using her boosters.

Yes, Dva dies easily of you refuse to use half her kit that makes her sustainable. Also the sky is blue. I’m a little disappointed that DM was nerfed though because I’d love to benefit from it just once as a Dva’s ally.

First off I’m say that both abilities are a bit bull secondly reins shield can be attacked and broken, at the same time Rien needs to drop his shield if he wants to perform any other action other than walk slowly forward with shield. Meaning that he is passive while using it, relying on his team to do the attacking. Mean while DM has no limit to what it can absorb, while being projected several meters in front of her.
Using reapers ult as an example it can still get value when attacking rien shield, as it can force him to reposition and open his teammates to damage. While d.va just has to point and click and reap-a-deep’s ult is no more, doing no damage or pressure in any form. leaving him as a sitting duck to the enemy team including the d.va is missles are off cool down.

The argument is not because it’s bull because a tank can do it, its bull because of how all encompassing the ability can be at times. Especially considering that the only way to play around the ability is to wait for it to be completely out resources to be used.

As the the only consistent options that can otherwise negate it’s usefulness are situational at best.

ok so then how would you change matrix to make it “better” or “more fair” in your opinion, while still keeping it different/unique from rein’s shield? i dont see the differences between matrix and barrier shields as unfair and needing to be changed. i see them as something that makes matrix unique and stand out form others. id rather have this than all the tanks having the same barrier. variety makes the game fun and is better for overall play.

and again,

is not true. you can coordinate to attack her at multiple angles, sombra can hack her, mei can freeze her, zarya can lazer her, symmetra can beam her, winston can zap her, various dps heroes can distract/harass her, brig can stun her, rein can pin her, moira can life steal, roadhog can hook her, hammond can bash her.

idk about you but none of these seem situational to me

Fist of all you missed the second line of that argument

Mei and Sym are both extremely counterable out side of a few select maps, while zarya needs to build up a hefty amount of charge just to do decent damage to her and not get out dps.

this isn’t even mentioning the fact that D.va as one of the best mobility abilities in the game, that can easily get her out of any situation that would require her to dual such with out support.

winston does jack all to d.va out side of feeding her ult. and maybe block her ult with a bubble.

Any hero can be a distraction to any other hero so that’s rather null and void in its reasoning.

D.va can still get out of brigs range with ease and pick a fight with someone else, ya hog can hook her but she will still out live the shoot and runaway.

A rien actually getting a pin off on her is agian situational at the best of times. and again live through the encounter and fly away. and DM the firestrike.

Moria doesn’t do enough self healing or dps to out live a d.va. on top of that it would leave morias team with out healing for a good 10 ~ 12 seconds if she tried.

Hammond however is one of the hereos that I would say could easily contest her in a fight, be it that the enemy team would actually have to play him over having a DM or Shield tank. so situational

and really at the moment I think the ability is balanced as it is, it really just needs more consistent counters and alternatives to play around.

You wanna talk about oversimplifying and misrepresenting? Not to mention your scenario is like the definition of a soft-counter. They don’t have to kill her, heck they don’t even have deal damage to her, but they deter her with their weaponry, running off an enemy with your presence IS a counter. If the D.Va is willing to face off against Zarya/Symm then she can see just how hard a counter they can be. Google OW hero counters, every single one of them will tell you that D.Va is countered by Zarya and Symmetra.

Also, if D.Va chooses to boost away mid-fight or at any point really, the speed of her boosters isn’t amazing, there’s still opportunity to attack her rear as she escapes. MANY a D.Va have been de-meched mid flee.

And to address this point, Boosters are on a 4 second cooldown, that means D.Va is either stuck facing off against you for 4 seconds or she’s stuck hiding somewhere for 4 seconds and a missing D.Va is an advantage. In Overwatch 4 seconds is a lot of time, especially considering how quickly anyone can be focused down. And if the healer is off healing her somewhere that’s to your advantage as well, healing tanks takes a while and that means less healing up the other, now more vulnerable targets.

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Well she can shot, DM and boost all at the same time.

It’s not, they’re just complaining because hivemind. There was not a single complain for months until those owl stats were shown. Hurrr durrr those pickrates reflect my rank durrrr.


You misunderstand what I’m saying here.

D.va doesn’t ever have to sit there and get beamed by Zarya. A lot of D.vas choose to be beamed by beam heroes, and that is where people get this idea that Zarya/Beam heroes counter D.va, which is just not true.

Being able to do damage through her DM doesn’t qualify a hero as being a counter to her. A counter is a hero that has the tools to shut down an enemy hero to the extent that skill plays no role in the matchup.
Tracer for example has a massive uphill battle dueling a Brig, and the armor that Brig provides makes picking Tracer almost throwing.

Sym, Mei, and Zarya do not counter D.va in the slightest because D.va doesn’t need to sit there and take damage from them. And no I don’t care to google “D.va counters” because those mostly stem from outdated ideas of how the game works. It’s just misinformation that people have been spreading since the game came out. No one at higher levels of play is going to tell you that beam weapons “counter” D.va.


As for the second point about boosters being on cd, you’re misrepresenting D.va’s place in a teamfight.

She is not made to just tank damage and retreat to heal exclusively. D.va asserts control over the high ground, peels for squishies, dives targets, and blocks important abilties(dynamite, anti heal, ults).

Ideally a D.va should be positioning herself in such a way that she isn’t taking the brunt of the team damage(behind Rein shield, which isn’t pierced by beam weapons mind you) because her impact is dealt in bursts rather than sustained battles.

The only REAL-TANKS in this game are REIN-ORISA this characters can block 20k damage per match while Dva, Zarya, winston barely block more than 5k per match…

Zarya, Dva, Winston, Hog and hammond are just “FAT-DPS” that is the why REIN have nearly 100% pick rate…

During Dive meta winston-dva were working fine cuz the picks were dying in 2 seconds but even so in some maps E-sporter were using REIN to capture starter points or for the last push