Why I Stopped Loving Multiplayer Games

But its community is also stupidly stubborn. Like really stubborn. Any sane community would of left it after they basically let bots ruin the game

This comment deserves more likes. I think it is why having a team in ow is such a love/hate kind of thing. Some games your team works together and it feels great. But just as often if feels like the reliance on teamwork is a hindrance. They need to find the sweet spot in the middle.

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Incidentally I was reviewing an old post and thought this was funny.

[OW2] Mercy should get a "LifeSteal"

I stopped loving them because being berated over a video game really gets old after years and years.

…unsure how many businesses you own and operate but, generally the goal of business is to maximize profits, not just make ‘some’ money and accept that whilst your competitors employ better methods to earn more money…? :thinking:

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If I had noticed that post, I probably would have said it was a bad idea since it makes her self healing reliant on having injured teammates and therefore dependent more on her enemies and allies tgan anything Mercy is doing. Just like it is now.

Course, that could be pretty easily fixed by just being like “Hey, if Mercy’s heal beam is on anybody she’s healing for 12 HPS, double in Valk.”

It is interesting that you posted something that they ended up adding though.

Let me guess, you wouldn’t say the same about real sports?

The fallacy is to expect that random people will want to play the same way. For team-based games like OW, it needs a server browser as the main way to play so you can potentially find people you can consistently play against. For a team-based game, the best way to have fun is to have a team you can actually work with. A quickplay system and a game like Overwatch are completely incompatible.

I’d be more excited if I just didn’t like Arcsys that much anymore.

Progression is fun. That’s a fact. And people like individuality. That’s fun. What better way to show off your progression and individuality than in-game cosmetics and items? Taking them away just takes away a huge incentive to play games.

No, you don’t NEED them, but there’s only so much of playing the same game over and over again before it gets stale. The ability to unlock items and cosmetics makes a game’s longevity way more fun. Plus, people tend to like your game more if you are rewarded for playing the game.

No, because in real sports, you usually are playing with the same people over and over. It’s different because you have friends to play with. People are usually toxic to randoms. If Overwatch actually incentivized finding a group to consistently play with and gave in-game ways to do that, then this wouldn’t nearly be a problem.

And this is the issue with modern businesses. There’s a difference between maximizing profits and blatant exploitation. Businesses would have no issues killing their employees if it were profitable. There has to be a limit to what a business can do before it’s considered unethical.

We won’t let a bunch of malicious kids ruin our fun.

Plus, there’s no other game quite like it. The age where games were designed with fun as the main focus is gone. Now, everything has to be an esport.


So you’ve never watched a game of British professional football.

Players literally screaming at their own teammates, players getting into fights with the other team, fans making racist comments towards players and yet somehow real sports doesn’t generate toxicity.

Not to mention the amount of fights and assaults that take place over the results of a football game.

That’s to be expected from Britain.

I dont think this is e-sports in particular, but just PVP in general.

That doesn’t disprove my point?

It’s happens in any football game in any country. It’s not about whether the game is on a screen or in-person, it’s about competition and the toxicity that alone generates.

MMR is bad because it forces steamrolls. There has never been an MMR system I’ve seen where you can consistently get close games. They’re almost always steamrolls…every…damn…game.

I’ll argue that professional teams aren’t exactly playing for fun. They’re playing for money. There’s a lot more at stake than bragging rights.

And so are e-sports players.

But their fans aren’t playing for money? Real sports causes them to be toxic and violent, just like e-sports causes players to be toxic.

…all purchases in OW2 are cosmetic and optional…unsure how I’m being exploited by being given an optional purchase I’m free to ignore whilst being provided a AAA game that is F2P exactly…? :thinking:

They’re exploiting psychology to maximize profits (which alone imo should be grounds to have a business forcefully shut down until their leaders are replaced). Humans love progression and individuality. Nobody likes being an average joe. They like to express themselves through their in-game characters. A bad combination when it comes to buyable cosmetics.

What better way than to show off your progression through in-game items and cosmetics. But what if you made that progression so, so long that the player begins to get bored? What then? Well, that’s when you offer to speed it up in exchange for cold, hard cash. And it’s a lot of cash too. Eventually, most normal people will cave because they feel like in order to feel the dopamine rush of individuality, they need to express themselves through those cosmetics.

That’s why I hate these microtransaction systems so much. They’re so underhandedly manipulative and disgusting to me. They’re unethical and should be flat-out illegal.

I agree with most of your post, but not this^ take… I have a blast with the team work in this game, it was what drew me to OW in the first place.

I think the problem blizzard never anticipated is that no one wants to make friends with other players anymore. Yes I know, there are good reasons to not want to, but there are also a lot of great people to meet and play with. As long as I’m playing with friends, I’m always enjoying this game win or lose.

They never created the tool. Friendship and quickplay systems are completely incompatible. The game NEEDS a server browser as the main way to play if they want to push this level of teamwork. It needs a way to consistently find groups of decent people with the same goals as you.

Then feel free to leave. Multiplayer games are better than ever before because instead of having a static game we now have games that are constantly being updated with new content and gameplay tweaks to keep them fresh.

No one is playing Quake 3 or Unreal 2004 or Halo 2 anymore.

I don’t know if a server browser is strictly necessary… though it would work. A robust clan system and not bumping up mmr for groups might be enough… but those features don’t exist either.