Why is Bliz OBSESSED with mystery heroes?

EVERY SINGLE WEEK mystery heroes is in arcade … WHY? It is mainly luck as far as winning, and total mayhem and no limits is SO much better and more fun. I like to get the chests, but I am not interested in DM or CTF, so most weeks its slogging thru Mystery heroes and losing mainly because the team I am on gets crap 'random ’ characters" How about making no limits or TM every week instead of garbage mystery heroes?


Statistically it’s the most popular mode.


The real reason: It’s a mystery


mystery heroes is fun and makes me play heroes I don’t.


It’s literally the only thing I play besides competitive.

Most of the time I’d prefer to play mystery heroes over competitive but I’m out voted by friends.


Because statistically it is the most obsessed game mode


Mystery heroes is the best mode in the game. Better than QP. Better than comp. Better than the seasonal events. You blasphemous swine.


The only mystery here is

Why is this mode so broken?

Here is the poll the Overwatch team posted earlier. (votes are from the forum users):

Mystery Heroes was the winner by a significant margin (twice as popular as FFA one and a half times more popular than Total Mayhem which was in 2nd place)

I love Mystery Heroes myself, but can’t always find a game.

It is where it finally ‘clicked’ for me how to play Zarya and a great way to learn new heroes.


Yep this is the reason, it’s one of the most played arcade modes.

Also see this thread Jeff made not to long ago

(the results don’t show in that box but if you click the link it will take you to the thread)

Take a guess which mode got the most votes…

It’s not Blizzard’s fault, really. They tried to cycle Mystery Heroes out of rotation once (in January 2017 i believe?) but there were many complaints, so it has been permanent mode since.

But yeah i agree that Mystery isn’t very fun. I too prefer No Limits and Mayhem.


Its a very interesting game mode. It forces people to play outside of their usual experience, and creates unique scenarios that are often challenging if you’re on the wrong end of it. As someone who usually ends up filling the support role, its nice to be able to play DPS characters, and not worry about contributing to the detriment of the team by choosing something that’s not needed. I wish they would tweak the game mode a little though, but its the aforementioned reason that I prefer mystery heroes over quick play.


Actually its probably the one mode in Arcade I enjoy the most. I can’t stand Mayhem and no limits is… meh.

So… To each their own. I think in general Arcade simply needs to be expanded, or have a set rotation. Looks to me like they are going to experiment with this idea very soon with the Anniversary event.


Its the most popular mode, mystery heroes and ffa are there every single week.

6v6 mystery hero isn’t too bad. Yeah it’s usually a curb stomp on one side or the other. Starting off defense with no tanks or no healers doesn’t leave you much of a chance. Usually the team that wins gets a a half decent comp and runs with it without dying.

One of my favorite was Junkertown on attack. 5 Mercy’s and one Orisa… daisy chained the healing beams when needed and dmg boosted the crap out of the orisa.

The Mystery Hero 1v1 duel mode though just sucks. Not only is match making horribly unfair in who you go up against (also making you play 5 rounds after you lose 3) but no one plays it. I played for over an hour, 8 or 9 matches all against the same player. Even delaying my que we constantly ran up against each other.

Its only interesting on the rare occassion when the assortment is fairly even and works for either attack or defend. Half of the time its like 2 torbs, 2 mercys and 2 brigittes on defense instead of being a random mix. At least in no limits or even TM there is some strategy and you can adjust your character to make it fun, not just blind luck

As many said, is statistically the most popular game mode by far.

Because MH #1

There’s no legitimate reason for any mode that’s not buggy to the point of being unplayable which should ever be taken out of rotation. Some people like MH, some like CTF, some like PvE modes, so offer them all at once and everyone’s happy.

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personally, is the only gamemode i play besides competitive, i usually play 1 or 2 and then go full on competitive, it’s fun to play heroes i usually don’t play and a lot of people like it.

i love the feeling when i respawn as widowmaker, it’s like “you guys don’t know it but we already win, i’m something of a pro widowmaker myself”
(i have like 10% acueracy, i’m a literal god)