They make millions every new event. As i once heard, “if something is worth more than 5k, people WILL care about it, regardless what it is”. This game isnt Lawbreakes, this game is a golden dunkey and a good dunkey if i say so.
Game Director Jeff Kaplan has expressed many details on their balancing practices including why it takes so long… the most recent example from the Developer Update Video in January. He doesn’t go into explaining why it takes so long but explains what they evaluate and why sometimes certain heroes are not adjusted like you think they should be:
In addition, Mr. Kaplan, has had some rather large posts that explain even further about their balancing practices in the older forums. I will link them here:
This last one is a really good read about this specific question.
THIS. Software development just takes time. Resources. Luck.
As long as we are learning things, both consoles have a frustrating certification process for every patch no matter how minor that can take five days to a couple of weeks.
Look at that, we all learned something today!
Not really, we talk here about quality of life changes and not bug fixes, YES I said they are good and capapble programmers because they can fix s**t withing hours, but implementing a simply a change as ult charge display isnt comparable with the physic engine the bug of doomfist and reinhardt occures. You need to look it in a case to case scenario and not a simplified look.
We are talking about PC here and even then they could still make at least weekly patches for PC and fortnightly or monthly patches for consoles.
Having the PC version have slow patches for the sake of the console version will slowly kill the game.
Edit: Also you really need to read more. I was talking about testing changes not pushing them to live. They need to be testing more frequently with the PTR, which as a fun reminder does not exist on consoles.
You… you know this game is on consoles too right?
Yes but, PC has zero issues with getting patches out.
Edit: Also did you even bother reading the whole post anyway. Or did you just the PC bit and stop.
There is no excuse for slow patches on the PC version, specifically the PTR. They should be trying things out and stop caring about polish on the PTR. I don’t care if an animation isn’t perfect or doesn’t even exist I care about the balance. The community should get to be more involved in helping shape the game.
oshiz hit me with that fire again…
owait nvm you got the Bastion-first shot bug that’s been in the game for 2 years.
That’s just not how things work. If they patched one platform and ignored the others there would be a tremendous amount of resentment and animosity. Those are not words you want associated with your brand.
Please read that post further. I’m not saying ignore consoles I’m saying speed up patches on PC and give the consoles a slightly delayed patch. Maybe console gets the equivalent of 2-4 patches that were on PC.
The delay that the console manufacturers put in place, to ensure quality or whatever it is, should not slow down patches for PC.
Honestly, all those words you can’t say without getting banned is what I want to say back to you tenfold.
To say the people who make this game don’t care about it is disgusting. I work in film production and it’s extremely similar to game development. We wake up every day and spend a part of our life working on something we hope you will enjoy. Yeah, some companies phone it in like EA or some shovelware companies. Blizzard, and especially the Overwatch team, isn’t one of those companies. Not by a long shot. To spit in their face like that and flippantly say they don’t care not only maddens me, but shows how very little an idea you have about this topic.
Why do people keep thinking throwing money at it will fix everything?
Sure… and why fornite launch one gameplay update each week? Console and pc.
The game changes are slow because the developers boss dont want to nerf/buff or fix any hero.
They like the dive.
Fortnite is in paid-early access. The game isn’t out yet.
The Overwatch team released 3 heroes in one patch during their beta period.
Come talk about Fortnites patch cycles 2 years from now when the fad has died off.
Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my leg… and my arm… even my fingers. The body I’ve lost… the comrades I’ve lost… won’t stop hurting… It’s like they’re all still there. You feel it, too, don’t you?
I don’t know, but slow/often times awful Changes has dropped overwatch from THE game to simply a good game.
That and the fact that they’ve made billions off of the game and are terribly slow at releasing content. We should be at like 5-6 heroes a year and 6 maps a year at least.
For this exact reason.
To keep us interested and thinking about it.
With how much money they are getting definitely. Paladins released 14 heroes in 2017.
This may have worked the first year but now people are starting to get sick of it.
I’m agree, it is getting rather old.
The “element of surprise” is becoming predictable and annoying more so than keeping me engaged personally. Was just throwing the generalization out there.