Why is Blizzard so slow with rolling out changes and updates?

I dont talk about the big updates like new maps or heroes but little things like the ult charge showing, it actually doesnt make any sense for a billion dollar company to be this slow in making progress. So tell me pls, what is happening at Blizzard.
where a group of 40 adults come together and only now think about showing us the ult charge. But this is more about the many different little things, because it seems like the OW team is cappable of fixing bugs within hours, like the Dva-Game-Crash-Bug but doesnt seem to make any progress in quality of life changes. So what is going on here? Pumping out a hero all three months and some new map but dont changing little things we ask since the beginning? I dont know, but I want to know so I can understand you guys better :slight_smile:


If it is so easy where is your game? Is it on steam?

edit: Oh I know it isn’t an argument, you lost.


This isnt even an argument and you know it lol

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I didn’t know 2 years was a few hours because that’s how long Bastion’s tank shot bug has been in the game.


Your argument is dumb. It has the same counter-argument to somebody who says “If you don’t like the food then why don’t you cook it”.

Who’s paying you to shill?


We should probably give them a break, i dont think anyone of use really understands the kind of work that managing a game as big as this takes, i’m pretty sure they are doing the best they can, overall they have been doing a good job, i mean no one is perfect, but still, great work overall.


I think a lot of the reason comes down to them doing everything internally. When they make balance changes its tested internally before going to the PTR. I imagine they test and changes things frequently but, we don’t see that. If they slapped everything on the PTR instead we would probably see multiple changes to heroes a week.

Perhaps you should learn how easy it is to change simple things. A simple change like the exact amount of ammo per clip is not hard to test. Polishing it out so the animations and everything still look good is different but, balance changes are not hard to test.


I think it’s a shame that changes that make it to the PTR are 90% likely to go to live. They could use it to test a lot of different changes more quickly and with community feedback.


its so they can keep players interested, if they rolled out everything, they have to come up with new stuff. they probably have ideas, maps, etc for the next couple of years planned.

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Employing patches on console also messes with things - having to go through Sony and Microsoft slows down patches for all platforms, unfortunately.

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So I was thinking about that, but this is weird because Overwatch could use much more content. And im 100% certain that the whole OW Team has a nearly infinite pool of ideas to make new modes and maps and changes and spice things ups, Even new skins, or only weapon skins, or new skins for weapons that you get with a ingame obtainable currency. there are a million things you could do to spice things up for current players and make them as hooked as WoW did when it first launched. So what is going on?

It really should have way more stuff on it, and have cross progress enabled. I don’t expect them to have comp on the ptr but use it for more than just “Hey everyone these are the next changes…eventually”

I get that if they try a lot of stuff people would know it exists and never stop bugging them. I mean we still get mercy revert posts at least daily.

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Thats a good point. I always forgett that there are consoles that this game is on sadly. Not because of consoles, but because you so rarely hear from them or see and news because consoles seem to be a step down from “real” overwatch :frowning:

dont know, jeff kaplan is behind this i suppose.

Yeah, it’s a real bummer :frowning: On one hand I appreciate that folks without game-capable rigs can play, but I wish the pace of the game was that of an only-PC franchise. There’s a whole mess of issues that sadly crop up due to cross-console that are so hard to work around!

not only, this game is a team effort so there is maybe some sort of clever thinking behind the whole process?!
I dont know

My guess is they’re intentionally staggering patches because they know the game isn’t going to just drop dead while they patch at a snail’s pace.

I’d answer that, but I can’t think of a clean and censored way to say it, and I don’t want to get suspended after just having my suspension removed today. But, I guess a good summary of my answer is; They’re lazy and don’t care about this game.

Yes definitly. Bliz could easily hire a 10 man console development team and balance things on there just differently as from live. There is really no need to have the same changes on console and on PC when its clear that it doesnt work and that the input devices are so different. Just a little more effort would be nice.

I think it’s mostly just so they can adhere to a schedule. Instead of awkwardly spreading things out, and requiring multiple random bug fixes along said timeline, they release things in bundles, so that they have a broader amount of things to fix at once.