Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

PTR is truly irrelevant. I mean mercy mains took to the PTR forums saying that her rework was brokenly overpowered yet it was released unchanged nontheless. PTR testing does nothing unless you are a pro


Same thing happened with bastions og ironclad that came to live and wrecked havoc for like a week wasn’t it?
:frowning: Its unfortunate

Bump! Bump! Bump! :smiley: :smiley:

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As long as she loses all I-Frames, thats fine.

‘Lets break it dow…’ dies lost all ult charge

That would a thing with cast time.

The issue really came about when they gave Mercy i-frames on GA. Remove those, and we are talking.

So you mean that Mercy was able to use res during GA? As many said, Mass Res with invulnerability would have been no issue if it had a fluid cast time.
The fact that it had no preemptive counetr play was more or less the only problem.



Some people will never understand. :woman_facepalming:t3:

There used to be a point, early after release where ‘shoot the mercy’ was a viable option. At some point she was buffed to provide invulnerability frames, where she cannot be killed during GA and Rez.

That was the point where she was ‘broken’.

Or maybe its been 2 years and that wasnt the case? :smiley:

There never were any invulnerability frames on GA. Invulnerability was added to Resurrect, but never to GA.


Are we sure on that? I’ll have to go look, but I remember some seriously weird clips with GA…

Then those could be explained by latency/hitbox irregularities or outright bugs; Mercy never actually received invulnerability on GA.


Unfortunately I think the devs are gonna leave her in this state. They only want her to not be a must pick and call it a day :frowning: They’re probably gonna leave her like this for a very long time…

Well like I’m gonna say to every thread I see now…they’re working on a Torbjorn rework at the moment…we have no idea how long it’ll really take so you’re not going to instantly get what you need a week after this post, I’d say when they finish the Torb rework they’ll probably choose another character to work on…atm Im hoping they choose Bastion but they may just do Mercy with the demands…so be patient and wait until they aren’t working on another hero <3 people who don’t wanna see FIX _________ NOW!!! THEY SUCK , my opinion rn also how about that torb rework…anything could happen lul

Then I guess they’ll have to deal with us on the forums for a very long time.


Did you actually read the post or are you spamming this everywhere?

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Well i read the post and honestly I agree with it, though I’m brinign it up since it’s a point that some people seem to forget and get really mad when Blizzard doesn’t instantly talk about an issue like reverting Mercy. It’s just a reminder of how we should think about things, and hoenstly this is the best post about Mercy even though I’d do some different changes for a more balanced reverted Mercy with the recent changes and stuff but its good

This is a rework.

As 2.0 clearly isn’t working out and mercy’s main kit is now suffering because of said 2.0 rework.

and we all know torbjorns being reworked, its been common knowledge for quite awhile now.


Wrote comments on the proposed solution when it was mentioned in another thread; crossposting here:

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