How Mass rez was more fun than now and if it was even healthy

She was underpowered, dude. That’s why they continually buffed her. Because she was underpowered until her final buff of invincibility.

You’re welcome to believe that mass rez is broken or whatever but Mercy was not by any means OP back then lol

This also made her not OP because it was a “I gave my life for you” playstyle often times before that.With LoS this would be fine.

This is the myth, actually. Mercy was observably outperformed by Lucio before his rework, outperformed by Ana when she was meta, and still only comparable to them (worse in higher ranks) after Mercy was buffed and Ana was nerfed.

Keep telling that to yourself m8 :kissing_closed_eyes:

And the only reason zen was bad back then was because widow had her 150 body shot and zen and 150 HP…

I do agree with most of Titanium’s analysis in the thread but don’t quite agree with all of the solution. For pacify I’m worried about it making breakpoints unpredictable. As for this iteration of mass rez, well cast time failed to balance current rez, and still requires the same comps, positions, and getting lucky with covering the right approach that were required to deal with 1.0. It also has the same undue decisiveness as 1.0, except that the heightened risk of death makes the outcome even more unpredictable and that was already a problem. I also don’t see risk as a sufficient deterrent to waiting for a 4/5 man rez, and doesn’t address how counterintuitive optimal tempo rezzes are; if it were hide and rez would have never become a meme. And much like 1.0, these problems are independent of balance.

That said I really like the 150HP burst heal and being able to use it without dead allies, and would focus on capping the number of players rezzed in exchange for no cast time, and fine tuning with ult charge rate.

Also imo a fast and fluid character should not have an ability that slows them down, let alone an ult, but that’s less of a problem and more of a personal gripe.


You can ask him about it on the thread he made. He will reply ASAP.

Yeah I just crossposted it there.

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This is another one i’m kinda sick of seeing;

  1. D.vas DM has a delay so ults like dragon strike or deployables can go off before she eats them a smart has to preemptivly put it on and now with the reduction time if she does it too soon she will use up all her DM and they can get they’re ult off.
  2. Zenyatta’s doesn’t save them against all attacks you can out dps his healing with oneshot (natural or boosted) primary fire, knocking or pulling them out of his radius or moves like dragonstrike where the constant damage overpowered his constant healing.
  3. Lucio requires near perfect timing for everyone to survive with near full hp, he can be stunned and lose his ult, or pushed away from his team either getting no one or someone will die.

Dragon stated he can’t think of any other hero that DOESN’T have a big weakness, the only weakness mass ress in the past had was if you weren’t in that overly large area you didn’t get rezzed but in a game like overwatch only flankers or people not really working with there team would be in that predicament. and for the record yes mass ress had the same radius as lucios ult however lucio had windup and left him vulnerable to moves like concussion blast to know him very far.

most cases of tempo rez was single target but that doesn’t mean all cases of single target are tempo rez

like the most percentage of tempo rez would be 15% (just an example probably not actual percentage) and single target rezzing would have that 85% of the time for single target rez is not tempo rez but multi target tempo rez would be less than 15%

that’s like asking a convicted criminal to admit to his crimes

Weirdly, I used to think (a year ago) that tempo rezzes were anything below 3 man resses. :joy:

I was asking him simply because I knew that he wouldn’t have any proof.

well he never stated that devs saying that buuuuut given how updates have been it’s more likely mercy would get another ult than reverting back to mass rezz.

Who knows at this point…

That is if they died. Mercy wouldn’t get a shine moment but Good Mercys wouldn’t say go die on point. They will heal till they can see he enemeis are breaking thru her heal, so she takes cover for 1-2 sec and people instantly say “UGH HIDEN RES”. Like what am I supposed to do? Face tank the zarya grav or rein shatter?

If mass res was more risky like deadeye, it would have been better.

It’s like making Mcree intantly lock on, be invincible, and do max damage as soon as he pushes the button. Draw back would be range.

Mass res needed to be more risky and stoppable during the act, not after.

Making her invincible was when things went downhill.

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This is why I always plea for damage reduction :stuck_out_tongue:

See, why couldn’t Blizz think of that.

Making anyone other then zen stay invincible when utling is weird lol😂

If someone told me that a character had the ability to raise 5 players Instantly, and had the mobility to do so, and became invincible while doing it, I would have never believed it.

(Good to see you Widow):heart:

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That’s pretty much what bothered me about mass resurrect.

With every other ultimate in the game:

  • You could kill the hero before they used it
  • You could kill the hero while they were using it
  • You could kill the hero right after they used it

With Mercy:

  • You could kill the hero before they used it
  • You could kill the hero after she used it and invulnerability worn off

…but you couldn’t stop it during. It had no cast time…it was instant.

I never like the, “The counter to Mercy was killing her” because that’s simply applicable to every other hero in the game. Most of the arguments that people gave for countering mass resurrect is not exclusive to it. Every other hero has the same counter. You had less ways of stopping Mercy with such a powerful ultimate than you did with other heroes, though, and that’s the discrepancy that I couldn’t get over.

No ways to stop Mercy during her ult + instant cast time + Mercy being invulnerable during and for a few seconds after + No LOS restrictions = far less counterplay than any other hero. Even Zenyatta’s Transcendence has more counter to it because you can Biotic Grenade his teammates. You couldn’t stop resurrect.

And I also think hide-and-mass resurrect was actually far more popular than people keep saying. Popular streamers like Animetic and EeveeA would do it all the time. I would get yelled at to hide with resurrect as Mercy, I would have our Mercy tell us to die on point…etc.

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