Glorious REINHARDT/Tank Specialist (Plat) 🛡


Are you looking for that one gamer who is larger than life, full of energy, and wants to be YOUR shield?

Are you looking for that GLORIOUS Tank main who will dedicate himself as a shotcaller with WInston or D.Va when he sees dps players picking tracer or genji? Will announce when he pushing up with his shield with Reinhardt. Will announce when his shield is going down (so you don’t get picked). Will respond to the flankers when his supports call them out. Will make sweet SWEET love to objective. Will even be willing to flex into support if needed. Will take the iniative and communicate effective strategy on maps. Will announce ult combos, call for resets, call for pushes, organize ult combos by telling some teammates to hold onto theirs for the next fight so you have something for the next push.

Well MY FRIENDS!!! YOU ARE IN LUCK! You have found me! RichC!!! I live to to shield, I love to lead! I will not only play my hardest, but I will also be friendly and compliment people on great plays! I will help turn that frown upside down :upside_down_face: when things aren’t going well to keep team moral up!

But here is the kicker. My gaming window is smaller than most:
M-F 10:20am - 1:00pm Pacific Standard Time (NA Server).

So if you are looking to have a few hours of fun with this tank main, let me know.

And for those of you who want to know what it’s like to game with me! You are in luck!!! I have footage of me playing! This should help you decide if you want to join me in my Crusade!

This is a support player who has gamed with me and made a video of his experience.

Short video of me comboing Earthshatters with teammates

Well my friend! If you made it this far, and you wish to join me for GLORY (and our hours line up)! Please leave a reply to this thread! If not, I will see you in queue, hopefully on your team and not on the enemies team :slight_smile:


Just finished watching all the videos. Can’t wait for rein to haunt my suggestion feed until I die.

Anyway, great post and I blanketly agree with all of it.

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lol you couldn’t have watched all those videos, I had only made my post for less than a minute before you replied :smiley:

The videos are simply there to help someone decide if they feel like we would match as teammates. To make it easier to decide

I agree!

(12 characters)

Still looking to shield someone :blush:

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I’d be honored to stand behind your shield.

I’d play with you Rich if your schedule was more flexible! Don’t play at all on the weekends?

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I go 2 day 30+mile hiking/hammock camping every weekend. Or I’m with family. I know, I have a weird schedule. Sometimes I play in the evenings.

I would love to play with you! My battletag is TrashenOne#5445 so add me if you wanna duo with me ^-^.

Oops! I accidentally sent my discord name, here is my real battletag : TrashenOne#1427.

Still looking for people to play with! :rofl::beer:


RichC, I saw your post on the general discussion. I will be your Ana/Mercy/Support/Flex but I love a good Rein where I can Ana efficiently.

I usually open at my job so I’m home around the time you are available! Tomorrow I will not be, but Wednesday and Thursday, I will be available mostly in your time slot this week :slight_smile: Friday I’ll be recovering from a surgery so I won’t be able to join you on that day.

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Okay! Awesome! Thank you! I too might not be on tomorrow because I have lots of work meetings I need to attend, but I will be on Wednesday too. Send me a Friend Request!


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I am in. I am a tank main too but haveing a brother who knows what he is doing is someone i want to fight side by side!

So an update after 20days.
I’m happy I made this thread. It was a success, I’ve manage to play with a regular group of plat players and we are just kicking some serious butt. We don’t win every game, but even the games we lose, we still have a lot of fun because we fought hard and they are close battles.

But of course, we are always looking to expand our friends list to include more people, especially when some of our newly aquirred teammates can’t log on to play.

If you want a fun team of plat players who enjoy covering all bases of a team comp, let us know. We are always looking for more Hanzo players, flex players.

THIS is our team in action!


I actually checked out your YouTube channel, good stuff. I like it anyway.

Keep up the good work :slight_smile:

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I wish I could have few friends to play with in High Master competitive.
At this rank it looks like everybody wants to have a real team with scrims etc…

I would be honored to be added to your friends list, I do have people I play with to this day but as you said they are not always up for OW or around. Also we are always looking for friendly groups of people to practice with and against.


I’d love to try and play with you sometime!
I don’t play often (maybe once or twice a week), and I rarely if ever use VC. I one trick Moira or Brigitte.
You seem like a really cool guy! :smiley:

Yo Rich, I’m always down to play games with you.