Why is Bliz OBSESSED with mystery heroes?

I personally like Mystery Heroes because it’s a good warm-up. I play just about every hero, so it is a good practice before getting into any sort of comp. Even if you only main like 1-4 people, it still is really helpful for practice purposes, because many characters share some similar aiming and spacing features.

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It’s so mysterious that even Blizzard don’t know why it’s there…

Because Mystery Heroes serves a purpose unlike the other modes that just exist for fun. Using Mystery Heroes frequently will help you become proficient with any and every hero. Is an enemy tilting you? When they die they have to use a different hero.

I think Mystery Heroes is great, it really let’s you experience every hero and helps you figure out who you enjoy and are best at!

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Honestly it’s what I do for all my arcade box wins mostly. There’s 0 pressure. And I have experience on pretty much every hero

There is a luck component, but it really comes down to knowing how to use what you have and exploiting mistakes. The wild card, aside from what the game gives you, are the people you’re grouped with. The game is full of mains and one tricks, instead of well rounded players that have a good understanding and capability with most characters. Thats the issue with random heroes imo.

Because they’ve made a game mode that could’ve been fully done in quickplay with a random hero button on the hero select screen.

Except that just focused practice with each hero individually will help you get good with every hero much more effectively than just randomly switching between them for relatively brief periods of gameplay. Many pros have said as much. Players like Libero and EQO that have large hero pools that they are at the highest level with have gotten that way because they spend lots of time on each hero to specifically practice that hero until they have gotten it to a level they feel comfortable playing in real matches with and then they move on to the next hero and do the same. Mystery Heroes is just as much a novelty that’s simply for fun and not as much for getting better at the regular game as all the other arcade modes.

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Because it’s the best and least toxic game mode and therefore the most popular. So, because people play it, they leave it.

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I never knew Mystery heroes was so popular. 22%

I’m glad people enjoy Overwatch besides trying to revolve it around comps. Those modes can be refreshing for a break.

Idk, maybe because it is the only played mode in the arcade that doesn’t sux.

It popular because no one cares if you win or lose because it’s pretty much random.

It also a easy way to get loot boxes because it’s basically a 50/50.

It’s like playing 2fort in TF2. People are just playing for fun and no one really cares if they win or lose

I think mystery heroes, if played properly, teaches a very important aspect of this game: don’t die!
To pull the max out of a hero you should stay alive as much as possible, and this mode favors the survivors.
Something nice to learn in this world full of rushing lonewolves dps

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meh, I have tons of Junkrat hours and when MH was released I used it to get a chance to play other heroes without always falling back on Junkrat and it’s good because you can’t switch to something you want.

in short: it’s a good way to mix up the norm outside of that mode just being fun and chaotic.

I have a love hate relationship with Mystery Heroes. I really like it because it’s different, unpredictable, and has no hero limit so it gets a little nuts. But then when you get a bad draw it’s downright frustrating lol. I had an Ilios Lighthouse once when the enemy team had 2 Brigs, a Torb, a Sym, Mercy and Lucio lol

It’s not fair and balanced, but it’s not meant to be.