Why I Stopped Loving Multiplayer Games

This game pretty much sums up every single gripe I have with OW2 and even some of OW1’s later days.

The previous model companies was perfectly sustainable. If you corporate shills and business majors (who almost certainly let greed run their lives) used your honesty for two seconds, you’d agree with me.

Season passes can burn in hell, and this pretty much summed up every single bit I hate about them. I hate things that turn a game into a second job. I hate things that force me to play in ways I don’t want because I gotta complete a challenge. Let me have my fun. That is the SINGLE purpose of a game.

Esports was nothing but cancer for games in general, and Overwatch is no exception. It creates toxic tryhards who want to be the next Kephrii or whatever. Not only that, but it creates a terrible balance philosophy for games. I’ll also add how they effectively killed off in-game communities by deleting community servers in favor of quickplay systems.

I’m sorry, but having an over-reliance on teamwork is a terrible idea for a video GAME. It means that your efforts are worthless. That’s a terrible design for a game. There is nothing fun about my performance being reliant on people knowing how to use WASD.


Y’know today I realized I don’t play overwatch for fun anymore, it’s just for the Kiriko skin that I really liked on the battle pass. I think I’m just going to go install Fallout New Vegas and quit OW2



Thanks, I needed a good laugh today.


YES may Atom’s wisdom guide your way


Teamwork should enhance gameplay, not require it to play.


If you think it wasnt all you needed to do was to look at the mirror :clown_face:


Wishlist Wayfinder on Steam if it seems interesting to you. It’s coming out soon and it’s a PvE game. I’m looking forward to playing it.


Absolutely agreed. Mechanical skill should actually mean something.


It means a lot. You just also require good/decent teamwork for mechanical skill to matter.

Which, flat-out, is poorly-thought out game design. Most people don’t like their ability to perform rely on something as unreliable as other people. Most normal people don’t enjoy essentially being a cog in a machine.


Thank you for adding absolutely nothing to the discussion. Why do you people even bother responding.

I absolutely agree. It’s crazy how devs think it’s “fun” to not have any solo impact or individual skill and be complete reliant and pray your team does their job. That’s how you know they don’t even play games. You’re only as good as your team, why do devs think thats fun for players.
I’m not saying teamwork SHOULDN’T exist, it shouldn’t be an absolute requirement. Teamwork should and always will be stronger. Before someone tells me “Then stop playing ow” I did


Agreed. This is why I’ve always hated dive metas. It’s not about mechanical skill, every game is a teamwork gap, and most of your deaths are physically unavoidable unless your team works together better.


Pretentious and over narrated video. You might have a point, but the presentation is going to turn people off and ultimately undermine real progress or discussion on the topic.

There are thousands of videos just like this all ready, and none of them have accomplished anything.

It’s YouTube. Pretentious and over narrated is like the default.


In the end it was always Kotick’s greed.

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The battelpass is so hilarious bad it is not even worth grinding.

As for the gameplay the matchmaking is the biggest game killer atm. there isn’t even a single match that isn’t one sided. It is just impossible to have any fun with it


You do not have to participate in season passes for cosmetics that don’t affect gameplay at all.

I agree with the Esports being cancerous. Nobody should get paid to play games, sorry not sorry.

Some games don’t require teamwork, some games do. OW, technically you can solo if you’re THAT good.

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This is more of an issue with EVERY SINGLE game company too…

No, but it objectively makes the game far less fun. Cosmetics provide incentive to keep playing.

Almost every single new multiplayer shooter game these days do. It’s getting irritating. Also no you can’t. There’s too much bullcrap in this game for one person to deal with if you’re anywhere above gold. If sustain weren’t so high, it wouldn’t be so bad.


i think he is right about communities in games. i remember way back in early 2000s on xbox live everybody having a good time. their was proximity chat in most games and yea people were toxic back then too but for some reason you would make friends more in those earlier games. early wow is were i had tons of friends but later in expansions that started to deteriorate due to the developers getting rid of social interactions. transporting you to dungeons and lfg.

games are different than the old days but maybe im just an old fogie


Bro, cosmetics are not my reason to keep playing nor should it be anyone’s, lol what the hell you can’t even see it majority of the time.

I play because the game is fun and challenging. This is why I believe the talent tree should be integrated into PvP, because one tricking is honestly the best way to play the game. Trying to get my main hero to overcome every obstacle, and succeeding, is my incentive to keep playing tbh.